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Everything posted by Gordio

  1. Funny, I remember people saying the same thing about Losman when he was here. Losman never did anything after he was out of Buffalo. I expect the same fate for EJ. Wouldn't be surprised if he is out of the league in two years.
  2. Agreed, & I think you will see more of a slip this year. He was pretty rotten at least by his standards the last 4-6 games of last season.
  3. Comparing apples to oranges. Manning never overly relied on the strength of his arm, he always relied more on his mind. + there is no other QB that is as accurate in the history of the game the Manning from 20 yards & in. In addition, Kelly's football IQ is nowhere near Manning's football IQ. That is not a knock on JK either, it is just that Manning is that smart.
  4. Well no offense but your memory stinks. It was clear that last season there were certain throws he just couldn't make anymore, throws that you need to make to be a successful qb. I remember when they were out in SF on aSunday Night game at the stick & Theisman was openly questioning whether Kelly was hurt since his ball had no velocity on them. He tried a couple out patterns that night a skipped a couple at the receivers feet. His arm was pretty much shot when he retired. He got out at the right time imo.
  5. I am actually just the opposite. I am also getting up there in age. I love the tailgate, seeing friends I normally don't get see over the course of the year, grilling & throwing the football around with my son in the parking lot. I actually really don't enjoy going to the games anymore. I would rather watch the game in my basement, where I have easy access to a bathroom, not paying $9 for a beer, not having to fight traffic & I could set the other 2 tvs behind my bar to different games to see what is going around the NFL. If wasn't for my 11 year old son who loves going to the games I would probably give up my season tickets & just go to the tailgate. I only live about 15 minutes away from the stadium. In fact there are 2 games of right I know he can't go to because of sports this year(Giants & Dolphins) & I am going to sell those tickets & just go to the tailgate & have my wife pick me up at 12:45 to take me home.
  6. I am not trying to be a wiseguy here but why would you do this? I am assuming you have at least 2 other friends in the car. Your literally saving $3 bucks a guy. I don't think it is worth the effort to carry your whole tailgate just to save $10. Then you got to lug everything back to your car before you go in. Just pay the extra money & relax.
  7. I have had season tickets since 97 and this was probably only the third or 4th preaseason game I have been too. I get home from work all set to take my 6 year old daughter & she is in tears when I get home saying she hates football & doesn't want to go. So much for that idea, so I looked at my 11 year old son & said lets go. Only stayed a half so I can't really comment on the second half but here was my take. 1.) This T Taylor's game to lose. He is clearly going to be the front runner after tonight. Chevy phrased it perfect, he looks like young M Vick. You could tell he was just 2 steps faster than anybody on the field. He is going to miss some throws but it is not from a lack of arm strength, I hope he wins the job because... 2.) Cassell is what he is. Checkdown checkdown checkdown. The first drive I believe when they were driving he had a TE down the seam. Would of been a tough throw but a good QB tries that throw. He checked down to the flat for a 4 yard gain on 3rd & 8. It is going to be very aggravating to watch this offense with Cassel under center. Maybe the smart play, but I would rather go with TT.+ I could finally buy a jersey that will never be outdated since my last name is Taylor. 3.) I hate to say it but I think either Boobie Dixon or Fred is getting cut. I thought Williams looked really good, punishing back. & I think they would be crazy to cut Bryce brown. Kid has got to much upside. Can't see them keeping all 4 backs. One has got to go. 4.) This defense is going to be really good. I can't wait to Rex starts playing around with the blitz packages, just going to be a lot of fun to watch. 5.) This team is loaded with talent. It is evident when you watch them play live. I honestly think they have top 5 talented rosters in the league. 6.) I see good things happening this year. Sky is the limit. Haven't been this optimistic since the last 90's.
  8. Some people like to eat healthy & don't want their arteries 85% clogged by the time they are 50 years old. Granted I am not one of those people, I buy the ribeye everytime also.
  9. Well it was the one spot in town he knew his wife wouldn't be at. My friend who sister it was to this day still doesn't talk to him. He said he had suspicions for years but never followed thru & then the one day he decided to forgo watching the game & follow the guy around the stadium. It was the stuff the Soap Opera's are made of. We still have a good laugh about it whenever someone mentions it & it happened over 15 years ago.
  10. Sounds like one of the guys we used to tailgate with. He would always disappear after the first quarter, sometimes halftime but he was always at our car waiting for us when the game was over. Well it turns out he was meeting this other guys sister(who was also in our tailgate) & they were doing the deed in lot 5 while the game was going on. This went on for years until my friend who's sister it was finally followed him out one game & caught them. Looking back we still have a good laugh about it & yes that guy who was meeting the sister was no longer welcomed in our tailgate!
  11. That is good stuff. It is amusing sometimes to watch the beligerant youth from afar. It reminded 2 years ago these guys were tailgating across from us. They were in their 20s & they were partying pretty hard. Not causing any problems you could tell they were hitting it. At the end of the tailgate one of guys kept falling down & everytime he would try to get back up one of his buddies(at least I think they were his buddies would kick him back down) & start laughing. I looked at my son & said "that is why you always make sure you could hold your booze more then the guys you hang around with." & we both started cracking up. Just for the record my wife is pettrified on Sundays when I take my son to the game. She doesn't like it but she allows it. I have been taking him to the games for 3 years now & there hasn't been an incident yet that has stopped me from taking him. Just one dad's perspective. & lastly I am taking my 6 year old daughter to her first game this Friday. I know it is preseason but I am exciting for taking her. She is really not into sports but I think she is going to like it. Not sure if she is Bills fan material though. I told her yesterday we are going to go tailgating before the game & she said "before the game can't we just go to Red Lobster instead?"
  12. I hear this arguement all the time & just don't buy it. Case in point none of these guys we had at QB ever went on to do something good after they left Buffalo. You honestly think that if Gailey had Manning or Brees at QB he would not still be coaching the Bills today? One poster said it best. EJ is an athlete trying to play QB. He does not have the makeup to be a good QB. With that being said, I would be willing to roll the dice with EJ or Taylor. At least there maybe some upside. Cassell you pretty much know what you are getting and it isn't pretty.
  13. I don't doubt this happened but with that being said I have been going to games since the late 80's & I have never seen something like this happen. The Bills games are what they are. There is a lot of drinking & a lot debuachery going on. Usually though, if your not looking for trouble, trouble won't find you. It does seem like over the years the crowd has gotten younger but may that is because I have gotten older. When I was in my 20's we used to have some awesome tailgates. We used to get in the lots by 7am. There was noone in lot 5 to collect the money. A guy would just walk around from car to car. We setup shop. Bring 2 full grills, have about 20 guys. Usually brought a keg. It was great. Some of the funnest times I had in my life. Over the years guys have dropped out, moved away. We still get a pretty good crowd for the opener but after that it is 4 of us & each of us has a son & we all bring them. They are 10-12 years old. The tailgates are a bit different now. My one friend & his son sits in the club seats so he gets us passes for the preferred parking in lot 5. We still get there early(a little after 9) we still bring a grill & we still drink. It works out great for me because one of my friends doesn't drink anymore so my son & I get a ride from him everygame. We don't drink nearly as much as we used to & yes the tailgates are not as wild. Now the funnels & keg stands that were so popular with us in the 90's are replaced Mountain Dew for the boys & a friendly game of touch football in the parking lot by the M&T sign. We never run into any problems. Our sons love it. I do miss the old tailgating days every once in awhile though.
  14. I have to agree. Anybody that actually watches college football knew this pick had bust written all over it. Look EJ by all accounts is a class act & a good kid but he is not a true QB. His shortcomings I don't think you could teach & they can't be learned. The Bills panicked & it was a wasted pick. Another way of looking at it though is at least they traded down, got an extra pick, took Kiko which eventually netted us Shady. So all in all not a horrible totally thrown away pick like the maybin pick or the Mike Williams pick. Have you actually gone to camp & watched him? I haven't gone to camp but by most accounts from what I have heard is he has been pretty rotten. I am just interested to see if you have seen anything different.
  15. This is the best advice in the thread. There is one other option though. Just stiff the CC companies. Honestly they deserve it after chargin 19% interest. That should be considered loan sharking. Whole bunch of them are crooks anyways.
  16. I would bet my mortgage if the Bills won the superbowl with EJ under center there would be no thread about how EJ sucks the following Monday.
  17. I grew up in Buffalo & I am huge Bills fan but honestly not sure how anybody could say the NFL is better. I think college is way better. The NFL is boring in most of the games.
  18. Yes I have called three times also & I think will take Eball's advice & quit while I am ahead. It still hurts to hear some of the other deals people are getting though.
  19. Alright so I called back again, got to retention & told the lady my story & said I decided it is not good enough & I want to cancel my service(I know I am a cheap mother f*cker). She put me on hold & said she could give me a $40 credit this month & a $40 credit nexct month to offset the charges that are going to hit my bill for ST for the next 4 months. So I am just going to have to pay $40 for Sept/Oct & I am still getting $10 off my bill for the next 12 months. I said okay. Though somehow hearing some of these other deals I still feel like I am getting cheated. I don't want to push my luck but I maybe calling them back next week.
  20. Yeah heavy mayo & oil with sliced tomatoes. When thrown on a windshield it will splatter better causing the drivers vision to be more impaired/blocked.
  21. Yeah I am kind of with you on this. I am not the NFL fan I used to be. I still love it but rarely watch the whole Monday night game & I never watch the Thursday night game unless the Bills are playing. I know I am in the minority here but I just think College Football is 10xs more intersting then the NFL. I think part of it that has soured me on the NFL aslo is that Brady & Manning are still good. There is noway in hell those 2 guys should still be good but year after f*cking year those two aholes are always at the top of the QB statts. I just don't get it. It defies logic not to mention mother nature.
  22. Yeah we ended up doing something similar one time too. This was a while back(I think it was the Todd Collins/Van Pelt era). We were all in our early 20's & the weekend of the game my one friend was moving his hot tub to this new house he recently purchased so he rented a Uhaul. We took the Uhaul to the game & drank & played cards in the cab of the Uhaul the whole tailgate. It wouldn't stop raining. My friend who rented the Uhaul lost like $400 that Sunday morning so he was in a p*ssed off mood. Then if memory serves me correctly we were playing the Broncos & it went to overtime & the bills were driving for the winning score & they called a reverse to reed who lost like 20 yards on the play. Denver scores the next possesion & wins. So he was even more pissed off after the game. We had 5 guys riding in back of the Uhaul after the game & with the guy who rented the UHaul & one other friend in the front. We were really drunk & obnoxious back there, breaking beer bottles & stuff. He told us to settle down 3 times. The last time he told us one of us was trying to be funny & opened the little window leading to the front seats & chucked a half eaten ham sub so it splattered on the windshield while he was driving on the thruway. He pulled over & kicked us all out. We had to walk to the nearest exit find a pay phone & call our girlfriends for rides home. We are all still good friends(in fact I still go to the games with the guy that kicked us out) & we laugh about it everytime it comes up.
  23. Yeah I know it is ungrateful but I hear stories like Zevo & I think there are better deals to be had. I think I will call them back after my softball game tonight. Doesn't hurt to ask.
  24. Yeah I hear ya but not to seem ungrateful but hearing everybody else's deal, my deal kind of stinks.
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