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Everything posted by Gordio

  1. They are not making the tournament this year. Too many losses already & have you had a chance to look at their next 4 games. I think they play UNC, Notre Dame, Wake Forest & I believe Louisville. They will be lucky to go 1-3. Very disappointing.
  2. Okay but when was the last time he reported something that noone else was reporting & it came true. I honestly would like to know.
  3. Okay when was the last time he actually broke a story & was the first to report a correct rumor. I honestly can not remember one. But I may have missed something, I don't know.
  4. John sounds like a good guy & a true professional but honestly has he ever broken a story about the Bills. People on this board have more inside information about the inner workings of 1 Bills Drive than he does.
  5. The NFL has become stale man. It is the same teams every year & these teams are boring. Sick of seeing NEw England, sick of seeing Pittsburgh, sick of seeing Green Bay, sick of seeing KC, sick of seeing Seatle. I mean is there any doubt NE is going to beat Houston by at least 20 points Saturday night? Noone wants to see Brady anymore(except of course NE fans.)
  6. I thought that was called being a professional. The more words that come out of OBD, I think we are all seeing what a toxic loser culture there is down there.
  7. They could just flick on last years Jacksonville game to get their answer to that.
  8. Wouldn't count on it. Carrucci is reporting Taylor is sitting out practice today as the first step in planning his exit strategy from the Bills, saying he is unhappy that he is being benched. Taylor is as good as gone.
  9. I wouldn't of drafted a QB that year until the later rounds but if you had to pin me down & you could look at posts of mine that stated this at the time I would of took Barkley but not until the third or 4th round at the earliest. There wasn't a QB in that draft that was worth a 1st or 2nd round grade imo that year. Horrible year to pigeon hole yourself into selecting a QB. The Bills did trade down & eventually that trade down pick landed us Shady so I guess you could look at it that way too.
  10. They keep making the same stupid mistakes over & over. Maybe they should of stuck with EJ. People on this board that watched him in college could of told Rusty & the boys how it was going to turn out though. EJ had many holes in his game at FSU, holes that were mostly hidden thru being around superior talent & a coach that built the offense around protecting those holes. My opinion the moment they drafted Manuel was it was a huge mistake. He is just not a very good QB. You could play bhim for 14 games or 140 games & that was not going to change.
  11. Obviously they are not going to pay him the $30 million so they are going to have to renegotiate. If he gets anywhere close to the money the Bills are offering him & gets to be the starter there is noway he is coming back.
  12. Taylor is as good as gone. There is noway he will want to come back after how this went down. Some team is going to pay him next year. He will start for another team next year & my guess is he is going to stick it up Pegulas ass for the next 5-7 years. Taylor is the best QB we have had since Kelly & everybody is so quick to run him out of town. Becareful what you wish for. Just watch what we have under center next year. It is going to get ugly.
  13. You have me sold, nice writeup. Well Done. Unfortunatetly it is Lynn's job to lose. Whaley's search doesn't get him out of OBD.
  14. Bradshaw was out of line, making it pretty much personal with his comments. & why the hate for Tomlin, he is a dam good coach, because he doesn't find the need to cheat like the dishonest organization that you route for?
  15. I agree 100% with this. Sully & Bucky obviously are not 2 very likeable people but honestly what have they wrote in particular Sully that is not dead nuts on when it comes to the Bills. The truth hurts, but these guys are just doing their jobs. I really don't understand all the hatred for them on this board. What are they supposed to write about, how great it is that the 2 professional sports teams in Buffalo are going on a combined playoff drought of 23 years now? I mean honestly, what do you people expect them to write about with covering 2 loser franchises?
  16. We have been fooled for 17 years & this smells like the Bills are going to make the same mistake that they have made in the past.
  17. Great article, thanks for posting. It is amazing to me people on this board are still here to defend Rusty. It is obvious this used car salesman has had a major hand in the futility of this franchise for the past 10 years or so. & I have said this before. Whaley has done some good things with this roster, he has also done some things that would get most Gms fired in other organizations. Pegs has a chance now to do the right thing & blow the whole thing up but he won't & my guess is he will regret it three years from now.
  18. If I was Pegs I would tell Rusty to keep his big mouth shut thru this whole process this time. In fact I would tell him to take mandatory vacation time this next month & leave the country. Get him as far away from the hiring process as possible.
  19. It was an absolute travesty that they made Dehaven the fall guy for HRTB. What is worse is they replaced him with the worst special teams coaches I have ever seen. Moves like this have made the drought possible. Sometimes I think this franchise gets what it deserves.
  20. You couldn't be more wrong. This made absolutely no sense to punt the ball given the situation. I am going to break it down to you. 4th & 2, the offense has had their best half of football all season. Game on the line, season on the line, Ryan's career on the line & sends out the worst punter in the league to pin them back, something Schmidt hasn't been able to do all year? The defense was a sive all day long & he put more condfidence in them then he did in the offense. What made matters even worse was the situation the game/season was in & the situation Miami was in. The Bills needed a win to save their season. My guess is Miami would of been perfectly content with getting out of town with a tie. So 4 minutes left Bills have one time out. A tie still puts Miami in a great position to make the playoffs. They get the ball back & my guess their goal was to get one first down & then kneel the ball to run the clock out. With the Bills only having one time out this would of been obtainable. So what is the difference if the Bills defense gave up the first down at their own 40 or the Miami 25 yard line? Absolutely nothing, the game ends in a tie anyways. Now the Billos defense obviously made the point mute as they gave up a 57 yard run on the first play. But it was a horrible call all along so stop trying to defend it.
  21. I have to agree with you. St Johns is horrible. They couldn't get out of their own way against Penn State last Sunday(I know because I bet them). This is verey concerning & quite frankly I am at loss for words right now.
  22. The weather actually is supposed to be pretty nice. Highs in the lower 40's, sunny, very little wind.
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