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Everything posted by Gordio

  1. You know in theory it is a great job, but the boosters have got to be a pain in the a** to deal with down there. They are probably sticking their noses in everything strong does. I can't believe Strong couldn't get it rolling there. I thought that was a great hire at the time.
  2. I told myself I was not going to get caught up in this bs this year but I tend to agree with you. The schedule is laid out perfectly. Take care of business against the Jags & beat Oakland out west & I will start getting exciting. They have no more mulligans though, they need 11 to get in, winning 10 is a 50/50 proposition at best.
  3. My mother in law is one of those people, won't eat steak id there is any pink in it. 3 years ago I had my inlaws over for dinner & I was grilling steaks. It was the middle of winter so I bring the steaks in & of course hers has a little bit of pink inside. So she says can you throw it back on the grill. It is like 10 degrees outside. I am like I guess so. So I go out & slip on a piece of ice on the deck & her steak goes flying and I land right on my back right on one of the steps on the patio. I was in so much pain. So I finally lift myself up & I literally crawl into the house because I have a welt on my backbone the size of a grapefruit. I am crying in pain on the couch my MIL go "I could see your going to blame this whole thing on me." & my wife says "mom of course he is not going to blame it on you it was an accident." I prop my head up on the couch & scream at both of them saying "your dam right I am going to blame the whole thing on you, would it kill you to eat a raw piece of meat?" Yeah good times, I still have a little welt on my back from that incident. I wanted to strangle her.
  4. Wrong again. You may have the winningest franchise of the last 20 years but your game day atmosphere sucks. The stadium sucks & so does the wine & cheesze crowd. Horrible atmosphere for the game. A lot of bandwaggon fans & alot of spoiled fans. I can't wait to the Patriots start losing again(it has to come sooner or later doesn't it?). You will have a half empty stadium. Kind of like what has happened to Yankee Stadium but 100xs worse. No they won't. Their playoff games on TV sound like a preseason game every where else. It is actually pretty pathetic. I have only been to Gillette once. Nice place, just a dull atmosphere. It is sad when sports have come to this. The NFL is pricing the real fans right out of the stadium & they could careless.
  5. I would too, but I got one question. Why don't other teams have this problem?
  6. Well......it depends on what kind of team you have. If you are mid major & your a fringe top 40-50 team, getting an early season win against a team like Xavier would be the gift that keeps on giving once March & selection process rolls around. But yes for most mid majors it is all about the conference tournament. That is where the mid major coaches earn their paycheck.
  7. As usual you make a lot of good points but I really think this fan base is beaten down. 17 years of this crap & the worst part is there is no end in sight. They whiffed on the coach again, they really needed to get that right. Rex most likely will have another year but all that is doing is prolonging the inevetiable. I have been a season ticket holder since 1996 & for the first time I am seriously thinking about not renewing my season tickets for next year. Last year I only went to three games, this I went to the Jets game & the Cardinals game & have sold the NE/Pitt/SF games. I still got three games laft but you can't even give these games away as once again the Bills will be playing out the string in late November/December. There was a time when I wouldn't of missed a home game at the Ralph(I live about 10 minutes away from the stadium). Now I could care less. I know the Bills did not play but yesterday I spent the afternoon golfing up at Byrnecliff & did not watch any football. I used to love the NFL, the bills have made me indifferent to the whole league.
  8. I thought Hurley left too early, could of had a softer landing spot than ASU if he would of waited. Year 2 looks a bit more promising for the Sun Devils but I doubt they make the torunament. PAC 12 is loaded with Arizona/Oregon/UCLA as serious threats for final 4 & USC/Colorado/Utah/Washington/Stanford should make the tournament as well. That leaves ASU fighting with OSU, Wazzu,Cal at the bottom of the division. Arizona State is a tough place to win. He should stayed & built something at UB & then he would had his pick of places to go. Easy for my to say as I his contract was worth multi millions more out in the desert than it was at UB.
  9. I am not worried either. I am not an alum of UB. But I always do route for them when they are not playing Canisius(the school I did go to). I do think UB will take a step back this year. Akron is supposed to be very good this year, although I think they got beat over the weekend.
  10. They didn't exactly dust Niagara. It was a close game throughout. Niagara is one of the worst teams in MAC too. Xavier is a serious contender for the final four this year. UB's best player transfered this summer & I believe their PG was out Friday night against the Purple Eagles. This one could get ugly.
  11. Agreed, teams will start losing, it happens every year. The problem is this team led by the Ryan brothers are not capable of realling off 6 out of 7, which is the bare minimum for us to have a chance. It is over folks, 17 years.
  12. It was in bad taste at best & a downright douchebag move to swap jerseys with a guy who cheap shotted your kicker & openly disrespected your head coach on national tv. If you can't see that I really don't know what to tell you.
  13. Agree with pretty much everything you said. Here is my take from the game. 1.) Tyrod is the QB next year, end of story. He even had Gruden/Mcdonough saying he is an emerging superstar. They are not going to let him walk. So get used to it people. 2.) I know Ryan said Darby was sick but our two shutdown corners absolutely stink. Gilmore looks like he is playing not to get hurt & Darby got turned around so many times in the first half I lost count. It is a problem. Chris Brown on the pregame kind of alluded to this. Mentioned Jabari Greer in his walk year with the Bills refusing to play the last five games because he had a minor injury & wanted to get paid in the offseason. Didn't go as far as to say this was the case with Gilmore but he was definately hinting at it which I was surprised that he did that. 3.) Colten Schmidt stinks too. 4.) This is what Woods could do in a pass happy offense. He is a number 2 receiver & could put up numbers if he is gets the ball. 5.) Mccoy is unbelievable also. 6.) If you can keep Watkins healthy(I know a big if) and take the shackles off of TT, this offense should be ready to roll. 7.) I know they don't get the best ratings, but honestly the NFL is nuts not putting the Bills on prime time more often. I know we always come out on the losing end but it is great theater. This game was probably the most exciting prime time game of the year. 8.) I would be interested to hear from the people that actually went to the game, but that stadium sounds extremely loud & it looks great on TV. Whoever constructed the design of that stadium did a terrific job imo. 9.) Another gut wrencher another season lost. The season was not lost on this game, it was lost when we sropped games to the Jets, Miami & Baltimore 3 teams we have no business losing to imo. 10.) Hang in there Bills fans, there is always next year!!!
  14. I have a $100 on the Indians to win the series at +180. It was looking good at 3-1 but now not so much. I was going to hedge my bet tonight thinking with Kluber on the hill & in Cleveland that the Indians were going to be going off tonight at about +160 or so but the game is around even. I hate to say it Tribe fans but this line tells me the cubbies will win tonight.
  15. I totally agree. This is going to come off as sour grapes but I am sick of seeing Brady. There is no way in hell that he should be this good & be this effective at this stage of his career. He has been in the league for 18 years & will be 40 next year. Sorry but after spending the past 2 decades watching him kick the crap out of the team I love I am just tired of it. It is not fair. I think a lot of other fan bases feel the same way.
  16. Buck does come off as a know it all once in awhile but I think he has got a really good voice & I kind of like him too. Not nearly as good as his old man but that could describe 99% of the announcers on tv today.
  17. Biscuits feelings are still hurt from the thought of EJ being out of the league in 2 years. & BTW, if you watched EJ in college at FSU you had a pretty good idea how his career was going to turn out. Ask some of the FSU guys on this board & they will tell you the same dam thing. Jimbo had to dumb down the offense for a Senior QB & then a year later opened it up with Winston under center. It was pretty obvious his own coach didn't trust him.
  18. I wish you were my dad. Maybe you should just move.
  19. I got to agree, I am not an expert on cars but my dad had a 2012 Malibu & I ordered the pads/rotors online cost about $250 & had my friend pop them in. Took him the morning. He did it for free as a favor. He also told me you really have to grind the sh&t out of the pads/rotors to have to replace the calipers. He didn't mention how much those cost though, Hey I am with you on that one. I don't work all week so I could spend my weekends putting brakes on my car. Besides knowing me, I would end up not setting the car jack up right & end up killing myself. Remember I was the guy that couldn't figure out why my pool heater wasn't working a few years ago, had my brother in law come out to take a look at it & he turned the gas knob to open & started laughing his ass off. My buddy that I take my brakes too actually has a a cushy executive banking job. Makes a ton of money. His dad used to own a brake shop & he enjoys putting them on. He never charges me anything for them. Some guys have weird hobbies.
  20. Yeah I figured as much. I will pay the premium though. Sure I could go take him to Wake Forest or Georgia Tech but I figure if we are going to do it let's do it right. Thanks.
  21. Quick question off topic. For my sons 13th birthday present next year I was thinking of taking him to Duke/UNC basketball at the Dean Dome. He is a big UNC fan. They play in Chapel Hill the last Saturday of the regular season. How tough is it to get tickets for that game? Duke is supposed to be very good this year(in fact I believe they will start the season #1) & UNC is supposed to be pretty good also(top 10 maybe). & on topic, I rarely watch the Thursday night game, will have whatever college football game on in the background on Fridays, usually when time permits will spend all day down in my basement on Saturdays watching college football(love Saturdays in the fall) & watch/go to the bills game, watch bits & pieces of the 4/sunday night game. I play basketball on Monday nights, rarely watch any of the Monday night game.
  22. To be fair they have only played Oakland in Oakland 8 times since 1966, so it is not like we are playing them every year out there.
  23. When I first got married I used to go a lot with my father in law. He used to get comped very well at Harrahs. Hotel, meals/drinks/shows all were free for me. It would aggravate me though he would always like to go tuesday thru monday. After a few of those it was just too much. I couldnt handle it. When I go with my friends for the super bowl we get there Friday night & I usually high tale it out of there and catch the 6 am flight Monday morning. I am usually in a drunken stuper for 50 straight hours or so with very minimal sleep & just pass out on the plane ride home. Good times!
  24. He will probably sprain his vagina in practice the week he is set to come back
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