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Everything posted by Gordio

  1. The Redskins team was a weird one. It was one of those years where eveyrthing came together for them. Rypken had a career year & I think the oline only gave up 7 or 8 sacks all year. Impressive. Had no business losing to the Giants. I blame that one on being outcoached & the players not preparing the way they should. The dallas games they were the better team. In fact one could argue they were top 5 team of alltime. Didn't stand much of a chance against them looking back.
  2. Agreed, Dallas was an upcoming team & their stars were mostly in their prime. Bills stars were on the backend of their prime. Dallas' front 7 were terrific.
  3. Most of the 30 for 30 are great. Best thing ESPN has going for it right now.
  4. Sorry man but got to agree with Fredex. Johnson is talented & the guy knows how to get open. With that being said he is a dumb player & he has a knack for making critical mistakes at the most inopportune time. Remember the drop ball against Pittsburgh that would of won the game. Selfish player too. At this stage of his career, not worth the headache, the Chargers could have him.
  5. I am no expert about this & certainly hate to argue with the squirrels & earth worms or whatever else you use but I read this is the strongest El Nino pattern that has setup since 1998 which was a year the WNY set records for warmth & had limited snowfall. They even had to cancel the winter snow festival that year in Delaware Park because they had no snow in Feb. Most things I have read said this is going to be a very mild & dry winter for the great lake region. The weather has been great here this fall. I have actually golfed 3 times already in November & I am going out this Wednesday also. Last week when I went it was 74 degrees out. Even the long range forecast on accuweather has temps in the 50s for the rest of November & looks like a mild start all the way thru Christmas. Hopefully it is right, I honestly can't take another year like last year. It was absolutely brutal. I will consider moving if we have another winter like last year. Almost the one year anniversary of the 8 feet of snowvember.
  6. Not sure if I agree with this. If EJ was named the starter in the beginning of the year & played as well as Taylor has played this year I think most people would be quick to say EJ has turned the corner & we have found our QB. Why is the bar set higher for Tyrod? I think he has played very well & should be considered the long term solution at QB.
  7. Oh gotcha. In a way I am kind of like Gump, an ignorant stupid f*ck.
  8. Yes exciting times to be a Mets fan. Plus the NL East stinks right now so the division should be there for the taking the next few years. I would like to see an upgrade at short. Problem is your probably going to have to depart with one of your young guns to upgrade & I am not sure I am willing to do that right now. Florres will have to do with Tejada as backup. I think the plan all along is to bring up Herrera & let Murph walk. You tighten up the defense by doing this but probably lose a bit at the plate. We shall see. I am okay with letting Cessepedes go also but Alderson better have a back up plan. You need to replace at least part of his bat. Conforto will anchor in LF & Grandy in RF so your corners are set. CF is a problem. I wouldn't mind seeing them give it to Laggarres. Next year's Mets are going to win with pitching & if you could strengthen your middle fielding I am all for that. Not sure what to do with Wright. Maybe an offseason of rehab will get him better, if not you got to go & get another 3rd baseman to at least platoon with him. Our starting pitching will be our strength & hopefully we could shore up the middle relieving. I would try to hold onto Niese & Colon. Wheeler isn't coming back to June & I would actually like to see them go to a 6 man rotation early on to lighten the load on the young kids. We are one of the few teams in the league that have the depth to pull this off.
  9. What is your problem with Shawshank Redemption? That movie was a classic. I would like to say it was A but let's face it Gump wasn't the smartest guy around & he wasn't good enough for her in the whole movie & then when she had no other options she went back to him so I would have to go with B.
  10. Does it get that hot in SD? I thought hteir claim to fame was it is never too hot/never too cold, perfect temperature. I know once in awhile like a few years back the whole west coast had that unbelievable heat wave I remember watching an early season game with Oregon & Mich St in Eugene & it was 100 degrees. But I don't think that is the norm.
  11. You know what it can't be any worse than sitting back & rushing 3 guys like brilliant Rex did last time. I mean he set a franchise record for most passing yards against us.
  12. They were successful because they put heat on with 4 guys. That is the way to stop Brady. Problem is it is easier said than done. Denver may have a chance to beat the Pats this year because I think they will be able to knock Brady around a bit. I am not sure anybody else from the AFC has the personal to accomplish this.
  13. They really need to win these next 2 games. Win these next 2 & we are in very good shape going into the last half of the season. NE is a lost, but I am not willing to throw in the towel against Dallas just yet. If htye keep going the way they are going they will be out of the playoff picture when December rolls around.
  14. Ouch, it will be important to get that 5th spot & not the 6th. 6th will face Denver/Cinci or NE.
  15. I hear what you are saying but people on this board(including myself) were very high on Russell Wilson. Go back & look at the posts. I also don't recall very many people that liked Blaine Gabbert. I remember my own personal opinion was that this guy is in a stat padding offense that made Chase Daniels look great & Gabbert the next year couldn't put up half the stats as Daniels did the previous year. That was a major red flag to me. I kliked Mallet because of the arm strength but I knew the kid was a major dipsh*t.
  16. Yeah the better team one. I don't have a problem with running Harvey in the 9th but why was he allowed to pitch to Hosmer after the leadoff walk? I wouldn't mind letting Cessepedes walk. He is going to cost too much & as you have stated earlier there is a reason why this guy has been on so mnay teams the last 5 years. Murph is tough. I don't know what to do with him. On one hand I like to see him stay, on the other hand not sure he is worth 12-15 million per year that he is going to get. There are cheaper options. Wright, not sure what you do with him. He is a third baseman that can't throw over hand anymore. Move him to first & let him platoon with Duda? I had a ball these last 4 weeks. I forgot how fun it was routing for a team in playoff baseball. For that I really want to thank the Mets. Can't imagine how it would feel if the Bills ever make the playoffs.
  17. Well said sir. I am not sure when it is going to happen either but it is going to happen & if I had a guess it should happen pretty soon if history is any sort of indication. I have watched a few Bronco games & I know they are 6-0 but manning looks shot. My guess the Broncos part ways with him after this year & I predict another early round exist for Denver in the playoffs.
  18. Cuddyear shouldn't even of been on the playoff roster. You nailed it with Wright. His bat speed is way too slow to have success with any regularity against the power pitching he is going to see in this series. The problem with him in the 2 hole is that whenever there is a base open & runner in scoring position your pretty much taking the bat out of Grandy & MUrph's hands as you know they aren't going to pitch to those guys unless they are forced to. They are going to go after Wrigth & he usually is going to strike out.
  19. I am perfectly content with the way TT has played this year & I am excited to see how he finishes the season. I don't ever want to see manuel under center in a meaningful game for the Bills again.
  20. The 86-88 Mets could probably give them a run for their money.
  21. You make some good points but Conforto is batting under a buck for this postseason. Right now we are not losing much by pulling him in the 6th. In fact I would give laggarres the start tonight & move Cesspedes to Left. You strengthen the defense, add a little more speed to the lineup & Laggarres looked like he was swinging the stick good last night. It is not that Wright has not gotten hits but yoy could tell whenever he comes up with men in scoring position the pitchers are not afraid of him & they go right after him. He usually strikes out in those situations. Tough call for Collins though. Wright is the leader. I don't know if he could put him on the bench even though you may get more production out of Uribe. Totally agree with Cuddyear. I don't want to see that guy get another ab the rest of the series. Totally useless at the plate. How can you be routing for the Royals if your a Cardinals fan. I thought those 2 fan bases hated each other. Don't you remember how the Cardinals got screwed in Game 6 of the 85 world series?
  22. Yeah tough one to swallow last night. Would of been huge if we could got that game. We need Degrom to come up big tonight. I couldn't believe how Chris Young pitched last night. The Mets could barely touch him. Wasn't expecting that, I will tell you, D Wright is really showing his age. I don't know if he has the arm anymore to play third base. I mean he can't even throw overhanded. isn't that kind of important for 3rd baseman? Is their a chance you put Uribe at third? He was put on the roster.
  23. I hear what your saying. I loved Nails as a Met but he is a pretty dispicable person. But as I have said this before. If history has taught us anything when there is money involved, corruption is usually near. Don't think for one minute that some of these games are not fixed at both college & the pro level & that some of these refs are not getting paid off. Greed is a part of human nature.
  24. I think they wanted to give Degrom an extra day of rest. He has thrown 220 innings this year, I think he only threw in the 120's last year. Big difference, plus collins mentioned last week Degrom could use a little extra rest.
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