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Everything posted by Gordio

  1. Kelly may not have been smart in some areas, the football field wasn't one of them. Part of the nohuddle success was attributed to kelly processing things on the field so quickly. He saw things on the field 2-3 steps quicker than most players.
  2. Well I will let you in on a little tip. You maybe a nice guy & all, but noone here likes your team & unfortunately by extension & affiliation to said team noone here likes you, get the f*ck off our board.
  3. You got to remember most bubble teams don't have a signature win on the road, if they did they probably wont be a bubble team. But yes if you get that road signature win it is like hitting the lottery. That is why I cringed when K State beat Baylor & Iowa St beat Kansas on the road this weekend. 2 bubble teams that got that signature road win. Any game on the road in the ACC is no give me game, so yes if they could get all 3 of those they will be in good shape.
  4. I do tend to agree with you. It really defies logic just like it defied logic that Bonds & Clemens were at the top of their game in their late 30's. There is no doubt Brady is taking something, whether it is legal/ilegal I don't know. But anybody that says differently is very Naive or just a blind Pat fan.
  5. Yeah that is wishfull thinking. Brady & BB are wired differently than the normal cat. Both of them have devoted their whole life to perfecting their craft. Their burning desire to win is matched by noone I have ever seen. Maybe those late 90's/early 2000 Yankee teams but what they have done over the past 2 decades is unprecedented. It is coming to an end, it will be a sharp falloff for Brady where noone predicts it is coming(KInda of like Manning). Keeping in mind that BB is usually thinking 4 steps ahead of everybody else, it will be interesting to see if BB sticks to form & deals Brady to some unexpecting naive team when Brady shows the slightest signs of slowing down as he has done with other past superstars.
  6. If you watched the game & the way it u nfolded you really can't blame the students for rushing the court. It was back & forth all afternoon, & the kid for Bonnie couldn't miss in the second half & hit a miracle 3 with 2 guys in his grill with time running out. I think there was .4 seconds left. I don't know, I think the refs could of used better discretion & cleared the court , gave them a warning & Bonnie wins. I guess it was the right call but tough way to lose. I had Bonnie + 1 on the backend of a 4 game round robin where if they would of won I would of won over a grand. That hurt.
  7. Yep, this has been the worst year I have had in over 10 years with the book. Been getting my lunch handed to me on a weekly basis. This is how my luck has been going. Had Bonnie on the backend of 4 team round robin Saturday. Got the first three games in & if Bonnie wins I would of won over a grand. Not sure how you saw how that game ended. Mobley hits a three for Bonnie with .4 fckn seconds to go up by 1(I was getting 1.5 points)& the students rush the court & they call a technical on Bonnie & VCU makes it & sends it into OT winning by 6. I was watching my 7 year old daughter Saturday night & at the end of the game she was like "daddy, are you crying?" & I am like "no I got some dust in my eye." but make no mistake about it those were real tears. I had a tough time sleeping Saturday night, that one hurt.
  8. Beat Duke or louisville & take care of business against Pitt, Gtech & Clemson & they are in great shape. No other bubble teams will have the signature wins that Cuse has which is huge to the selection committee.
  9. I bet way more than I should of on the Patriots so that tempered my disdain for the them/the league in general. That is after I got absolutely pounded by the book Saturday in college hoops. So as you could imagine I was sweating bullets throughout that game. As far as the Pats winning, I am really numb to the whole NFL right now. Who cares, no matter what the Bills do they are not going to be able to compete with Brady & BB. Let the pat fans have their fun for the next 5 years, all good things come to an end. It will be fun once their dynasty comes to an end. Pat fans are so spoiled they won't know how to handle it & my guess is Patriot place will become a ghost town.
  10. There is a lot more to spygate than anybody will ever know. Proof of that is why did Goodell destroy the tapes. MY guess the NFL's integrity was to compromised on those tapes & he wanted noone to see them. With that being said I don't think there is a question that Brady is the best ever. Noone has ever performed at such a high level for so long as he has. He has been in the league for 17 years. It is truly remarkable. I remember when Kelly was playing he started noticeably slowing down in his 8th/9th with the Bills. He also played 3 years with the USFL where he absolutely got destroyed(I think he was sacked 70 times one season). Brady just doesn't show the wear & tear a guy his age should be showing. It really defies logic.
  11. I think the biggest problem from what I remember was Bob Rich got cold feet when he found out how much money it was going to cost to bring a franchise here.
  12. I said this exact same thing when they made the trade. I said Watkins is a terrific talent but if you think you are getting Calvin Johnson, Fitz or JJ your going to be sorely disappointed. Watkins does not have the physical build as those guys do.
  13. Obviously you weren't there at training camp the time EJ sailed a pass so far out of bounds it end up drilling the top of the guest tent, about 20 yards out of bounds.
  14. I have a friend that went to Pitt for college & he has a ton of friends down there. They are all diehard Steeler fans & it was very surprising most of them want to move on from Big Ben. As you said, they say he is not very liked around town. My friend who is a diehard Bills fan always tells them, "be careful what you wish for." It is also suprisising most of his friends don't like Tomlin either. I think you classified it the best. Steeler fans are very spoiled. They don't know how good they have it.
  15. I graduated college got a real job, got married, bought a house had our first child, a son named Ryan sold the house moved 2 miles down the road in Lancaster, bought bigger house, had our second child a beautiful daughter named Alexis Shea(she was born the last year Shea Stadium was in operation & I wanted to name her after the Stadium I grew to love as a child), my son was one of those kids that for some reason really looks up to me(I have told him on numerous occassions to get a better role model) so he became an avid Mets fan & Bills even though I warned him against it. Have taken my son to many games now & it just makes me sad that pretty much one whole generation has been lost never experiencing Bills success. Ryan asked me last night actually "was it exciting to go to a home Bills playoff game." I told him it was unreal & the excitement level is off the charts. Other than that life is pretty good, still got both my parents but man time really goes by in a blink of an eye.
  16. I had two friends from Pittsburgh that went to the game & both of them said they couldn't believe how quiet & hiw unenthusiastic the fans were for most of the game. So it wasn't just me judging how loud it was by TV.
  17. Noone wants to see your cheating football team in the super bowl. Their fans looked like they could careless too yesterday. Honestly the Razor sounded like it was a preseason game last night.
  18. I agree. Win this one & they may call it quits a year or two earlier than they were planning on.
  19. Just an FYI alot of the local golf courses were open this weekend wiseguy. MY brother in law played at Byrnecliff & we went to Terry Hills. The conditions were great, shot an 89. Not bad.
  20. The NFL is a staled product. Honestly can yesterday's games be anymore less competitive. Outside of NE everybody is sick of seeing Brady/Hoody. It is a tired act & I just can't get excited for it. Atlanta, is a team honestly who cares about. That city is a bunch of transplants that will hop on board when the team is doing well but has a passive interest in their team any other time. 14 out of the last 16 superbowls the AFC has been quarterbacked by Brady/Manning/Big Ben. If I am Goodell *I am hoping Brady retires soon because NFL fans are just sick & tired of seeing him.
  21. The water is cold in the middle of summer I can't imagine what it would feel like in March.
  22. Watch the games. It was pretty obvious that this team was not prepared for many of the contests. What is more disturbing more times than not the big national televised games for some reason the team looked more prepared which tells me Rex took these games more serious. The 2nd NE game on Monday Night his first year here & the Seatle game on Monday night this come immediately to mind. Even though the Bills lost those games, they played with a purposed & looked prepared on both those occassions. Looking back I think the obvious conclusion is Rex was in it for the paycheck & stole millions off the Pegula's for him & his fat f*ck brother.
  23. Good point they were 13-7 last year at this time, not much better than this year, but after that reeled off 8 out of their next 9 including a win against a highly ranked Duke team. I am not sure they have it in them this year.
  24. Yeah Kraft is a real gem. There is a special place in hell for Kraft when he finally meets his maker.
  25. He never breaks anything though, his tweets are always speculative & he always leaves himself an out in case it goes the other way, Sometimes in his field you have to put yourself on a limb & trust your sources. If your wrong your wrong but that is the nature of the business. His information is actually kind of annoying if you ask me because it never tells you anything.
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