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Everything posted by Gordio

  1. If they play right now on a neutral court I bet Bonnies beat them. They are a better team.
  2. It is a bad matchup for UB. I don't see anyway how UB handles Miami's backcourt. UB's guards just aren't at that level. UB better shoot lights out from behind the arc or this could get ugly.
  3. Alright, fair enough, Detroit & Cleveland people make fun of too.
  4. Because why do people from around the country feel the need to continue to take pot shots at Buffalo? I honestly don't see this in any other city. It is like the people that move away from WNY feel the need to continue to mock Buffalo. You don't like it here,I understand, don't live here. We are doing fine without you.
  5. I said all along that Hurley jumped the gun leaving. He should of stayed one more year. The team he was going to bring back was loaded & would of been the clear favorites in the MAC. & then after this year he could of named his job. Instead he bolted for ASU, not a very soft landing. Tough place to win, always playing second fiddle to big brother Arizona, having to deal with recruiting battles with the Socal schools, going against moneybags Oregon, tough road trips to Colorado/UTAH & Stanford/Cal. Plus his recruiting territory that he is familiar with is east coast. He has got a big job ahead of him. But yes it easy for me to say turn down all that money & stay at UB. So I guess I could see Hurley's point also. I just think if he waited another year he could had a softer landing spot.
  6. I don't think they knocked Bonnie out. They were actually lower seeded than several at large. They were ahead on the S Curve over Wichita St/Vandy/Michigan/Tulsa. It is kind of a joke that Syracuse is in but I will take it. Tulsa is the team that is even a bigger joke though. As far as Bonnie, yeah they probably did get snubbed but with that being said don't blow a 12 point lead to Davidson in the quarterfinals & your probably in. They really got noone to blame but themselves. They got a pretty good draw with Dayton. Dayton has struggled for the last month or so & they are limping into the tournament. That game is a tossup. I could see cuse winning that game.
  7. Just got back from Wild Wings on my 2 hour lunch. Why even put Cooney into the game at that point? They were doing just fine without him. You just knew he was going to chuck up the last shot.
  8. It doesn't surprise me. I remember the one year Drake made it & they actually had a top 20 team & Schopp was reading off the scores for the first day of the tournament & kept joking how a school with a name of Drake is in the tournament. I would be embarrassed if I was him but I guess he is only interested in talking about Rob Ray's dental hygene habits when the Sabres aren't playing in March. What a joke.
  9. Agree. These guys are small time. It still amazes me every March that one of the biggest sporting events of the year is about to happen(the NCAA tournament) & they don't mention nothing about it. Bonnie is in line for an at large bid this year & UB made it last year & still they would rather talk about a horrible hockey team that is once again one of the worst teams in the league.
  10. It is really not bad news when you consider this game tomorrow is in effect a knockout game for an at large. I would much rather have them playing Pitt than a team like NC State where a win does absolutely nothing for you. At least here there is an opportunity to get ahead of Pitt on the bubble should they come out with a win. But I think they are going to have to beat the heals also to have any shot at an at large. Especially with Northern Iowa winning the MVC which takes away one more at large.
  11. We have beaches too, it is called Lake Erie. & it may not be as scenic as the Pacific ocean but at least you don't have a chance of getting attacked by a great white shark everytime you decide to go for a swim.
  12. Funny you mention Bar Bill. As we were walking to our car I told my son next time we go out for wings we are going to Bar Bills(he has never been there but it is the best food around). They were overcooked. I like them crispy but this was ridiculous. Plus they were small & I thought the bleu cheese sucked too. It was almost like mayonaise. Weird. This was the Eastern Hills Mall one too. You know it is funny you mentioned that because I thought that was Donyell Marshall on the sidelines. Hurley should of stayed one more year. He could landed in a softer place than Arizona St, which is a difficult place to win. (Just ask Herb Syndeck).
  13. I think Bilas is right now is at the top of his field & he is pure class. But I know what you mean. It is tough to like him because he is a Dookie.
  14. Okay so my friend work gave me 2 tickets to the UB Basketball game last night. So I went home from work, picked up my son & off we went. We didn't have dinner so my son who loves Duff's wanted to stop there. I try to stay away from the greasy food during the week & try to eat healthy but I thought yeah what the heck. So we get there, the place is pretty packed for a Tuesday night. We get seated & we order a triple order of wings. My son likes them mild so we got them mild. I had a pepsi, he had a loganberry. Anybody that thinks Duffs wings are good I dont know what to say. These were horrible. I could think of 10 other places right off the top of my head that have better wings than Duffs. Honestly I really don't know how they get mentioned anytime someone brings up the best wing places to go in WNY. + they are overpriced. I get the bill, for a triple order of wings & two drinks I eneded up paying $45. We should of tried Anchor Bar across the street. Probably would of been still as pricey but at least they would of been better is my guess(haven't been to Anchor Bar in over 10 years, can't remember how their wings are. As far as the UB game, they dropped a bad one to the worst team in the conference(Miami of Ohio) on senior night. I have been to 4 or 5 games UB games this year & I got to say I really don't like their coach. I have sat right behind the bench 2 times now & him & this older guy who I believe is his top assistant are always bitching at the players, bitching at the ref. UB from my perspective doesn't have one guy on their team that wants/likes to bang inside. They are all content to chuck up 23 ft 3 pointers. They must of shot 30 3 pointers yesterday. Shot themselves right out of the game in the second half when they had a 7 point lead. Not good going into the MAC tourney next week.
  15. Same thing at my house in Lancaster. A light dusting but that is it. This winter has been a piece of cake. I think I have only shovelled three or four times this winter & nothing was too heavy. Way better than last winter.
  16. Win the recruiting battles in the southern half of Florida & Richt will have the U back on top in no time. Yes they don't have the game day atmosphere they used to have in the Orange Bowl, but most kids these days want to play close to home if possible. Southern Florida probably produces more talent coming out of high school than any other part of the country.
  17. Got to agree with this. It is a flimsy arguement at best. + Joe played with the greatest receiver of all time. Of course Brady in his later years has played with one of the greatest TEs of all time(& yes I think Gronk is in that converation) so that is kind of a wash. Tough call. We should all agree to call Montana/Brady debate 1a & 1b. & Brady's time is coming to an end & the end is finally in sight. If Brady was smart he would call it a career, nothing left for the guy to prove & he could get out of the game in relative good health.
  18. Starting with the Monday night game against us Brady got hit plenty. He actually got the crap beat out of him for the last half of the season. Not sure what game your watching.
  19. There is no reason the U can't get back to the elite standards. Yes their off campus stadium sucks but there is so much talent in the state of Florida & Richt is a dam good coach. I guess winning 10-11 games every year playing in the toughest conference in the land wasn't good enough for Bulldog fans. They will regret the day they booted Richt out of Athens. Big mistake imo. I don't think Miami is a pro town. Miami a fair weather town & will root for whoever is on top. That used to be the U.
  20. Yet is swear everytime I fly I get the one ahole in front of me on the plane that decides to recline. Never fails.
  21. Yeah it is a bit different these days. My son since he has been a year old all he wanted to do was have a ball in his hand. He is 12 now. He plays travel baseball, travel basketball & travel hockey & I must say out of all three sports, the most over the top parents are the hockey parents at least around these parts(WNY) & it is not even close. Just the other day I seen a dad(on the opposing team) after the game in the hall shoving one of the assitant coaches because in his view his kid didn't get enough playing time. I really don't like hockey but I do enjoy watching my son play. I just sit back & watch these parents make asses out of themselves on a weekly basis. My son's first love is baseball & he is on one of the better travel teams in the area. I coached his travel team when he was 9 & after the season I had to take myself out of the equation because I realized I was taking some of the fun out of it for him as I was pretty hard on him. It is embarrassing to say but true. So I told him after the season I wasn't going to coach his travel team next year. My son was a bit sad but he understood. So now I sit back in centerfield & try to keep my mouth shut & just let my son have fun & enjoy the game he loves. It actually has worked out great. Me & some of the other dads watch the game in CF, we bring the coolers & grill out & will bbq. It is almost like being at a bills game!
  22. Compare that to how Boston fans treated Bill Buckner when he let the ball go thru his legs in Game 6 & tell me who the classier city is.
  23. I bother to follow UB football, but I should note I am kind of a degenerate gambler & I would watch the pee wees play Saturday mornings at Losson Park if they allowed me to put money on the games.
  24. I think that is part of the problem. You get a ton of kids that just come here for the cheap tuition & the strong education & could care less about the area/sports teams.
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