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Everything posted by Gordio

  1. Agreed, they may show up late & leave early but the Dodgers always have good attendance. Not sure what that poster was talking about.
  2. I remember another QB that had a pretty similar game/stats in the National Championship game many years ago. I do watch a ton of college football & Coker is a good system QB & nobody has a better system in place right now then Bama. Saban is a terrific coach, light years ahead of his competition. I often refer to him as the Bill Belicheck of college football. Coker is perfect for what Saban wants done out there & that is get it to the extremely talented playmakers quickly & let them go to work. Coker does this very well. My guess is at best Coker will be a career backup in the NFL.
  3. UNC is one of the teams that have a real chance to cut down the nets in April. They are that good. Cuse, I don't know bunch of tough losses in a row. They are going to have a tough time digging themselves out of this hole. Good news is playing in a top heavy ACC, they still have a couple chances to get that Marquee win to try to get into the tournament. Uphill climb though for sure.
  4. I heard an interview with Lenny Harris(bench player for the Mets at the time & pretty tough bad ass) years later say his biggest regret in his life was not throwing a haymaker at Clemens charging the mound from the bench. Clemens was a bully & my guess is like most bullies Harris would of cold cocked him & Clemens would of ran behind one of his tougher teammates. F&ck that piece of sh&t.
  5. I have read it is actually closer to a billion dollars that Pegs has dumped into the waterfront area. Bills aren't going anywhere, some people just look to find a reason to be miserable.
  6. That is correct, he did give up a ton of third conversions by throwing it downfield when he could of just opted for the safer throw/run to the markers. I think he will get better at this next year, learning that patience & moving the sticks is vital to controlling the game.
  7. When you include upside/age/ability I honestly don't think I could name 10 qbs in this league that I would rather have than TT in this league. I honestly can't wait to see how he plays next year. I really think the sky is the limit for him.
  8. Yeah I hear ya, I thought it was kind of annoying though when guys like Brady Anderson would hit 50 hrs in a season. When I was a kid following the Mets Strawberry one year hit 27 hrs & he was third in the national League.
  9. Wow I never seen that article & I am a big Piazza fan. Still I think there is a big difference using something you can get over the counter & the stuff Bonds & guys like that was using.
  10. I still think the writers are holidng it against certain players by evidence of Bonds/Clemens only getting 40% votes. Everything else being equal withouth the steroid implications those 2 guys are no doubt 1st ballot slam dunk guys. Also, Piazza's name gets thrown into the conversation but he has never been linked to PED use. Bonds & Clemens have.
  11. I work with this kind of stuff all day. Getting equipment is nice but it is hardly what we in the banking industry would call a secure loan. These things are highly moveable, tough to track down & once liquidated you usually get pennies on the dollar. We actually margin them at 30%. Real estate now is a whole different ball game. We will do loans with real estate as collateral all day long. But yes highly unadvisable from John's perspective to offer up his house as collateral for a startup company. Poor credit is tough to get around though no matter what collateral you are offering(unless it is cash). My bank won't approve anybody that has had a bankruptcy in the last 5 years.
  12. Honestly, how can you vote against Griffey. Five tool player, was exceptional at everything. When Jeter & Mo are elected there will be one or 2 idiots that vote against them. I almost feel like the voters have a side deal that one or 2 always vote no so noone gets 100% of the votes & that keep that record intact. Nobody hit for power opposite field like Piazza. His balls to right center looked like they were shot out of a cannon. I was at Shea in the late 90's on a saturday afternoon. It was late in the year & Mets were a few games behind Atlanta. They were playing the Cards. Piazza's first at bat he hit a ball to right center that got out of the park in about 3 seconds & when hit half way up the scoreboard it looked like it was still going up in the air. Unreal.
  13. Why? I keep hearing this but I never understood the reason. You think that one game would of magically jump started EJ's careeer. You don't think the Bills brass honestly knew that EJ was going to be a bust at that point. If EJ would of played better he would of started last year but he got beat out by a journeyman QB that didn't even bother showing up for training camp.
  14. When the schedule came out I knew that 6 game stretch was going to be the make or break time for the Bills season. With that being said there are just too many lost opportunities at home. I mean honestly beat a bad Giants team at home & Jacksonville in a neutral site game & we are in the playoffs. It really was that simple.
  15. I will never forget the day of the car chase. It was actually the day my wife of now 15 years & I had our first date. She came over my house & I explained to her that we can't go out & we have stay here & watch this car chase on TV as this is history in the making. She said okay & then asked a question I couldn't believe. She asked "who is OJ Simpson?" I should of kicked her right out of the house.
  16. Agree, the playoff games should always be the last 2 games New Years Day - the problem is I think was that to get the Rose Bowl on board they agreed to keep that 5:00pm time slot for the Rose Bowl game New years day. So the bottomline is when the Rose Bowl is not hosting the playoffs, the playoffs are going to be on New years Eve.
  17. Oh okay, I guess I would keep him them & let him compete for the backup position with another QB that they bring in.
  18. I think EJ has a $10 million option next year if he is on the roster March 1st. He is going to get cut.
  19. He is the most athletic QB in the league. Let that sink in for a minute. TT is only going to get better. I have a feeling next year Roman is really going to take the handcuffs off him & unleash him. I think we finally got our QB & yes I would try to resign him in the offseason. If you wait until after next year you are going to pay a fortune for him, I think you could probably get him signed this offseason for 10 -11 million per season. If he has the season next year I think he is going to have he is going to cost double that next offseason.
  20. Great maybe we could open up against the pats next year & in pregame warmups IK could cold rooster Brady & send him to the ir for half the season.
  21. You speak like we the fans have some kind of say in what goes on at One Bills Drive. Pegula is going to do what he thinks is best for the team, discussing other topics whether how irrelevant you think they are on a message board has no bearing on the Bills ending their now 16 year playoff drought.
  22. Exactly, this article has no substance to it. Nothing to see here.
  23. Hardly a bandwagon fan, I have had season tickets for 20 years. Have sat thru more meaningless December games at the Ralph in that time than I care to remember. And BTW, being a Bills fan and banadwagon fan don't go together.
  24. I do agree with you the Jets are a byproduct of their schedule & my guess is it will show it's ugly head in the playoffs whedn they get dismantled but....even with the second place schedule if the Bill beat the Jags on a neutral field & beat a below average Giants team at home next Sunday's game against the Jets would be for the 6th wildcard spot.
  25. I would like to see Fitz & Chan in the playoffs. Two class acts. I remember Fitz last year here towards the end of the season. My friend told me a story about he was at movies and there was this elderly couple with a handicapp kid in a wheel chair. Said it was a miserable cold rainy day. The elderly couple was having trouble getting the young kid in the car. A gentleman came over & lifted the kid in the van & helped them get the wheel chair in also. That gentleman that helped them that day. None other than the Amish Rifle. Much rather see him get in than the rapist Big Ben. The NFL would be in a much better place with more class acts like Chan & Fitz.
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