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Everything posted by Gordio

  1. Excellent point, Carpenter has not been reliable this year.
  2. This. I just don't get it. How can you turn a defense that was terroizing QBs last year & take basically the same personal & turn them into a defense that is 30th in sacks. Ryan is a chump. I was onboard with the hiring but not anymore. I have seen enough. I hope Pegs has the guts to fire his ass at the end of the year.
  3. Gronk pushes off pretty much every route he runs so I am not surprised that he has 5 PI penalties. In truth it probably should be a lot more.
  4. The way Rex has coached this team this year it is a fireable situation. He has totally screwed this defense up. They had 57 sacks last year I believe. They are on pace for 23 this year. He had Darieus floating in space on one of the tds last Sunday. This is not the first time this has happened. Guy is a loud mouth jerk just like his dad. Too bad T Pegs gave him a 5 year contract. I could see him firing Rex if it was only a 3 year contract but not 5 years.
  5. If you take Taylor's stats this season & average them out over a course of a 16 game schedule he would have 3,800 yards, 24 tds & 11 ints. I think anyone of us would of signed up for that in the beginning of the season. My point is it would be a big mistake to get rid of TT next year unless something clearly better is an option(Rivers/Brees). Has he been perfect no & the bills have not one as much as we all would of hoped for but he has earned the starting job for next year with the way he has plasyed for the most part this year.
  6. Shoot, I was kind of hoping they had to amputate his leg.
  7. If we win out we are in all likelyhood in. We could even probably afford to lose one more game as long as it is to an NFC team. One thing is for sure playoffs start this week for the Bills. Lose to Houston & this season is over. I like our chances this week.
  8. I agree. Rex's in game decision & game management this year has been baffling. How don't you review the Maclin catch in the first half? My god how don't you review the Hogan catch towards the end of the game. That is critical. The non use of Watkins this year. He has absolutely ruined this defense this year. They are worse in every single defensive category compared to last year. I am not going to say I was not on board with the Ryan hire but looking back the smart play would of been to give Schwartz a chance. Not the flashy choice but it would of been the better choice. This decision to hire Ryan is going to set us back a couple of years.
  9. Yeah I hear ya. But playing around with this thing if the Bills win their 3 afc games remaining 2 of which our at home I think the Bills will get in. With that being said I don't know if we get by the chiefs this week.
  10. Why should Ryan waste a timeout when the Patriots should been called for illegal substitution? Any other team it would of been called.
  11. Denver will be one & out in the playoffs just like last year. As far as BB, he is a cheater & liar. Him & Brady must of souled their soul to the devil to have this kind of success. It defies any type of logic. BB couldn't coach hsi way out of a paper bag in Cleveland & Brady couldn't beat out Drew Henson at Michigan. Cheating is the great equalizer though.
  12. Yeah sure your not. Don't worry the Patriots time will come again when that scumbag franchise & their piece of sh*t owner takes their rightful place in the food chain fighting it out with the Jets for the AFC East basement. Brady can't play forever. Laugh if you will but the decline is usually sharp & painful. Just look out west in Denver for a reference.
  13. one more thing. I am not saying they were both clear cut inteference penalties(the first one on hogan was definately PI, the second one on the watkins play was borderline), but if that was NE or Denver or Green Bay on offense & those plays happen the flag comes out every single time. It is why I rarely watch the NFL anymore unless the Bills are playing.
  14. Please, non of those hits were late. See Most QBs get hit like that during a course of a game. & usually unless your name is Brady/Rodgers/Manning it usually doesn't get a flag. I was shocked too that they didn't throw the flag a few times on the bills. Usually when anybody gets within 2 yards of Brady they throw the flag. Kuddos to the refs for at least letting both teams play the game the way it was meant to be played last night.
  15. Very true but keep in mind if you win these next 2 games you should have every tie breaker there is. You would have beaten indy/kc/houston/miami twice/jets. So it is still within reach. With that being said not too hopeful we could beat KC this week. Especially if TT is out.
  16. Good Point. Mcdipshit is the dumbest player on a team full of stupid players but Duke Williams just maybe the worst DB in the entire league. Cut Mcdipshit in the offseason. I would cut Duke Williams this week though. That play against Amedonla down the seem I have no idea what Williams was thinking. He obviously had no idea what his assignment was on that play. This is not the first time it has been obvious he had no idea what he was doing out there either. Great draft pick.
  17. Yeah, I will reserve judgement to next week. We need these next 2 games. If we lose to the Chiefs we will be in our familar position of needing 8 different things to happen for us to make the playoffs. Win these next 2 games & we are in the drive seat for one of the wildcard births.
  18. Stupid players make stupid plays at critical points of the game. Mckelvin is a stupid player & Duke Williams doesn't have a clue out there. Not a clue.
  19. Who gives two sh*ts about hockey right now? There are literally 100 things on TV tonight that will be more entertaining than the stupid Sabres game.
  20. It will be short lived. They are actually saying this could be the strongest El Nino pattern since 1950 when they started keeping track & data of this. Should be above average temps well into December/mid Jan. 60's all week until the weekend. May take the afternoon off & go golfing today.
  21. It was weird, as much as we got the snow was mostly melted within 10 days. The weather from Thanksgiving to Christmas was great. It turned shortly after that & was unbearable for the next 2 and a half months. Worst most bitter winter I could remember.
  22. I actually looked at his stats. While decent (2,200 yards, 14 tds, 9 ints) they don't deserve that kind of money. Some team will give it to him though if he hits free agency & that team will regret it for the next five years most likely. I think Tannehill & Dalton are similar situations. Good decent QB's but guys that got paid more than they were worth just from the simple point of how pitiful the QB is around the league these days.
  23. Cousins, actually, especially at home the last month or so has been playing great. Not sure if is worth that kind of money but he is definately a top 15 qb right now.
  24. My daughter got it from a girl at school when she was in 1st grade. I am not going to lie to you it was a nightmare. My wife totally freaked out. Threw out all the bedding, jackets the kids wore. We ended up taking the kids to this place in Williamsville that guarantees that they get rid of all lice in one sitting. It is about a 2 hour process. Cost me over $400. That is not including all the bedding I had to replace & blankets & such because my wife acted like a lunatic even though the people at the lice place we took our kids to told her that the eggs/lice can't live on bedding & such for more than a few hours. We actually didn't talk for 2 weeks after because I was so pissed off how the way she acted over it. You would of thought the world was ending.
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