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Everything posted by Gordio

  1. I liked Hundley coming out of UCLA but the one thing that scares me with him is that something like 90% of his passes that he threw last year only traveled 10 yards or less. He is the defination of a dink & dunk passer. Far different from Rodgers. Maybe he could learn how to get the ball downfield playing behind Rodgers.
  2. Fair enough, but keep in mind some of these sellouts are artificial sellouts meaning the team buys up the tickets or they sell the tickets at an fairly generous discount. Heck the Bills have done this in the past. Brandon has admitted as much. I know the NFL is a TV revenue generated league, but the league should be at least a bit concerned that the younger generation, the generation that is going to have to support the NFL when our generations time has run it's course, most of the fans will go their entire lifetime without being at a game live. I think that is a legit concern of the league.
  3. Yeah, don't be so sure about that. Things change, things go in cycles. I read somewhere by 2025 of all NFL fans only 10-15% of them will have actually attended a NFL game. The NFL is pricing a lot of the fans right out of the stadium. You could nake an arguement that the NFL is a TV driven league now & you would be right but that stat should raise at least a few eyebrows in the league offices.
  4. I don't know if it is the worst league in the world but it is definately the most greedy. I honeslty think that the NFL's greed, arrogance & their endless pursuit for every last dollar could eventually be the reason for the league's demise.
  5. I feel your pain. When our 2nd child our daughter was born I wanted to name her Shea after Shea Stadium, which was in it's last season before the Mets were going to play in their new ball park. My wife kind of compromised & agreed to have that as her middle name. Stick to your guns & divorce her if you have to. It will be worth the thousands of dollars in attorney fees & child support you will pay over the next 21 years just so you could proudly call your son Kyle. This is a no no. Non negotiable the child takes the dad's last name. When we were getting married my wife wanted to hyphenate her last name. I told her if my name alone wasn't good enough for her then neither was I. Oddly enough she actually did show up for the wedding.
  6. Your right about the Reed penalty. I will state this, there is not a QB in the league that doesn't fumble the ball on the hit that Armstrong laid on Flutie on that final drive.
  7. Tell that to fans of other teams that have had franchise QBS over the last 15 years or so. Biggest myth around here. True Franchise QBs certainly do win games for teams.
  8. Flutie was an average QB, especially his last year as a full time starter in Buffalo, but Johnson was a below average QB. This is a fact. There is no arguing this. Flutie plays in the Titans game we win going away. Also, that Miami game the year before, Flutie was careless with the ball that day, but he made throws/plays in that game that RoJo couldn't make in his dreams. Didn't Flutie throw for like 400 yards that day? The real goat in that game was Andre Reed & that stupid penalty he took on the final drive.
  9. Bit dramatic aren't we? It wasn't one of his worst moves ever. We traded a 4th for him big deal if he doesn't work out. His worst move ever was probably drafting Manuel.
  10. I would give the 49ers every one of our draft picks next year for Kaep. Yeah Yeah I know he struggled last year. I got the sense that organization had a bunch of problems going on right from the top with the power struggle between coach & GM. Kaep is a special talent. Need to alter the offense for him but you put him on this team & we are the super bowl favorite going into September.
  11. That is one the biggest myths out there. I think he passed for a whopping 62 yards before that final drive. Plus he got sacked numerous times & cost us a safety. Flutie plays in that game we win going away.
  12. Dumb question but why would you be friends with a person like that? That is one of the scariest stories I have ever read on this board.
  13. I think your wrong. The AFC as a whole conference probably was better but the NFC always had 2 top tier teams that had to go thru each other to get to the Super Bowl. SF was there as they were the heavy favorite to beat the giants. Don't forget SF was a top tier team back then & got beat by the Cowboys in back to back NFC championship games. They were in the NFC championship game 4 out of 5 years losing 3 of them before finally breaking thru in 95 against the Cowboys at the stick.
  14. When did you expect them to release it, 4th of July weekend? I always thought this would be a great 30 for 30. I personally can not wait to see it. I got to be honest I thought the AFC was pretty weak back then. We had Miami's number, Elway & the Broncos were strong & so was KC & Houston. The key was our division stunk though & we were pretty much guaranteed to go 7-1 at least in the division. Remember the Colts were in our division back then & they sucked. So did NE & the Jets. Split with Miami & take care of business against the rest of the teams & the BIlls were well on their way to home field advantage in 3 out of the 4 super bowls. Noone was beating us at Rich Stadium in January back then. I believe we won 18 in a row at home at one point in that run with the loss that ended the streak was a throwaway meaningless game against Barry Sanders and the Lions the last game of the season. Those championship games against Denver & KC probably turn out differently if the games are played in Mile High & Arrowhead as well as the Houston game if it was played in the Astrodome. It was all about home field advantage back then & the Bills always had the easiest track to it. Remember the Bills were 9-0 in playoff games at home until they lost to Jacksonville in Kelly's last game.
  15. Wow that is pretty impressive you got thru a round of golf in those conditions. Dry heat or not thmat is still pretty hot!
  16. I hear ya. I once went to Vegas over Memorial Day weekend & the temps were well above 100 degrees. I walked out of the Mirage at 2am one night & there was a decent breeze. Felt like a hair dryer was blowing right on you.
  17. In a perfect world I would love to retire & move to Las Vegas. Throw my full energy into capping games & making extra money that way. Realisticly though, my wife would never move to Vegas. Not one of her favorite places. I will probably follow wherever my kids go. If they stay in WNY I will happily stay here. If they go somewhere else I will go where they go. If I do stay in WNY 2 things will happen though. I will need to downsize on my house as I doubt I could afford the taxes of my current house on my retirement income & I will definately get the f*ck out of here for the the months of January/Feb and go somewhere warm for those 2 months.
  18. The win will count in the standings & give us a leg up in the early season against our main competitors. With that being said, Roger does not have enough hair on his balls to suspend the golden boy to start the season. Not a chance that happens.
  19. I think you hit the nail on the head. They will never admit this but it is Taylor's job to lose. I honeslty think they got a better version of Kap with TT. Training camp should be interesting.
  20. I posted this a few weeks ago but I was at a birthday & member of the Bills was there & he said Rex loves Taylor. Said he wouldn't be surprised at all if he is the opening day starter. Everybody assumes it is going to be Cassel but I just think that they want a mobile QB for some of the stuff they want to do.
  21. I am no legal expert but isn't this kind of a breach of client confidentialty coming on a message board & telling us this? In La Woods can go to a bar & probably noone even recognizes him. In Buffalo a much different story. Smalls towns could be good sometimes but have their downsides also.
  22. I hear ya on this & it is the smart play but your compromising having fun when you are in the prime of your life. Life is short man, you could save all this money & drop dead of a heart attack when your 48 years old like this guy at work just did. Like I said, I put in what I can to my 401K but I am not going to let it compromise my lifestyle now. I enjoy playing golf every weekend, going on vacation with my family, watching my son play travel sports, getting Bills season tickets. I think there is a happy mediam somewhere in how much you save. Who wants to be a millionaire when your 80 years old anyways & too old to enjoy it.
  23. I agree with this & you certainly know more about this then I do but what is someone suppose to do. You want to give your kids a good life, have them live in a nice house grow up with things you didn't have. It is a different world now then when we were growing up. Everything that kids are into as far as Ipads etc.... are 3-4 hundred bucks minimum. My son needs braces, the dentist just quoted me $3 grand. I know kids are spoiled now a days but that is the way it is. Just in my son's travel sports this year I will drop close to $5 grand. It is different though. If your kid is serious about sports there is noway he/she could compete when they get into highschool unless they are introduced to trale when they are at a young age. I put in 10% for my 401K & my company kicks in 6% & I am set to get $1,000 per month on a pension from my old job(not sure when that kicks in, I believe 65) & hopefully SS won't go down too much. I know it probably won't be enough & I will probably end up working to I am 70 but not much more I could do so I don't really worry about it. Guess some people like me are just going to adjust there lifestyle once retired. I do plan on carrying no debt by the time I am 52(I am 42 now). That is when my house is paid off.
  24. Got fired once from the Burger King I worked at when I was a junior in high school. This District Manager who use to come in once a week to check on things for some reason didn't like me. Alright I was kind of a wise ass back then. So one day he told me I wasn't making the burgers right so I told him do it himself. He then said "for a quarter I would take you outside & kick your ass" I flipped him a quarter & said "lets go." He then told me to get out & don't come back. I got him back though. I slashed his tires a week later. Yeah I was kind of an idiot back then.
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