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Everything posted by Gordio

  1. Sounds like the same excuses we had for Manuel/Losman/Edwards etc.... I have always been a big proponent that a good QB elevates a team, not the other way around.
  2. I am starting to agree with you. I bought into the hype and was all for the hire but stuff like this is bush league & the discipline on this team stinks.
  3. I think they meant the long pass down the seem. You know the one where Gragg was 10 yards behind his man & could of crawled into the endzone if EJ hit him on the run. Instead he threw the ball 8 yards short & Gragg barely caught it. But yes I had to laugh out loud when Gragg was standing out of bounds. Never saw that before.
  4. I would rather have Tuel behind center than EJ. & no I don't think Tuel is good at all.
  5. Please stop, don't for a second compare Cam Newton to EJ. Coming out of college Cam Newton was light years ahead of EJ coming out of college. You see Newton is a QB that is a great athlete. EJ is not a QB who happens to be a decent athlete. & yes EJ pretty much singlehandilly cost us the game yesterday. If I was Whaley I would of cut him the moment the plane touched down at the Buffalo International Airport. He sucks & he will always suck. He will be out of the league in 2 years.
  6. I thought about that last night. I have been a Mets fan since 83 & a Bills fan since 86. I have celebrated one championship in what amounts to 60 + seasons of routing for my teams. I like UNC & outside of Cuse I would probably say they are my favorite team but I am more of a college basketball fan as a whole & definately a Syracuse fan first when it comes to college bball so I don't count their championships. I would go with same order as this series, Harvey, Thor, Degrom, Mastz with the thought process that this series whoever they play is going 7 games & I want Degrom pitching Game 7. They are all going to get 2 starts(besides Matz) so what is the difference what order they go in. Also, Thor has been much better @ Citi then on the road. I would definately give him a home start. & we get Wheeler back next year. He has electric stuff if he could get better control. Harvey/Degrom/Thor/Matz/Wheeler next year. No team in the league can even come close to matching the young power pitching that the Mets have.
  7. BTW don't give up on your team yet. Uphill battle but if their bats start getting hot they could at least send the series back to KC. That lineup when clicking is deadly.
  8. You know that was one deal where the Mets made where I said good riddens to the Mets player, The Mets weren't going anywhere, Dickey was going to cost a ton of money & I could tell the league was going to start catching up with him. In return we got a top flight catcher & a young kid that throws harder than anybody out there besides probably Chapman. It took a few years for this trade to start paying dividends but it is looking like a steal right now.
  9. In game 5 I did question him that he brought familia in for 6 outs & didn't run Thor out there for the 8th after he was hitting the radar gun at 100mph in the 7th but it worked out so obviously he made the right call. I didn't watch every Mets game this year but I did watch at least part of quite a bit of them & honestly not too many things Collins has done this year has angered me. I think he has done a great job.
  10. Agreed, to a man everybody expected the Mets to not seriously contend until next year. Collins kept the ship on course early in the season scratching out wins when they couldn't score runs to save their lives. Now I mean Alderson helped the lineup out tremendously at the trade deadline, noone is disputing that, but the way Collins has handled this young pitching staff as been nothing short of brilliant. If he doesn't get manager of the year they shouldn't even have the award.
  11. Agree, I think it is going to be like a 13-10 game. I see the jags making a critical mistake late in the game to cost them another win. Hopefully after this with the bye week we will get rested. I think to position themselves in the driver seat for the wild card we really need all three of these games. Lets go into December controlling our own destiny for once & not hoping that 25 different things happen to allow us to sneak into that 6th wildcard spot.
  12. The big win was Game 2. Arrietta was the Cubs was their Ace in the hole. Maddon's thinking all along was we will play for the split in NY(with Lester/Arrietta going perfectly reasonable) & then take care of business at Wrigley where they were 25-7 in their last 32 games there. When we jumped on Arrietta & beat him their whole plan went up in smoke. I hope this series ends tonight(if nothing else I need to catchup on my sleep). Why do you think he has been so horrible? I think Collins has done a great job with the Mets even before this year. He was dealt a horrible hand the past few years with the Wilpons involvded in this Maddoff mess. Collins is a good manager. I am glad they stuck with him. I respectively disagree.
  13. Yep this team is rolling. I will be shocked if this series goes back to NY. The only bad thing about last night is I had $50 on the over which was 7.5. Stupid Ivy, Conforto walks in to score in any other ball park in the league.
  14. Accuracy & decision making. 2 plays sums up why Manuel will never be a starter in this league. 1st one was the throw to Clay across the middle. Clay made a shoestring catch but honestly EJ can't hit the guy in stride. He would of had another 15-20 yards. The next play I am talking about aggravated me the most. It was like 3rd & 4 he had Mccoy wide open underneath. It was right in front of him. Would of been an easy dump off over the middle & Mccoy could of turned it up & got at least 8-9 yards & moved the sticks. Manuel decides instead to throw it down the seam into double coverage & of course it gets picked off. I don't know if TT will ever be a franchise QB but he is light years better than EJ.
  15. You are correct sir. It is one thing to tank for a generational player like Luck or John Elway. I watch a lot of college football & there is no Luck coming out next year. I like Connor Cook but after that people are mnetioning Hackenburg from Penn State & every time I watch Penn State games he looks like he sucks. Although in his defense their oline does not do him any favors.
  16. Watkins was on crutches after the game yesterday. Noway he plays this week.
  17. Years of heartbreak for the Mets so I keep telling myself to temper my enthusiasm, but I think the Cubs are really up against it now. Power pitching usually wins in the playoffs & the Mets could throw power pitcher after power pitcher at you. It is amazing how many young arms they have in this organization & just think Wheeler is coming back next year. Good times to be a Met fan. Got to to get at least one at Wrigley. Place should be off the hook tomorrow.
  18. Look at the teams they played, Cleveland, Wash, Philly, Miami, Indy, combined record of 11-17. The teams we played have a combined record of 20-12. Big difference. The schedule will even out. Jets won't win more then 7 games this year.
  19. My friend was at the game in 2000 when Hampton beat the Cardinals to close out the series. He sat in the upper deck up top & said he could actually feel the place shaking. I wish I would of got up there for the playoffs in 06. The mid 80's were such a fun team to route for even though they were a bunch of coke heads. I started liking the Mets in 83'. I was 10 years old at the time. Harvey is starting game 1. With Arietta waiting in game 2, game 1 is almost a must win. Who do they go with in game 2? It either has to be the fat man or Matz right? I don't think they would pitch Neise.
  20. He needs to win a playoff game or 2 this year or I think he is going to be out no matter what their regular season record is.
  21. Agree with everything. I swearing at the TV when they didn't bring Syndergard in for the 8th. But Familia was lights out & looked as good as I have seen him this year & he has looked very good at times this year. As for going after Utley, not the time or place. We will get him back next year. Murph is not a lofty stat guy but the guy knows how to play the game the right way. I hope the Mets resign him. Duda & Wright, I don't know. Duda looks lost up there. Wright is not much better. Not sure how much longer Collins could stick with either of them, especially with Wright if Uribe is available. I wouldn't mind seeing Murphy/Kelly Johnson on the right side of the infield & let Duda sit a game or 2. My friend called me this morning & has 4 tickets to the game Saturday night so I am making the drive up there in the Sat morning. I can't wait. One last thing, it is times like this that I miss Shea. I have only been to Citi twice & it is a beautiful ball park but I would love to have seen the old orange horseshoe rocking for the games this weekend.
  22. Agreed I didn't get the playcalling in the first half. Made no sense.
  23. Obviously you never tuned in to watch the Lakers/Sacremento series a few years back. Game 6. It was quite obvious the refs were determined to let the Lakers win & bring it to a game 7. Stop commenting on stuff you have no idea what your talking about.
  24. Who cares. So Buffalo wasn't his first choice, isn't that usually the case with free agents.
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