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Everything posted by Gordio

  1. I know we have went back & forth about this in the offseason but this is why the Saints should entertained offers for Brees this summer. Could of probably got 2 first round picks for him,. The Saints were not going to be good with or without Brees. Very short sighted by Saints management especially after dealing away some of their better players.
  2. I never said you weren't a fan. But 90% of your fan base is made up of bandwagoners. That is what makes this whole thing so intollerable. It is going to be a lot of fun watching people jump off the wagon when you guys are not contenders anymore.
  3. I can't wait to see what your fanbase does when Brady retires & the Patriots go back to taking thdeir rightful as the cellar dwellars of the division. That time is coming soon too. Ask us Bills fans, we are still looking to replace our franchise QB & that was nearly 20 years ago. It is going to be alot of fun to watch.
  4. I don't know. Like the previous poster said 59 pass attempts, not one holding call. Give me a break. You honestly think they pick up the flag on the roughing the passer against Taylor if it was Brady that got hit? I am just so sick of seeing Brady & Manning on the positive end of borderline calls. These guys are good enough, they shouldn't need help from the ref. But every week they get it. Those 2 guys can't retire fast enough as far as I'm concerned. Sick of watching both of them.
  5. He did some good things out there but it seemed like he was reluctant to step up in the pocket, instead he would fade back which is uaully a recipe for disaster.
  6. Doesn't that kind of get a little pricey? @ $10 a beer I will take my chances at just keeping my mouth shut & keeping a low profile.
  7. Never follow the public money because they are usually wrong. Perfect example was last week. Public money was heavy on Seatle -4.5. 80% of all the tickets taken in that game were on Seatle. However the professionals were on St Louis. Even though 80% of the ticket sales were coming in on Seatle, the overall money placed on the Rams (which was only 20% of the tickets) was larger than the overall bets for Seatle. Naturally the professionals that know what they are doing won & Joe public was the big loser once again.
  8. I got to tell you I follow this stuff very closely. Vegas took an absolute beating in the sports books for opening weekend. Said it was their worse opening weekend in 20 years. Putting 2 & 2 together, I had the line figured around Patriots -4. If the line is -1.5 & 85% of the action is going on the Patriots, I don't want to jinx anything but this all points to a win for the Bills. Remember you heard it here first. Vegas very rarely loses big 2 weeks in a row.
  9. Got to agree with this. For the better part of 12-13 years now Bills fans have been subject to ahole patriot fans from Boooston with their stupid ass accents acting like they own the Ralph. I don't condone violence & I will have my 11 year old son with me at the game so I certainly won't be looking for trouble but unfortunately Patriot fans bring it on themselves. When you come into someone elses house your supposed to show a little respect not be all arrogant & act like you own the place.
  10. Well that is a simplistic explanation & of course it doesn't cover all the bases. You got public money/public perception vs where the money is going on from the professionals & other variables. But the foundation of these point spreads is to get 50% action on each side.
  11. I see these threads pop up every so often. The lines are set by the Vegas guys but it has nothing to do with who they think is going to win. In a perfect world for the wiseguys in Vegas that set the lines they want to create a line where it will draw 50% action on one side & 50% action on the other side. That way they are guaranteed 10% profit on the action with no risk involved. I was surprised by this line as I thought the line would be Pats -4 or so.
  12. I used to like when they had Fred Flinstone & Barney Rubble having a thumb war on the jumbotron chanting "go go buffalo". I wish they would bring that back. I thought it was kind of funny. & I kind of like the train noise.
  13. Speak for yourself. I told everybody in early April that I had a good source that told me that Taylor is going to be the guy. Not many people bought it then but that is okay. Hopefully he continues to play well. I just ordered a Taylor jersey yesterday. My last name is Taylor so I figured if he flames out I could still wear it with pride
  14. I went in around 12:50. The line was long but I went to a different gsate, got in about 5 minutes got myself a beer & was in my seat right when they were about to kickoff. People just like to complain about stuff.
  15. If Penn State could put up 70 points against UB, the Bulls should probably pack it in & call it a season. Penn St's offense stinks. Everybody keeps talking about Hackenburgh as the 1st pick in the draft next year. I don't see it. Todd Blackledge 2.0 if you ask me.
  16. Most of the rain will be Saturday. May have a shower or 2 Sunday but the tailgate should be dry. Those temps will feel down right cold especially after we have been living in the mid 80's the whole month of September so far.
  17. Why don't you just buy a 32 inch flat screen for a couple hundred dollars & get a digital converter. Then you wouldn't have to worry about picking up a signal with an antenna. We bring it once in awhile to the tailgate & it works great. Seems like it would be a decent investment for you.
  18. Penn State should be able to wear them down as the game goes on but with that being said the Penn State team has some serious issues on the offensive line. Hackenburgh or "sackenburgh" as what they are calling him in happy valley this week was sacked 10 times against Temple. Nothing against the Owls as I think they are a bowl team this year and get to 7-8 wins, but I shudder to think what happens when the Lions play some of the better defenses in the Big 10 later this year. UB could pull the upset if they get up early & Licatta gets hot. Should be a decent game.
  19. Wilson to me was the owner that wanted to win but was never willing to go the extra mile to make that happen. He never wanted winning to get in the way of the bottomline. It is my opinion too that he also fancied himself has a more knowledgeable football guy than he really was. I think he was a behind the scene meddling owner, always wanting a say on draft day & such. But....... with that being said, if any other owner or at least 90% of the other owners owned the Bills during Wilson's tenure I am pretty positive the Bills would of been long gone from the WNY region. So we should be all but thankfull & gratefull to Mr. Wilson for that. Historically though, I believe the Bills only have a little bit above a .400 winning percentage & have only made the playoffs in 12 out of the 40 + years he owned the Bills while they were in the NFL. Take away the golden era of 88-93 & the numbers get a whole lot more dismal. Unfortunately that falls right at the feet of Mr. Wilson. So I guess it is all how you want to look at Mr. Wilson if he is a good owner or bad owner. I like to look at the good when remembering Ralph.
  20. Accuweather is good & they pinpoint where the rain will be exactly. They are calling for a 30% chance of rain(anything less then 40% usually doesn't happen) The local forecast are usually pretty good also. Channel 2 right now says there maybe a stray shower Sunday morning but nothing too major. Saturday could be wet.
  21. You guys do this too yourself every year. You guys get all worked up about the weather & in most years for the opener the weather is just fine. I am kind of a weather nerd & it does look like Saturday could be on the wet side. Sunday there maybe a shower or 2 in the area but most of the tailgate & the game will be dry as of right now. Now that could change in the next day or 2. Don't go to weather channel, they have no idea what they are talking about & generalize.
  22. I don't have the exact numbers but it seems like FJ has put the rock on the ground quite a bit over the last few years.
  23. Why do you say that? I still think we have a chance.
  24. Not everybody, go back & look at those old threads. Some people were saying it was a good move by the bills.
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