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Everything posted by Gordio

  1. So before the draft, Free Agency roster moves you could predict they are going 8-8 next year? Although if you are a betting man you are pretty much playing the odds saying they will have 6 to 8 wins if the last 16 years has anything to do with it.
  2. I would try to upgrade E Wood too. Not sure if it is feasible(centers are tough to find) but it would be something I would look into. I think he stinks. + I can't stand listening to him on the drive home from work on Mondays with Schopp & BD. Same friggen thing every week. Ah we didn't execute, too many mistakes, still got a lot of faith in the coaches, got to get ready for the next game, season is still not over blah, blah, blah.
  3. I am at this stage too. This was the first year direct tv made me pay for Sunday Ticket in about 7-8 years & I totally regret it. I have not watch much NFL besides Bills games this year because for the most part the games are unwatchable. If DTV does not give me the ticket for free next year I will be cancelling it. I get season tickets but I sold 5 of the 8 games this year. My son who is 12 loves going to the games but honestly if it wasn't for him I would cancel my season tickets too.
  4. Excellent post. I am not going to lie & say I was totally against the Ryan hire. But what kept bringing causing some concern was the fact that Marrone took this guy to the wood shed twice last year. What he has done to this defense is indefensible. I know it is a lot of money but hopefully Pegs realizes his mistakes and get this jackass out of here. It is not going to get better until Rex gets canned.
  5. Yeah I don't know if I agree with this post. Injuries are a part of the NFL. In December every team is banged up. I was for Rex being hired but imo he has had 2 fireable offenses. First what he has done to the defense is disgusting. I just can't believe my eyes the way they have played this year. Second, the lack discipline on this team is alarming & it costs us games. Both of these things fall towards Ryan & they are both fireable offenses.
  6. This. You get the QB in place & than you build around. Yes you need a team around that QB, but if you don't have an above average QB pulling you really have a minute chance of winning big in this league. Look at the top teams this year. NE/Cinci/Denver in the AFC & Arizona/Carolina/Green Bay/Seatle in the NFC. The only team that doesn't have a top 10 QB is Denver right now. It is not a coincidence.
  7. Do they have a Spencer's by you? If so why don't you get a pair of fundies. They are underwear that fit two people inside them.
  8. Actually you do want the texans & jets to win at this point. If the Steelers lose this weekend but win their next 3 after that the tie breaker that comes into play is strength of victory against Pitt. But a lot of weird things happen the final month of the season. I really can't see us getting in @ 9-7 but I guess weirder things have happened.
  9. Wow, they had a show on man vs food one time in Philly & they said those are the best two places to get a cheese steak in town. Interesting that I have heard from several posters now that they are both overrated. Just goes to show what how little the travel channel knows about cheese steaks!
  10. I always wonder how I would be if I lived out there. Would I end up frequenting the strip often. Or would the whole scene turn me off after awhile. If I never got married and had kids my guess is I probably would of ended up living in Vegas at some point in my life. My boss & I went out to visit our credit card division in Vegas about 5 year ago. After we met with the department we took some of the managers out for a nice dinner at that Wolf Gang Pucks restaurant. All of them said if they visit the strip once or twice a year that is a lot. Most of them said they couldn't stand the strip. I don't think there is. There has been times when I have had a good weekend there & had on me 6-7 grand in cash. How much money are you talking about?
  11. If that is true & I wouldn't doubt it that is pretty bad. I mean I could see going out & getting lit up the Monday or Tuesday leading up to super bowl Sunday but once Wednesday hits it should be all business. You hate to say it but that is part of seperates a guy like Brady from a guy like Kelly. Leading up to the week of Super Bowl my guess is Brady is all business. Kelly, obviously not so much. That is why Brady will go be remembered as a top 3 QB of all time & Kelly will be remembered as a good QB who couldn't win the big game & is thought of alot more highly in the town he played in than in other towns around the country.
  12. Still a long way away but right now I got to be honest I would rather play the pats in NE than Cinci. I get the feeling Cincy/Dalton are due to break out of their playoff slump.
  13. I thought they said they were going later this month. The temps should only be in the high 50's or so. It will be perfect weather to walk. I know what your saying about walking in the summertime. I was there once with my wife & her family. Went to the hard rock. It was over Memorial day weekend. I lost my ass there & got pissed off & walked home in mid afternoon from the hard rock to Harrahs which is a pretty decent walk. Had no idea how to get to harrahs. I just saw the big harrahs sign & started heading that way. No water, had about 7 or 8 drinks in me. Thought I was going to die. Barely made it. I was so dehydrated. My cousins go every year & they won't stay on the strip anymore they only stay downtown. They stay at the Golden Nugget & love it. My boss was pretty aggravated by it though this past summer & he is a pretty easy going guy. Said there were a ton of weird people there.
  14. I would avoid the downtown area. I haven't been there in years but my boss spent a night there over the summer & said it has turned into a real freak show. Sounds from what you are looking at if your just going to use the hotel to sleep in I would look into Flamingo/Harrah's/Ballys. Not the greatest places although they are not bad & you can't beat the location. They will be quite a bit less per night also than your high end places across the street.
  15. This. If we win out the Jets/Houston/Indy can't catch us. It is all about routing against the Steelers. Got 2 tough games coming up. The Cinci game is huge because if they win they got the tie breaker over us. Lose & we should have the tie breaker depending on strength of victory which we have right now. KC is pretty much a lock to go 3-1 with the schedule they have.
  16. We usually hang at the sports book at Harrahs. Not the nicest sports book on the strip but they are the easiest to get drink tickets. I swear noone must tip at Harrahs because you slip the guy a fin when your putting a round of bets in & he usually gives you 6 or 7 drink tickets. The one time I won $25 round robin in the late games on Saturday for college Bball & I cash the ticket in Super Bowl Sunday morning & I threw the guy $25. He gave me 15 drink tickets for the day. We also stay at Flamingo & walk to Harrah's. We usually get comped a suite there & that is very nice. If your going with the wife though I would probably stay at the Wynne/Venetian/Bellagio/Arias. One of the high end places. Going to cost you more money but may be worth it in the end.
  17. I was just making an observation that maybe someone is less likely to light a place up if they know 50% or more of the population is packing heat too. It just seems like these mass shooting mostly happen in states that have tight gun control laws(California, Colorado, NY, Virginia etc...) Maybe it is just a coincidence. I don't know.
  18. Agreed, get them back to home at 8-6 & I think we have a legit chance to run the table. Neither of these next 2 games will be easy though. Washington is very good at home & Philly is not an easy place tp play.
  19. Yeah I am not really worried about the jets or houston. If we take care of buisness neither team can catch us. We need Pitt to lose a very loosable game this week at Cinci. Watch 2nd half of the ne game last night. Pats are a shell of their former self with all the injuries. Brady is taking a pounding too. He looks very frustrated.
  20. Because they probably think it will cost them money in the long run. I am not against gun ownership in fact I am thinking about getting my pistol permit. At least I would have a fighting chance if chaos broke out around me. My boss goes on vacation every year to yellowstone. He says everybody is packing heat in Wyoming. I think they have the loosest gun control laws in the country. You never see one of these shootings happen in Wyoming. The shooter would be dead before he could get a second round off. I am starting to think maybe the answer is that everybody carries a gun.
  21. Exactly, I like Rodgers too but him/brady/manning & maybe brees gets that call & that is about it. If it was the Bills or any of the other 25 also ran teams in the NFL game is over. Lions/Browns/Bills sure know creative ways to lose a game though don't they? I would put those 3 teams on Monday night every week. You know there is a good chance something bizarre is going to happen at the end of the game.
  22. What the hell are you talking about. We just took Manuel in round one a few years ago.
  23. The league is so waterdowned now, it is barely watchable. You could count on your two hands the teams that have a viable NFL caliber QB on their roster. Not sure if expansion would be best for the game, but yes it is probably the easiest way to line the owners pockets so I could definately see it happening.
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