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Everything posted by Gordio

  1. Where the hell were you when I got married at the age of 29. I could of used that advice at the time.
  2. Don't let that get you down. Go for a porker then. Remember fat women need love too. & if something ever happened to my wife or I got divorced I am about 99% sure that I would never get into another serious relationship. I have 2 beautiful kids, it would be nice not answering to someone every night. I would enjoy the freedom & probably become a degenerate achoholic & try to become a professional gambler. Man that would be a fun life.
  3. This is our 2nd house. The first house we bought when we first got married was a great house. We bought it in the village of lancaster. Small colonial. Got right before the market went up & we got it for a great price. Had kids, wife wanted something bigger so we packed our bags & moved about 3 miles down the road into the outer edge of town. It is a good house, bigger, has an inground pool which is nice & nice back yard where my son & I made a pretty sweet wifle ball diamond. I like it, I don't like the mortgage payment. It is double of what I was paying at the first house. The third year I was there they reassessed my house & my taxes nearly doubled of what I was paying when I first bought the house.
  4. I will 3rd this. It used to be such a favorite. MY friends & I would go golfing in the morning, get back at the house, get a keg, grill out, play cards. It was an awesome day. I usually watch very little of the draft now which is to say I will flip it on when the bills pick is up. With that being said most of my friends & I have our sons in travel hockey/baseball which leaves very little time for stuff like this in the early spring so not sure if the tradition would still of continued even if the 1st couple rounds were on Saturday.
  5. It has crossed my mind once or twice. But remember that was the first super bowl so they did have plenty of success after that for the rest of the 90's. Benching Flutie imo started the curse & it will never be rectified unless we put him on the wall of fame & also build a statue of him right next to the statue that they are going to build of Ralph.
  6. I was a senior in high school the first super bowl. I remember it like it was a yesterday. My parents had a big super bowl party. There were a ton of people at my house. My dad & his best friend were in a super bowl pool where the winner of the final score won $15K. To win they needed Norwood to miss the kick. The only 3 people in the whole party that knew about this was me, my dad & his friend. My dad told me his numbers earlier that week. So when everybody was huddled around the TV for the kick, I looked over & my dad & his friend were just hanging in the back of the hall. When Norwood missed it there were bottles thrown, swearing,& utter disbelief & as I looked over the party some of my uncles were actually crying & then I looked out the back window & my dad & his friend were in the back yard hugging each other dancing around the yard. To this day, I really don't know if anybody besides my mom & me knew that that missed kick won my dad & his friend $15K.
  7. Yep I hear ya, I just don't think it is very smart business to run a team this way. The Saints are not going to be good with or without Brees. Might as well blow the whole thing up & start stockpiling the draft picks. I know fans don't want to hear that & it is painful but in the Saints case I think it really makes sense especially considering what a sellers market it is for QBs right now.
  8. You think that would sit well with the other guys in the lockerroom when your star QB comes in on helicopter to practice every morning on the team's dime?
  9. I dont agree with this. You guys are talking like these guys are just entering the prime of their careers. Eli/Ben/Rivers have been in the league now going on 12 years & Brees has been in the league for 15 years I believe. How much longer do you think these guys are going to be playing at a high level. I believe it is down right foolish for teams like New Orleans & the Giants not to entertain offers this year for Eli/Brees. Neither team is going anywhere with or without their QBS so imo they might as well get the 1 or 2 first round picks that some team will be foolish enough to throw at them while they still can. & for a financially strapped team like the Saints, wouldn't it make sense to shed Brees' $20 million salary this year? It is very short sighted of these teams to not even entertain offers for their franchise Qbs imo.
  10. Harry Dunne - I thought the Rockies would be a little bit more rockier then this. Lloyd Christmas - Yeah that John Denver is full of sh&t man.
  11. Not sure who they will take but whoever it is the Browns will probably F it up like they usually do. One of the few teams in the league over the last 15 years that has actually been more poorly run then the Bills.
  12. It wasn't just a hit either. Sapp left his feet. Clifton is lucky he wasn't permanently in a wheel chair after that hit. Like I said one of the most classless Dbag moves I ever seen on a football field.
  13. Why don't you just find a good local bookie to hold your action? What the hell are you guys doing out there in California?
  14. Just 2 questions. Why would you think the Jets/Oakland game is going to be a good one? There 2 of the worst teams in the league. 2nd nice Avatar, how did you not get suspended for that. I made one little snide comment about Graham about 5 years ago & got suspended for a year. There is noway it will be 5.5 or 6. It will be ope 3 or under and probably be about even by gametime.
  15. If we are going to be the big bad team everybody thinks we are going to be you win games like that at home. Stop pissing & moaning it is a fair schedule.
  16. He probably meant 16 hours each day but that is funny. It reminds me of Dumb & Dumber. "Man there is just nothing out there unless you want to work 40 hours a week."
  17. I remember that. One of the most classless things I ever seen on a football field & totally unnecasary. The cherry on top was when he challenged Sherman to a fight & told him to put a jersey on when Sherman confronted him on the field after the game.
  18. Take it easy Alice. There is a decent possibility that Jackson does get cut in training camp. Don't be surprise if he does.
  19. I liked Joe B. Never understood the harsh critics of him on this board. I like Sal too though. I think he was the logical choice.
  20. I never saw Sestak play but anybody that thinks he was better then Bruce Smith is delusional.
  21. It was a different time back then too. There was no internet, no cell phones. From what I hear the local reporters & the players on road trips would go out and hang out for beers at the same bars after games. Now it seems these athletes have been conditioned to look at the media like the evil emprie. Sometimes with good reason.
  22. You will never hear a vet say a bad word about Rex because they know Rex has their back. I got the sense last year some of the players did not trust/like Marrone. To Marrone's credit he still got the team playing hard most Sundays. I will be very surprised if they don't make the playoffs this year & this is the first offseason I have said that since Bledsoe's second year here. Hopefully this year turns out better.
  23. Not sure about that. Marrone has got a lot of competition for that honor.
  24. I could definately see that. These athletes look down on reporters knowing most of them never played sports at a high level. You ever watch that ESPN Clip where the reporter is asking this guy for the Cowboys(forget his name) a question that the Cowboy didn't like. The Cowboy then asks "have you ever played sports at a high level" & the reporter says "Yeah I played in junior high" & then the Cowboy player says "junior high Oh my god your parents must be so proud." It was actually kind of funny.
  25. You do get a discount though. If I would by same exact seats for all 8 games on an individual basis it would cost me like $140 more for the 8 games then if I just bought season tickets. So basically by purchasing a season ticket your getting the 2 preseason games for free. I mean I don't go to the preseason games so I am not enjoying that benefit but it is a myth that the Bills charge full price for season tickets.
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