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Everything posted by Gordio

  1. Well I called back last week after nowhere with retention earlier this month. I told her to schedule my cancellation for August 1st. She then said what if I give you Sunday ticket for $160(4 payments of $40 each) & $10 off a month for the next 12 months. I said okay. But now reading this I think I am going to call back & ask for Sunday ticket free & threaten to cancel. Worth a shot I guess.
  2. I understand & yes in the grand scheme of things I really don't have a leg to stand on. It still hurts though. I am actually more disgusted in my brother in law & his ahole wife. Thanks for the advice. I will try this. I appreciate it. ONe question if they don't do I just call & say I don't want to cancel before the 2 weeks is up?
  3. Called yesterday. First got customer service, she said they couldn't do anything. I then called back & got retention. Guy wasn't willing to budge either. He actually told me we have given it to you for free since 2009, don't you think this year you should pay for it. I then asked what is my buyout for the remainder of my contract. Said your locked into 2017 it is going to be $360. I then said well time warner offered me a $300 credit to switch over(I made that up) so maybe I will cancel. He said, "when do you want me to schedule your cancellation." I said let me think about. Guy was a total dick. I guess I went to the well one too many times. So it will cost me $250 for basic ST. So then I get even more pissed. I call my cheapskate brother in law, who comes over my house every Sunday in the fall eats all my food, drinks all my beer(even when I am not there as I got season tickets & usually go to 5-6 games per year) & ask him there not giving me a deal why don't we go haves on it. Being the kitty that he is he says sounds great but I got to ask my wife. His wife being the total B word that she is said absolutely not. At this point I am just going to probably cancel ST. It will be the first time I dont have it in probably 10 years. I am pretty disgusted.
  4. I got the baseball season free 2 years ago. Loved it. But they wouldn't give it to me for any discount last year. After today I am off until the end of July so I will be calling next week for sure. These sound like some very good deals that people have gotten.
  5. My claim to fame is I have never tried a bowl of soup or have eaten an egg.
  6. When I was in high school I used to work at Burger King & I would always laugh my a** off when people would do that. I felt like saying "come on man, your taking in 1,500 calories with the Whopper/Large Fries/extra Mayo another 150 calories in the regular coke is not going to kill ya."
  7. just tell them so & so has offered you a $400 credit to come over. That usually works for me.
  8. Spot on Deano. One thing stuck out to me. Laetner's sister said, "why did people hate him, because he was good at what he does?" No people hated him because he was a first class grade A A-hole. Even his teammates didn't like him.
  9. Couldn't agree more. Player for player the Bills have a much more talented roster. The great equalizer is they have Luck & we don't. Should be a very good game.
  10. If your contract is up in July don't accept anything less then getting it for free. Make sure you get retention & just say I am going to shop around to see what else is out there. They will cave. I guaranty it. Your in a great spot with your contract coming up. You got all the leverage.
  11. Call back sometime in July, get to retention & tell them you called last month & the guy told me to call back in July & we should be able to give it to you for free. Act like it is a done deal & you just needed to call back to confirm. If they still won't budge & say "we have no record of this" then tell them "are you calling me a liar & ask what my buyout is if I would cancel now. Then when they tell you "well your under contract for 16 more months & it is going to cost you $300" say okay & then say because "so so is will to give me a $400 credit to come over & then say yeah I got to think about this & I may cancel. Once they hear that they have always have given me the ST for free. Sometimes I do not need to go this route as my contract will be up & they are more then willing to negotiate then. This year I think I may have to put some work in as I still have 15 months left on my contract. I have had ST for 12 years now & I think only 2 of the years I have paid half price. The other 10 years I have gotten it for free.
  12. Your totally wrong. If you leave by 4:15 you will be at the airport no later then 5. Park in lot 5 off of Southwestern. Make sure you go into the left side of the lot if your facing the stadium. Try to park as close as to the main road where you come in as possible. Once you get out of the parking lot (should only take at most 10 minutes if you do what I tell you. you will be at the airport within a half hour. I live right in Lancaster & we are home by 4:30 on most 1pm games.
  13. I was going to say the same thing. How the hell do you possibly know the exact height & weight of every girl you have dated over the last 10 years. Hell I have been married to my wife for 15 years & I bet I couldn't come within 15 pounds of guessing her weight.
  14. One of my best friends went to Pitt & he still has friends down in the burgh that he graduated with that follow that program very closely & the way you described him is exactly how my friend says he was at Pitt. With that being said, as previous poster mentioned, he is a top 5 back with a major chip on his shoulder. Once he rushes for 1500 yards & his in the discussion for league MVP, people will start to warm up to him around Bills nation.
  15. You make a lot of sense & I do hope your right. I would hate to see the talent on this team wasted because the QB position is costing us games.
  16. I will say this once again for the few people that still believe in EJ(Biscuit I am looking at you), Manuel was a total reach. For people that actually watch college football, he was not good in college. I know his record was good, I know he never lost in a bowl game. I don't care. The teams he played for a FSU were loaded & Fisher kept Manuel under wraps knowing that in most games the only way they were losing was if he allowed Manuel to lose the game for him. Watch their offense in EJ's last year at FSU & then compare to the offense Fisher was running the next year with Winston. it is like night & day. Winston has a chance to be a true franchise QB if he could keep his head on straight. Manuel will be out of the league in 3 years.
  17. Yeah when you got to makeup a rivalry you know the program is not going in a great direction. Uconn plays 1AA Villanova to open the season this year. They will lose that game. I guaranty it.
  18. I got to agree with you here. When I read that I kind of chuckled & said man we have been down for a long time if last year is considered a great season.
  19. They fired you for an honest mistake like that. Man tough place to work.
  20. Is it really that big of deal to say hi to the guy multiple times a day? You must be exhausted saying 6-7 hellos to your neighbor a day. I don't know how you have the energy to function for the remainder of the day.
  21. Your loyalty to Manuel is comendable but my guess is you never watched Manuel play in college. Better yet watch the offense FSU ran with Manuel then watch the offense a year later that FSU ran with Winston. Once you watch that you will see how little faith Fisher actually had in Manuel compared to Winston. Look EJ seems like a good kid, but his shortcomings in the NFL are the same shortcomings that he had in college & what is more concerning is I believe some of these shortcomings are not correctable such as accuracy. I honestly hope Manuel shines & he is the QB of the future for years to come but I just don't see that happening.
  22. I really don't think Cassel starts. He just can't physically do some of the things Roman wants to run. I said this a few times but I was talking to a current Bill a few months ago at a birthday party & he could not stop talking about how Ryan & Roman love Taylor. Wouldn't be surprised at all if he was their starter.
  23. I love how everybody dismisses Kap after his horrible year last year. I think everybody that is a bills fan would sign up for EJ having stats like Kap had last year. Fair enough, but to say EJ is more talented as a definitive is silly & a dumb statement imo. That book has not been written yet. It will in the next few years.
  24. This is where I am on EJ. His mechanics are horrible especially his footwork. If you have bad footwork like EJ does it is tough to overcome that, even with the tool set that Manuel posseses. His reads are poor & there slow. I am not sure this is correctable. I don't think Ryan and his staff have that kind of time. Agreed that the line & the poor coaching has not done Manuel any favors these past 2 years. I am just curious, why do you say EJ has more talent the Tannehill?
  25. I agree with you. So what they want to use it for booze. Like everybody they need an outlet too.
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