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Everything posted by Gordio

  1. What is the point. Whoever they hire this organization will f*ck it up again just like they have f*cked the coaching hires up for the past 17 years. I can't believe I am saying this but we might as well just roll with Rex next year. One thing that stuck out to me about that article. It said the Pegulas have been in contact with Coughlin since this past summer. If that is true, that is pretty underhanded by the Pegulas. Nothing like selling out your head coach before the season even starts.
  2. How the heck does it only take 4 minutes to clean up? The guy is soaked in ketchup/mustard. I would think a full blown shower is in order, unless he goes unto the game with mustard stains on his beard. I think it is ridiculous too, but I think a lot of things his group does are kind of crazy, like the way they cook, keeping the pinto running etc, drinking shots out of a bowling ball... But with that being said, I have never heard a bad word said about Kenny from anyone ever in the parking lot, the guy still seems like he loves doing it, he has a great national following & he obviously is a diehard Bills fan so I say more power to him.
  3. I have tickets to the game Saturday. I would of went if my son if the Bills were in better position to make the playoffs. Christmas Eve we have our families over but They usually don't come over to about 5 or so it would of been doable. All you have to have is a semi understanding wife. Christmas would be a tough one for me. Noway I could pull that one off unless it would be a night game. Then maybe I would be able to sneak away.
  4. It is very concerning that they got nothing out of non conference play. Every team they played that will be considered for an at large bid come March (Wisky, G Town, S Carolina, Ucon?) they lost too. They are going to have to knock off one of the Big Dogs in conference play to pump up their resume come March. Fortunately they will have some nice opportunities.
  5. You should read a little bit more about that. It may of started as a stupid prank but the Mannings(including the old man) tried to ruin that girls life by having her black balled in her field.
  6. Don't worry, I am sure New England will have the division wrapped up by Columbus Day.
  7. You have been away from these parts a bit too long. The negativity comes from empty promises & what is sure to be 17 years of no playoffs. Hey Rex, nice of you to join the board & pop in.
  8. No he wouldn't, he would keep his mouth shut & collect a cool $15 mill at the end of the season.
  9. Maybe the players should of played a little better if they were that concerned about Rex's job status.
  10. Agreed, it has become pretty apparent to me that REx wanted one final payday before he rides into the sunset. He didn't want to put the work into developing new schemes, instead using his old philosophy which is clearly outdated. Telling tale was that Monday night game last year against the Pats. The BIlls looked very prepared that day & Rex had Brady confused with all of these exotic blitzes & such. I thought to myself why can't the defense play like this every week. My guess is Rex didn't want to put the time in to develope a new fdifferent scheme/look every week. He wanted to make a point that on National TV against Brady that he still had it though. Rex maybe a likeable guy but he is a con man & pretty much stole money from Pegs. Hell, bringing in his brother, which was to get him one more paycheck because noone else would hire him should be a fireable offense alone.
  11. The game was won on the free throw line. Georgetown made their free throws, the Orange didn't. It is really that simple. Lyndon was terrific for most of the day.
  12. Yeah because Denver is not "a real" organization. Get a grip, some Bills fans are really delusional. They have made the super bowl the last 2 out 3 years & actually won it once. I know a foreign concept to Bills Nation. They look they are not going to make it this year but I wouldn't count out Elway having them once again at the top of the pecking order in the AFC next year. Whaley ^ company will have the Bills fighting with the Jets for their spot in the basement in the AFC East once again.
  13. Yeah right because what he says is so hard to believe. I am telling everybody once again my friend had solid info that Polian was ready to come in & clean house & I mean clean house & some inside the building bad mouthed him, mainly Rusty to save their own skin. Shame on Pegs for trusting people inside the building that clearly all they care about their own selfish interests.
  14. Agreed, PM wasn't the train wreck everybody made him out to be last year. Was he putting up good numbers, no, but he wasn't costing the Broncos games either. He was smart enough to control the clock & let game be played by the defense. He wasn't EJ Manuel bad against Jacksonville where he flat out lost the game for us.
  15. Yeah I will pass. Freezing my ass off watching the 2 worst run franchises over the past decade play is not my idea of fun. I have 2 tickets if anybody wants them. You couldn't pay me to go to this game.
  16. You know at the hiring process the very least Rusty could of done was open his mouth and said "You know Pegs, Mrs. Pegs, I know he wants a 5 year contract but maybe we should just give him the standard 3 year contract that most coaches with his abysmal record get so then after the second year when we have to inevitably fire this loud mouth buffoon, you will only have to eat $5 million instead of $15 million."
  17. Bite your tongue, Rusty will leave no stone unturned, he will scower the country for every possible hire, going to college campuses far & wide. He will use his great analytic department that he created over at OBD to help him in this search. & when he does find the right candidate he will lock down all the exits to make sure said candidate does not leave the building. Then him & K-9 will high five each in his office while listening to "we will rock you" knowing he nailed down another head coaching hire.
  18. He may of tagged around John Butler for 3 years but looking at the decisions that have been made over the last 17 years when he has had a significant role with the organization for many of those years tells me Rusty has no clue about the game of football & how to build a winning organization.
  19. I live 15 minutes away & yesterday was my breaking point. Hell if I want to tailgate I could just go up there, tailgate & then go back to my house to watch the game(I have done that a few times & it has worked out great).
  20. I am done too. I will still buy the first few games. LIke you said it is easy enough to get them. But I couldn't give away the Jags, Browns & Dolphins games this year. If I have to pay a premium for the first few games so be it. It will be cheaper than the $1,500 check I cut the Bills every March. Been a season ticket holder since 96 & I have eaten more December games than I care to remember over the past 20 years. This franchise is a joke, & I know Pegs just took over 2 years ago but he really needed to get that first hire right. This team was ready to win & him & his wife couldn't of botched it up anymore than they did if they tried. Very disheartening.
  21. Could not agree more. Tatylor has his shortcomings, but he will keep this team competitive. If they get rid of him, watch out, next season could be very ugly depending on their options. If Big Mouth would of kept his promise & improved on the #4 defense in 2014 this team is a playoff team hands down the last 2 years. The defense is the real problem, I mean the Bills are averaging 25 points per game, that should be good enough on most Sunday with big mouth Rex calling the shots on defense or so he would like you to believe.
  22. I hardly give Rusty credit for that. Back in the 90's there were empty stadiums all over the league. The league is a totally different animal the last 15 years. The NFL sells itself. Christ, back in the 90's fantasy football wasn't even evented was it. Far as my friend it is someone I have known my whole life & trust & he has very close workings with Pegs. You could believe what you hear, I will believe what I hear.
  23. Yeah if team did that they might be a spectator from the playoffs for the better part of 2 decades...oh wait
  24. I think Whaley has done some good things with this roster. I also think he has done some things that would get most GMS on other competent organizations fired by now.
  25. I don't think so. In fact my friend actually said that Rusty urged Pegula not to bring in a football Czar telling him it wasn't necassary & Rusty is the big reason why Polian didn't want to come here. He didn't want a football man in here because my guess is that the football Czar would look at the past 17 years of this franchise, look at who has been here the longest, look at the complete failures of this franchise & tell Rusty & his side kick Oherdorf to both hit the road. This guy is a snake & he will do anything he can to build a big wall around that inner circle close to Pegs. & do not for a minute think this guy doesn't want in a personal moves. In fact there was an old article when Wilson was alive that stated that some of the GMs would get a laugh out of Rusty, because in these league meetings he would portray & come off as some football guru but the guy doesn't have the background to carry on a intelligent conversation about football with these other GMs. I am not sure why you or K-9 have such a hearton for this guy(I think you guys are both very intelligent posters on this board, 2 of the most intelligent). I don't know how any bills fan could support this POS A-hole anymore & that is exactly what he is.
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