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Everything posted by Gordio

  1. Hm interesting. Hopefully the same thing will happen to me. I could take going without tv for one day for all those discounts. Hey no problem, I am glad I could amuse you. That is why I am here. lol
  2. Yeah I will come up with something. I have no intention on cancelling direct tv. I don't really care about the sunday ticket. I live in Lancaster & have season tickets so I am at the stadium usually 5-6 games a year anyways. It is just nice gesture to get it for free.
  3. So I called back this morning. Said I was disappointed with my call & I have decided to go to Dish, said they are going to give me a $300.00 credit. The guy's response was amazing. He said "let me type up the cancellation form for you." I have never felt so betrayed in all my life. So I put the cancellation date as August 6th. So I am hoping they call me back between then. If not I am going to have to call them back with my tail between my legs telling them to cancel my cancellation. What a nightmare.
  4. Okay thanks. This guy wasn't hearing any of it, he had a real attitude problem.lol
  5. I said when it prompted me to "cancel my service". Should I have said something different?
  6. I don't know I am polite, I never raise my voice. I am calling back tomorrow & telling them I am going over to dish again. See if they will call my bluff for a second day in a row. I do have 2 years left on my contract also. Not sure if that plays into it.
  7. so I just called. I have been a customer since 2005. My bill runs around $150.00 per month. I used to be able to get Sunday Ticket for free no problem. When I was prompted I said cancel service. When I spoke to the guy I said my bill is to high, especially with the ticket hitting my bill next month. He said the best I could do is offer you $100 off. It would still be 6 payments of $44 per month. I said cancel "cancel my service then." He said okay "when do you want it cancelled?." I said Dish can't come over until the end of the month. I thought that would get him to budge. He said "alright I will schedule it for July 31st." I said okay & hung up. Should I call back in a few days. I have never even talked to Dish yet & have no intention of going over to them.
  8. I lost all respect for the ESPY's after they gave Jenner the Ash Award. I don't call prancing & flaunting all around TV, having a sex change, & in the process embarrassing your whole family courageous, I call that being a selfish idiot.
  9. I am usually in by 7:15am & usually work to 4. I do work 2 days a week at home so that is ncie. I am in banking & this first job I have ever had in banking that I am hourly which is nice because I could put in overtime whenever I want. (I usually only do it a couple times a year) I don't have to punch a clock or anything like that, just fill out a timecard every other week & my boss approves it. Also my boss is super flexible, is rarely in the office & pretty much lets me come & go whenever I want so that is nice. Been working for him for 9 years now. I will miss him when he retires. He is 10 years older than me.
  10. I agree. If you think Pats fans think of us as rivals your delusional. They look at the schedule & say "cool, we got 2 sure wins against Buffalo." BTW, there are ton of rivalries in College Football. One of many reasons why College Football is far superior to the NFL.
  11. I second this one. Took the kids & the wife to five guys a few weeks ago. Ended up costing me $50. Little steep for burgers & fries. (my son did get a milkshake also.)
  12. I always route for the Browns except when they are playing the Bills. I figure the Browns are the one organization that is probably a bigger joke than us in the league. Hopefully the Bills fortunes will change now that money bags T Pegs is running the show.
  13. The funny thing is if we drafted a rookie QB as our number 1 pick last year, let him start the whole season & he put up similar numbers to Taylor this board would of exploded with excitement. People tend to forget it TT first real game action last year, But I have seen people on this board state things like "he has hit his ceiling'" etc.... I expect him to continue to improve & lead this team to the playoffs sooner rather than later.
  14. There is a good rule to go by when your in Florida. If there is water assume gators are near.
  15. I am kind of with you on this. The whole NFL is kind of boring. I still love the Bills but I am more on a wait & see approach right now. Last year I did something that I never did & I actually did it twice. When watching the game on TV, I left at halftime with my son to go golfing(one was the Jacksonville game). I just didn't care enough to stick around & watch the second half.
  16. Yeah I really haven't even looked into it so maybe the prices are comparable. I pay $148 a month & I get the sports pack but that is not with any extra movie channels or anything. I think that is a bit steep,
  17. Last year was the first time I actually had to pay for Sunday Ticket in I can't remember when. I think I paid 5 payments of $49.00. I didn't even watch it hardly(remember I live in Lancaster so I get all the Bills games anyways). This year I am not playing around. They are either going to give it to me for free or I am going to cancel my service. In fact I am going to call during my lunch today. The prices for DTV have gotten way out of hand.
  18. Buffalo already has 2 high end steakhouses in the city in EB Greens & Chophouse. IMO EB Greens is much better. Chophouse is overrated. I think they both do very well though. I think if it is done right, no reason why this one can't be successful either.
  19. You shouldn't be shocked, the East sucked this year.
  20. My uncle went to all 4 super bowls & said the most fun one was minny. The nice weather helps but he said everything was so organized & the city was so accommodating. He said they had a blast there. He said the one in LA was the worst. Nice weather isn't everything. I do agree New Orleans should at minimum have the bowl there 1 every 4 years. From what I hear Indy put on a pretty good show also.
  21. Okay well you would know best. I was only there once. I just remember the place was enormous.
  22. Have you ever been to the Coliseum? It is a huge huge place & the seats are very far from the field. 7th row actually maybe a bit too low. I would of tried to get a bit higher if I was you.
  23. That is definitely a concern for the league. Fantasy football is one the drivers that makes the NFL so popular. It would be like banning NCAA brackets for the tournaments. Half the people would not watch it then. & it should be noted I don't play fantasy football so I really could careless.
  24. Agreed, Dykstra is desperate & broke. My guess is the book is made up of mostly fabrications.
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