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Everything posted by Gordio

  1. I didn't listen to it pal, I just read it hear. He could say no comment or something to that effect.
  2. How about keep his mouth shut for once in his life. I can't wait to these two aholes are shown the door at the end of the year.
  3. Read the article in the Buffalo News today about the talent we could of drafted at receiver instead of trading up for Watkins. It is probably going to go down as the best receiving class in the history of the NFL & we trade a king's ransom to move up 4 spots to get Sammy. Honestly that move alone should get Whaley fired.
  4. The QB I like is the kid from Louisville Lamar Jackson. Can throw it 80 yards, has pocket awereness, uses his legs when he has too. He is a true sophmore though so he won't be going into the draft next sring. Hey maybe we should bring dumb & dumber back & really tank next year for Jackson.
  5. Spend some Saturdays watching college football & knock off the draft Kelly crap just because he is JK's nephew. There are 4 or 5 other QBS I would draft ahead of Kelly that are coming out in the draft next year.
  6. Got to agree. Colts have a lot of problems, Luck isn't one of them. Stupid thread.
  7. Look man you got no worries. It will be a close game only because you got your 3rd string QB but the hoody will figure out a way to pull it out in the end. Also don't be surprised if the hoody tries to unload Brady after this year depending how your season turns out when he comes back. I think they know they got the real deal with Jimmy G & they could probably get a couple first round picks for Brady. Sounds like blasphemy I know but this how the Pats operate & stay successful. Why would hate the bills? In the last 26 games I believe we have beaten you once.
  8. It will be all over for the Ryan brothers after this season. Way it sucks that Pegs has to eat 3 more years of his 25 million contract but I get the feeling Pegs could careless about the money. Firing Roman was a BS cowardly move. He didn't deserve that. Just shows you what a phony use car salesman Ryan really is. I don't know how they could possibly bring him back next year & sell it to the fans.
  9. I thought about that too. Rex is a phony who has lost all credibility as far as I am concerned.
  10. Couldn't agree more. They fired the wrong coach. Roman is a good OC
  11. Little hard on the Pegulas aren't you pal. I do agree with some of the stuff you mentioned. To me this looks like deja vu though. They made the same mistake with the Sabres. Tried to be nice, allowed Regier to spend a ton of money before they had to bottom out & clean house. It set the Sabres back a few years but they got a real hockey guy calling the shots in Murray & it seeems like they are on the right track. Unfortunately this is what is going tp happen to the Bills. My guess is they will bottom out this year(I don't see them winning more than 3 games) get a high pick, hopefully a true franchise qb is available & they are going to have to clean house & get a football guy running the operations. That means bye bye Rex & his fat f&ck brother, bye bye Whaley & hopefully he kicks Brandon's arrogant a** out the door too. This playoff drought will hit 20 years, folks.
  12. I don't think there is any question about that. JK & TT were great players, hall of fame players no question but Bruce Smith is on a very short list of GOAT. The only 2 other guys I could think of that disrupted an offense quite like Bruce was Reggie White & Lawrence Taylor. He was a pure pleasure to watch.
  13. That ius a tough comparison man. Green Bay has had several periods(including the current one) where they have been very successful. Yes there were years in 80's where they were dor mat for the league, but keep in mind they played in a baseball stadium for half their games that only held 50K. Big difference then selling out Rich Stadium in those lean 80 years at 80K +
  14. I got to agree with Scott, the poster asked a simple question. What has Brandon done in the past 15 years. When people see Brandon in the draft room, at all the news conferences, as the acting GM for several years, people have a right to link him as a big part of the problem. Is he the only problem, of course not. But he has been the one constant here during this playoff drought. Not sure how you could read that presser that May Day posted & still think that RB has not been a big part of the problem. I don't care if you have inside dealings at one bills drive or not. Your wrong.
  15. Wow pretty damning article & looking at it 5-6 years later it was spot on. Brandon has been a big problem, I think more so when Wilson was running the team though as it seemed he was the only person in the building Wilson trusted. Hopefully that has changed since T Pegs has took over but the quote when they were hiring Rex when Brandon said "don't let him leave the building" makes me think he has more influence on the football side at One Bills Drive than anybody cares to admit. Noone will ever convince me that Whaley was fully behind bringing in Ryan. My guess is he wanted to bring in Hue Jackson.
  16. It was the game after Wilfork caught the TD for the Jags to beat us on the last play. We are sitting by our car after the game having a beer & this guy comes storming down the aisle, talking to himself, mother f*cking everything, Saying "F Ralph Wilson, F this City, F orchard Park, F this team. It was comical. When he gets right in front of us he says to noone in particular, "I am f*cking down with this F*cking team." Rips off his Takeo Spikes jersey & throws it right on the ground in front of us & storms away. We all look at each, my one friend picks it up & says "cool I got a new Spikes Jersey."
  17. Yes that is a good one too, not to be out done by the post right around Halloween "Is there any franchise QBs available in the upcoming draft?"
  18. It is going to be sunny around 70 during the day, drop down into the upper 50's/lower 60s during the game. In other words, perfect football/tailgating weather.
  19. Yeah I am hardly a troll pal. Been a season ticket holder since 1996. Live 10 minutes from the stadium. It is just discouraging to see the same old movie year after year after year & nothing changes. I don't even get upset with the losses anymore. I am not sure better times are ahead either, not until they clean house, again. The Ryan brothers are in over their heads.
  20. Yeah I enjoy eating squirrel too but I stopped eating it ever since my doctor told me it was high in colesterol.
  21. I do too. I am now setting my sights firmly on the traditional annual post "who should the bills draft next year?" Usually that post happens in early October but my guess is it will happen after we lose to the Jets Thursday.
  22. The score may have been close but getting outgained 225 yards to 90 in the first half is just pathetic.
  23. I agree, we have seen this all before. Ryan was a bad hire & it will really show this year. The defense did look good but my guess is the Baltimore coaches figured out by halftime the Bills couldn't score if they were playing a high school team & went conservative the second half knowing that the only way they get beat is if Flacco starts turning the ball over. Fitz is going to light us up thursday.
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