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Everything posted by Gordio

  1. It was a bad pick Promo, please dont try to defend it. It is a pick that should cost Whaley his job at the end of this season.
  2. There is one reason & one reason why the NFL is more popular than ever & that is fantasy football. Without that the NFL would be in some serious trouble right now with the lousy high cost product they are putting out. Tony Eason was overdrafted. He didn't have a big enough build to withstand the constant hits that QBS faced back in that era. A decent college QB that just wasn't strong enough to withstand the pounding that a Qb took in the mid 80's. His career would of stunk with or without playing in the Super Bowl.
  3. Man you nailed it. The NFL gets less & less interesting to me every year. I very rarely watch all day anymore. I will watch the Bills(don't ask me why) & maybe some of the 4 oclock game but that is it. Rarely watch the Sunday night game & never watch the Monday night game unless the Bills are playing. Same teams that are good every year have really ruin this for me. Sick of watching NE, tired of the Broncos/Packers/Steelers. It is just not interesting. I will watch college football all day on Saturdays. I know Alabama is a juggernaut but I find the college ball so much more interesting. First time in 14 years I don't have the ticket(direct tv wouldn't give me anything off on it this year) & I got to say I really dont miss it at all.
  4. Hey no problem, I am here to help.
  5. Can you blame them? We have only beaten them twice I believe since Brady started playing. Why should they worry about the Bills?
  6. Please spare us the lecture. You root for a team that are known cheaters & have no room for any kind of sportsmanship in their franchise. There are no limits to the depths they will sink to gain any kind of advantage over their opponent. Their is a special place in Hell for Belicheck, Kraft & Brady. I would love it if Brady got a career ending injury on the Bills watch. He deserves it for all of his cheating.
  7. It is the same in my section 142. It is standing the entire time. I really don't mind it but I could see where it gets annoying for older folks or people that have some kind of medical issue.(arthritis, MS). I have gone to quite a few college stadiums during my younger years when I was in college(Ohio State, Michigan, Penn State, Notre Dame) & it was always standing although back then we would always sit in the student section which may had something to do with that.
  8. I told you 2 years ago they should of unloaded Brees. You said it would never happen & you were right. But it was very short sighted to keep him & pay him all that money when the rest of the roster was horrible.
  9. I used to have season tickets in the upper deck around the 30 yard line. It didn't seem like people stood for the whole game just big plays. We switched seats 3 years ago down to the lower bowl in section 142 around the goalline. It seems like the whole section stands for the entire game. I don't really have a preference. But with that being said I go with the flow. My 12 year old son likes to stand the whole game.
  10. Please you haven't been around here long enough. If we lose, this season will go down the drain quickly. It will be disheartening to lose to a NE team, without Brady & possibly if their 2nd/3rd string QB. With that being said though, I don't think it matters who the hoody runs out at QB, the refs will as they usually do in Foxboro will not allow the Pats to lose & throw a few flags at critical points of the game in NE favor. They will win a tight low scoring game.
  11. No worries, I guarantee you guys will still win. This will be the final humiliation/nail in Rex's coffin.
  12. I also told my son don't be a Mets fan or a Bills. Too much torture. He didn't listen. He is a die hard Mets/Bills fan just like his old man. What can I say, the kid looks up to me.
  13. Steeler fans don't like any coach because nothing is ever good enough for them. They feel that they are entitled to win the Super Bowl every other year & anything less is unacceptable. I would love to have Steeler fan just for one season walk in the shoes of a Bills fan & see what true misery is really like. Spoiled rotten fan base if you ask me.
  14. Nothing would surprise me anymore so I wouldn't be so fast to dismiss this story. Playing devils advocate here, maybe Pegs did give Rex an ultimatum stating playoffs or else, Rex knew he did not have the horses to get there, told Lynn about this. This would also make sense as to why he would bring his brother in. His brother's defense last year was historically bad. Why bring him in? Because he knew this might be the last chance he could get his brother a paycheck as a NFL coach. I don't know.
  15. Beating a Bears team & a Cleveland team that is the worst team in the league hardly qualifies them as good. They maybe on the right track but I still doubt they see more than 5 wins this year even with a 2-0 start.
  16. I drank the koolaide with the Rex hire but looking at it now obviously it was a horrible hire & the warning signs were there, most of the fans(including me) just refused to see them. Hasn't had a winning record in 5-6 years, his defense has been in decline, his scheme did not fit the personal already in place, the 2014 Marrone led Bills made the Jets look stupid in 2 games that year. Another rebuild is on the horizon again after this year. Sad times indeed.
  17. I am starting to think Tyrod's biggest weakness is his inability to sustain drives. There were times last year 3rd & 4 or 5 where he could of ran for the first down but chose not to. Against the jets when he threw that int down the sideline on 3rd down, he had someone wide open in the flat(not sure who it was) he would of picked up the first down easily. Instead he throws the ball 30 yards down field. He has got to be better at that.
  18. Great idea but I sold my tickets on ticket exchange Monday brother. I plan on doing something much more fun than watching this train wreck like flossing my teeth or watching paint dry.
  19. If you do look at Sully's articles over the years he has been dead on about most of them. Sad but true. It is just hard to comprehend that the team we all love so much has been such a dysfunctional mess since Kelly retired.
  20. This has got to be a record on earliest ever for the draft thread & throwing in the towlel for the season for this board but I do tend to agree with you. That Cleveland/Buffalo game in December looms large. Maybe the NFL will flex it.
  21. How can you possibly say that after watching old noodle arm throw for nearly 400 yards against us Thursday night?
  22. You should save yourself some money. Go to hammer's for the tailgate, eat, drink be merry, have a great time. When it is gametime just have your wife take you behind the fieldhouse & kick you in the nuts and call it a day. That is what it will feel like when Big Ben & A Brown get done with old fat ass' defense.
  23. There will be some team that offers him 12 million + per year. Tag him & trade him. He is not worth the money.
  24. Why not, every time he opens his mouth he sounds/looks like a moron.
  25. Wrong, it was a stupid trade no matter how you look at it. It is moves like this that have kept the Bills out of the playoffs for 16 years.
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