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Everything posted by Gordio

  1. You mean Mcdipshit & the Duke aren't smart enough ball players to run a complex defense & make the right calls. Shocking. They are possibly the 2 dumbest players in the league. Rex Ryan really is an idiot.
  2. Do you disagree with him? If it was just Mario complaining that is one thing. But it is pretty much the whole defense that is complaining. I really don't see how Pegs keeps Ryan on next year. This hire was a disaster of epic proportions. As bad as it has been the past 2 decades, I never seen the players speak out about the current coaching staff like this. A lot of people were happy including myself. But this has been a failure & the quicker Pegs gets this bozo out of here the better.
  3. Yeah that is one way to go into the offseason. I am usually not that fan that wants to run a coach out after one year but Ryan's performance it just so fireable in so many ways. Ryan will get fired in the near future. If it is not this year it will be in year 2 or possibly year 3. Why waste two more years with this loudmouth buffoon.
  4. Plus Kellen Moore can't throw a tight spiral more than 15 yards which will even make it more maddening when old fat ass plays his corners 20 yards off the line of scrimmage.
  5. My friend's dad had a towing company/collision shop. Believe it or not the guy was a millionaire. Hustled his ass off though. Had a scanner & would drive to accidents as soon as he would hear of them. Wouldn't matter what time of night it was either. He is retired now & sold off the business.
  6. Your looking at it all wrong. That $27 mill is a sunken cost. That money is gone & it was spent on dead weight. The real cost will be what it is going to take to get a Hue Jackson or some other hot shot coordinator to right this ship. My guess is it will be in the 3-4 million range per year so when you think of it that way it is not that bad.
  7. Plus I would argue that this years schedule was much easier than last year & is about as easy of a schedule as humanly possible to get. There is a decent chance that out of the 8 games we play against 2 different divisions(AFC South & NFC East) that not one team from either of the 2 divisions is going to finish over 500. Since the new scheduling format was put out has that ever happened before? All Rex had to do was not screw the defense up & be a decent game manager & this team could of caked walked to 11 wins. When you really break it down like that it truly is a fireable offense.
  8. I got a question for you. I am thinking about trying one for New Years Eve. I am having 8 people including myself & wife over. How big of one should I get. Also I have a smoker but it is in the back of my shed & I don't feel like pulling it out. Would it be alright if I put it on the grill & just turn one side of the burners on & leave it on the other dside to slow cook? Any advice would be appreciated as I never did one before. Thanks.
  9. Not this year if you live in WNY. Supposed to be 60 all week & me & my son are actually thinking about go golfing Christmas day. We got a key to Byrnecliff & probably just let ourselves on the course. I am working both weeks & I am working from home the majority of the time these next 2 weeks so it is not too bad. I never understood how anybody could save their vacation time to the end of the year especially in WNY where the weather is usually crappy this time of year. I get 5 weeks & I blow the majority of it in the summer time. I hate being at work when the weather is nice.
  10. Maybe so but these are the types of moves fair or unfair that GMs are judged on. Bottom line is our GM paid a hefty price to move up to draft a receiver in a receiver rich draft.
  11. Bill I couldn't agree more with you about they are better running team with C Williams in there. This is not a knock on Mccoy, it is just that this line is so weak a good north south runner is better suited than an east west runner like Mccoy. I watched the whole game today & this team quit on Ryan in the first half. I really don't see any alternative in the offseason but to fire him & his whole staff. I don't care if he 4 years left on his contract. You admit the mistake and move on. With that being said, I do feel like we may have overrated the personal on defense. Our linebackers just maybe the worst in football & our secondary is average at best & some of the guys are well below average such as Mcdipshit. I don't know what the answer is I really don't. It is easy for me to say Pegs should swallow the $20 million that is still left on Ryan's contract as it is not my money. I suppose we could ride this thing out for 2 more years and then fire him but why not admit the mistake now & move forward instead of just wasting 2 more years with this clown? OUr receivers besides Watkins stink. Woods stinks & so does Hogan. Easley showed why he does not get many snaps at WR when TT hit him right in the chest on about 6 yard pass that bounced right off him(there was a penalty on the play anyways so it wouldn't of counted). One last thing it just goes to show you how far away the bills are from being a truly elite team watching Arizona dismantle the Eagles last night. The Eagles looked like a totally different team than the one that beat the Bills the week before. Merry Christmas Bill & everybody else here on TBD I hope everybody has a wonderful week.
  12. I do partly agree with this. I am not big into canning a coach after the first year but this was a big mistake hiring and it is brutally obvious. Whaley I don't know. He has done some good things, he also has done some things that are fireable offenses. Drafting EJ & then pushing him on not one but 2 coaching staffs, trading up for Watkins when we could of had Beckham if we just sat tight. I don't know tough call.
  13. This is kind of where I am. Thinking back this year I really haven't utilized my st package at all. I haven't watched a monday night or thursday night game all year(except when the bills played). I used be a Sunday 1, 4 & 8:30 guy. I will watch the Bills & that is about it now. I have season tickets but only went to 3 games so far. Probably won't go to the jets game unless it means something. The NFL just isn't that interesting to me anymore. I love watching college football on Saturdays. My passion for that has not changed over the years. I find it more interesting than ever.
  14. Whatever, Wilson is terrific. I loved him coming out of college & could not believe the Bills did not grab him when they traded up in the third instead taking Graham. I nearly almost cried when that pick was announce because I knew Wilson had a real chance to be something special. It is almost like he doesn't get the credit because he does not fit that prototypical style QB. He is not 6-3, he is not 240 pounds but the guy knows how to play. In pregame warmups I seen Wilson do a drill that I never seen before. He stood at the 35 yard line & had a receiver stand at the one corner of the endzone with his back to Wilson & his hands stretched out to catch the ball. Wilson hit the guys hands for the catch without the receiver moving his hands on all five of his throws. That is how accurate this guy is.
  15. You do have a point. The Jets for the most part are a product of good fortune and beating teams that they should beat. I think the winning % of teams they have beaten this year is only .340 or so. If they do make the playoff they will be exposed.
  16. I totally agree with this. I have never wanted a coach out after one year. Not Jauron, not Gailey, not Mularkey, not Williams, not Marrone. This just feels different. With this I just think Ryan is not a good coach & will continue to mess up this talented roster. What he has done to this defense is inexcuseable & it is fireable. Pegs could either admit his mistake after this season & show this clown the door or he could wait 2 more years I suppose & fire him then. I don't feel like putting up with 2 more years of this crap though.
  17. Why give Manuel a start. He is not coming back. I think his option year is for like 9-10 million so there is noway the team is going to retain him for that price.
  18. Well you might be right about the shoulder inury. I didn't watch many of the Gambler's games as I was only 8 years old but I did watch the Bills religously startin his first year with the Bills in 86. I never said he didn't have a great arm, but it wasn't one of the strongest in the league. There is no scout in the league at that time that would of rated Kelly's arm strong than Marinos & certainly not stronger than Elways. I mean this should not even be up for discussion.
  19. I never said he couldn't make all the throws. He certainly could. But don't ever confuse his arm with a guy like Elway's, Marino's or Moone. Watch Moone in his prime. He threw absolute darts. Cunningham's arm was stronger than Kelly's, it wasn't nearly as accurate though. Kelly had a pretty significant injury I believe his junior year at Miami. Separated shoulder I believe but it was significant enough where some of the doctors didn't give him much of a chance to ever play under center again.
  20. I think you are onto something here. I also think it was poor taste to stay behind and have an after party with some of his old philly teammates instead of flying home on the charter flight with the rest of his team. You could say this stuff doesn't matter but it is just another clue that this is not a very tight knit team & unfortunately it shows on gameday. They don't play as a team. It is up to Rex to change that culture & get the me guys out of here. Shady is a very talented running back, he is also a very selfish running back. That has been his knock even was at Pitt. My friend graduated from Pitt & follows that program very closely. He wasn't thrilled with the Shady trade & it had nothing to do with his on field production.
  21. That is not true Dave. He had a good arm, an above average but he never had a cannon like some of the other guys. Are you trying to tell me had a stronger arm than Marino/Elway/Jeff George/Favre/Cunningham/.Moon? Guys like that. If you think that you are simply wrong.
  22. Kelly's arm was in serious decline after those super bowl years. I remember a game in SF, it was a Sunday night(it was the one where Holmes fumbled at the goal line & norton picked it up & ran 99 yards for a td). Everything was over the middle, or swing passes, Kelly couldn't throw that 15-20 yard outside the hash marks anymore & that is when I knew Kelly's days were numbered. Kelly was never blessed with a rocket for an arm like Marino/Elway, but he had a strong arm with a great touch.
  23. Your crazy. Dumb players do dumb things to cost teams games & there is nobody that is dumber in the league than Mcdipshit. Okay maybe Duke Williams maybe dumber but that is about it. & to the OP. Your changes sound reasonably solid, but instead of making those changes they could just make one change & that is for T Pegs to show that blowhard moron of a head coach we have the door & get a real head coach in here that knows how to properly utilize this teams talent.
  24. spot on & the day we drafted Watkins I said if you think your getting Megatron, Fitz. Jones your going to be sadly disappointed. Watkins is what he is. A good but not great #1 receiver.
  25. I had doubts about his resume too until I watched him play opening day against Ohio State his last year at UB. Even though UB lost, he was the best player on the field that day. I was sold on him after that. I like Watkins too though. We just don't utilize him the right way.
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