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Everything posted by Gordio

  1. BS, the refs cost the Bills 2 tds, sorry if there not good enough to overcome that. I don't know many teams west of Foxboro that are.
  2. I don't know, the Bills did not play great but I thought the refs took the game right from the Bills. I have said this before & I will say it again, I don't care if the penalties are even or close to even it is when the penalties are called. The refs seem to call penalties on the bills in the most crucial plays. The holding call on Urbick was crap. That cost us 7 points. Williams over the center was crap. That cost us 4 points. They said on the radio today that last year NE/Jets the guy for NE was lined over the center & the ref tapped him before the play & told him to move over. Another caller said it happened in the Arizona/Rams game yesterday too where the ref told the guy to move over instead of calling a penalty. The chop block that took another 7 off the board was crap. Clay's first down catch where the pass interference was crap. Gronk has made a living doing 10 times worse then that & never gets called. Yeah yeah I know the players should be able to overcome it. I am sick of that bs excuse. The Giants & Bills for the most part are two evenly matched teams, when flags cost you 14-20 points of course we are going to end up on the losing end. It is disgusting, for some reason the NFL has an ax to grind with the bills & I hate to say it it has been like that for years. Almost makes me want to give up watching the sport.
  3. I had tickets to the raiders game as I was home from college. My friends & I decided to drink down in my parents basement while watching the game. Playoff game or not I wanted no part of being at the stadium for the Raiders game after attending that Jets game a few weeks earlier. Man did we get loaded that day too. If I recall it was an early Saturday afternoon game & we drank all day. Fun times. Snow games are the best when the temps hovering in the 20's, when it gets down below 20 I can't go out there anymore. Usually give my seats away for those games. My have to change my way of thinking if they ever get a home playoff game again.
  4. Giants are at best a .500 team. The injuries are concerning but this team has good depth for the first time in well over a decade. If they want to get to the playoffs this is the type of game you need to win. At home against an inferior team. Bills 31 Giants 14
  5. He wasn't exagerating by much. Coldest game in Bills history, January 15th, 1994. 0 degrees(only time in bills history temp was not above zero in a home game) & the wind chill was -32. The next coldest game was that same season December 23rd 1993 against the Jets. 2 degrees/-28 wind chill. I was home from college & took my dad to the game as his Christmas present that year. Yeah some Christmas present. We got to our seats, we were basically sitting on a snow mound, 5 minutes into the game he looked at me, I looked at him with 3 ice cycles hanging from his mustache & we both said at the same time "lets get the f*ck out of here." Went to Ilio Dipallos & had a nice late lunch/early dinner. Best call we made all day.
  6. Okay I know how both of them got to Green Bay know it all. What I was trying to say is they have very fortunate circumstances having back to back hall of fame Qbs. & to be honest they kind of both did fall in their lap. Rodgers was supposed to be a top 5 pick & fell in the draft. Favre was an after thought in Atlanta & I think Green Bay got him for a 2nd round pick from Atlanta. A trade I might add that goes down as one of the worst trades in the history of the league.
  7. Thank you. What the previous poster failed to mention is that having to back to back shoe in hall of fame franchise QBs fall into their lap doesn't hurt. Give them the Bills QB situation the last 15 years & the packer organization doesn't look so smart. Having a franchise QB in place allows a team to miss on high draft picks & for the most part get away with it. Not having a franchise QB in place doesn't. Once again they have had a franchise hall of fame QB for the past 15 years. It helps a lot fellas whether you want to admit it or not. Covers up a lot of mistakes.
  8. I loved Bobbie V but he made some questionable calls too. But he knew how to manage even if his style was unorthodox & didn't win him any popularity contests. Agree, those mid 2000 teams were as good as any team in the NL. Randolph & then Manuel totally blew it with those teams. Collins has done a great job given the bullsh*t circumstances he was given. The Wilpons are one of the worst ownership groups in all of baseball imo.
  9. Wow, I never heard of a cap hit that high. Well I guess that explains it.
  10. I don't know, there is always a way to move money around.
  11. No the worse was when some guy on this board actually said he prefers to microvave his wings. I think he got a 2 year ban from this board for saying that.
  12. Not to beat a dead horse but it just did not make any sense to me why the Saints wouldn't try to move Brees this past offseason. They were going to stink with him or without him & for a cash poor franchise like NO to pay all that money to a player when the rest of the roster stinks is just plain foolishness. Yeah I know it would of been a bad PR move to try to move him but sometimes you need to make those tough decisions. They could of probably got 2 first round picks for him this offseason & would of saved all that cash.
  13. Ricojes has already shown the fumbling issue is overstated. People think he fumbles a lot because his fumble last year was just plain inexcusable & so big.
  14. I have always thought Brown had some upside. I thought he looked good last year. I would of kept him over Dixon.
  15. This Nats team has imploded. This is a team that was one of the favorites to win the NL & were built to win the World Series. There are several reasons it didn't happen & I also don't think Williams is a very good manager. I thought he blew the divisional round series forthe Nationals last year with some real questionable decisions. I wouldn't be surprised if Williams gets canned next week.
  16. I think your going to see as the season goes on that NE is going to be in blowout mode for most of the season wherwe they really want to embarrass teams kinda like when they were coming off a spygate in their undefeated season. I think as the season goes on our "embarrassing" 8 point loss to the Patriots is not going look so embarrassing as NE lays the wood week in & week out. I honestly think the Bills are the second best team in the conference.
  17. Exaggerate much. We only got 8 feet of snow last November.
  18. Well as the great Pedro martinez once said, "lets just tip our hat to him & call Brady our daddy."
  19. You know when he threw it I was thinking to myself too bad he couldn't get it to woods. He could of took it to the house. Looking at this shot just confirms what I saw at the stadium. 16 beers & I still have the vision to breakdown a game from the stands. Impressive.
  20. One loss that the outcome was in doubt to the final minute of the game to the defending super bowl champs is all it takes for you to start questioning the hiring of Rex? Whatever.
  21. Yeah well you should join him over at the cheatriots board. I knew you couldn't help yourself to chime in on this topic. You claim to be a bills fan but never have nothing positive to say about the franchise, the stadium, the behavior of Bills fans etc...
  22. Honestly why don't you do yourself a favor & go over to the pats board. I am not saying the outcome would of been different but the refs screwed us again. There are penalty calls & there are penalty calls at critical moments of the game & the Pats always seem to get these critical moment calls. The refs do their best throwing the flag on NE in plays that have little bearing to the outcome of the game to make it seem like it is evened out.
  23. After yesterday, I have pretty much have resigned myself to the fact we are not going to beat NE in any game of importance until Brady retires.
  24. & just think we could of had him but we drafted Torrel Troupe right before Gronk. Thanks Buddy Nix, you stupid old fart!
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