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Everything posted by Gordio

  1. Yeah they actually were, they didn't have a chance to win the Stanley Cup.
  2. The Sabres haven't played an important game since T Pegs took over.
  3. Couldn't agree more, + that game against Clemson is @ Florida State. Advantage Noles. Chad Kelly has a younger brother. He is a sophomore & is the starting Quarterback at St Joes. My friend who is a coordinator over at South Park & just played St Joes last Friday said his younger brother is a better quarterback as a sophomore than Chad was as a senior at Joes. I found that interesting.
  4. Yes, I could only imagine. You try to shelter your kids as much as possible. My sister is an FBI agent & the stories she could tell. She deals with internet pedophile stuff. Very distrubing.
  5. Very good point. MY neighbors daughter is a senior this year & wants to get into a pre med program. Very good student, had solid sat scores. Her first choice is UB. Her guidance counselor told her don't even bother applying, being a local student you wont get in. To many people at UB from downstate(NYC) where they could careless about sports that represents WNY & I hate to sound racist but too many foreign students at UB where they could careless about football or basketball. All they seem to care about is getting an education. UB's poor attendance I think could be directly attributed to the dynamics that make up the student body. With the amount of students they have that place should be packed every week. Although I do agree with Rich, the stadium does suck. And of course losing to Albany isn't going to help things. There are some real bad teams in the MAC this year. Much appreciated on the Richmond bet this weekend. Had $50 on them. Thanks for the insight.
  6. This. I am not sure you could blame TD for drafting Williams. He was a consensus top five pick & it was between him & Mount Mckinney. Yeah he could of went the other way but it was a flip of the coin imo. Mckinney had a decent career but like I said both of them were labeled can't miss prospects going into the draft.
  7. Yeah it could happen to a 30 year old just as easily but..... don't think for a second these type of monsters don't prey on younger naive girls that are in their teens. Have you ever been a parent of teenage girl before? I haven't but some of my friends have gone thru it & they have told me that it will be the most difficult time as a parent that you will face. Generalization sure, but my point is that teenage girls are usually a handful because they are so vulnerable & naive. It is the parents responsibility to protect them & everybody does the best they can but at the end of the day it is not realistic that you are with them 24 hours a day. Sad case all the way around & I just don't know what kind of people are capable of doing something like this.
  8. They are ranked #4 in fcs & Virginia to put it politely will not be very good this year so I think there is a chance. If the line is anywhere near double digits I may play it.
  9. No home game is a sure loss for the Bills, especially one early in the season when the crowd is still into it. My guess is we give the cardinals all they can handle. That game is a coin flip imo. So is the Steelers game at home(although there will probably be about 20K steeler fans there.) We have a winner!!!! I think this one is point blank on. Well done sir.
  10. I remember seeing this on unsolved mysteries or some show similar a year ago or so. If I remember correctly the parents would not let the daughter go to spring break(she was only 16). She lied & said she was staaying over her girlfriends for the week. Went down there. She was talking to her boyfriend on the phone & the phone suddenly dropped & disconnected. He tried for a day to get a hold of her. Finally told her parents what happened & they got the police involved. They originally suspected the boyfriend but he was obviously back in NYS when this happened. Sad story all the way around. Hits home for anybody that has a young daughter(my daughter just turned 7).
  11. My guy takes FCS vs FBS games & yes if you do your research there is money to be made on these games. Looking at Don Best which has about 6 sites right now no lines have been posted. I think they usually come out a day or two before the game. You should see something for tomorrow's games sometime today
  12. There is a ton of things I like to do when I am in Vegas, watching the Raiders play would not be one of them. 65K stadium seems about right.
  13. I wish you were my financial advisor when I was 18. I spent my graduation money on my first car. Thing broke down all the time & was more of a headache than it was worth. A night of coke, hookers & booze would of been a much wiser investment.
  14. Agreed, & up here the mosquitoes are a mild nussance 2 months a year. Not nearly as big of a problem as down south or in Texas,.
  15. Your out of your mind if you think Tops has a better selection than Wegmans. & Chef, I don't think $15K on $750K is that bad. I pay around 7,500 in Lancaster. My house just got appraised for $250K 2 months ago. I payed $190K for it 10m years ago. Not the property increase you see in other parts of the country for sure. Your property increase is insane. If your almost ready to retire, you could sell, move back east, by a beautiful house & still pocket 300 grand or so. Not bad for something you purchased just 4 years ago.
  16. Why do you say he is a D-bag? I am curious, is there some inside information that you know. He seemed like a decent guy when he was here. Bottmoline is he left because the Pats offered him way more money. If the bills would offered him that contract & the Pats offered him $1.6 million he would still be in Buffalo. Nevermind Kirby, I read some of the other comments. The guy does sound like a dick.
  17. Couldn't agree more. Maybe when I was a bit younger I was a little more gung ho trying to climb the corporate ladder but those times are far gone. Maybe it is a lousy attitude but I am in my 40's now & I am where I am & have no intention of busting my ass to get promoted for a job that maybe pays more but also requires a lot more work. I view work as a means to an end. I see some of my other friends that sure they make more money than me but they also put work ahead of everything else including their wife/kids/recreation. I feel sorry for those people. It also helps that I have a very laid back boss & his boss is even more laid back. MY boss is one of my best friends which helps. I get my work done & I do a good job for him & return he lets me come & go pretty much whenever I want. I don't know. A job is a job, nothing more nothing less.
  18. In part the Jets were a byproduct of their schedule & catching teams at the right times. They beat 2 teams with winning records last year & one was in week 1 when the Redskins didnt know what they had in Cousins yet. I see the Jets winning no more than 6 games this year.
  19. Sadly I got to agree. I have been counting on the Patriots demise for 5-6 years now & it never works out. Until someone knocks them off, they are the team to beat in the AFC East.
  20. I agree with this, the weather in Buffalo in November is usually just fine. Probably be in the high 40's, low 50's. It could get up into the 60's or drop down to the low 30's/high 20's but that is the exception. Sit in the lower bowl, get the full experience.
  21. There is no competive balance in schedule strength if you do it this way. Some teams are going to have very difficult schedules while other teams will have cake walks.
  22. I got a free genie upgrade & free sunday ticket for the year I believe. That was last year. I had 1 year left on my contract last year after agreeing to this so after that I had 3 years left. Now I got 2 years left.
  23. Well I called once again. This time the lady was very friendly & she actually introduced herself as part of the retention department. I told her my story & said after having the weekend to think about it I decided to cancel my cancelation. She said well lets see what we can do. After about 10 minutes she came back & said the best I could do is give you $50 off of the Sunday ticket & $5 off your bill for next 12 months. At this point I am defeated & told her give me the $5 off a month but I don't want the Sunday Ticket. I thanked her for her time & that was that. I may still call one more time next week. What can it hurt. This will be the first year I don't have Sunday Ticket since 2006 I believe.
  24. I do share your frustration about meaningless late season games. You can't give those tickets away usually although Pitt is in town this year & those tickets will sell at a premium no matter what time of year it is. But...... the flip side is if the Bills ever get good, December games at home can be very exciting. It has been awhile, but one of these years they are going to be good. Maybe this will be the year.
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