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Everything posted by Gordio

  1. I am pretty close to my parents, in which I speak once or twice a week. They pick up my daughter & drive her to school on Thursdays. I married into an italian family(I know my dad warned me not to) & I got to tell you they are a totally different animal. She talks to her dad at least twice a day. She talks to her cousins on a regular basis(the only time I ever see my cousins is at a funeral or wedding). With that being said her dad is a good guy & I got along with him very well. He has done a lot for me. Bailed me out of a couple gambling debts in my younger days. Her mother I can't stand but the good news is I rarely see her anymore. We don't need her to watch our kids anymore & such. MY wife doesn't get along with her either & I have feeling once she passes my wife is going to have a lot of baggage about her relationship with her mother. For the first 4 or five years of our marriage 90% of our fights were in some way caused by her mother. I know that sounds weird but it is the truth. Just a nasty lady. I will say hi to her when I see but haven't had a meaningful conversation with her in years. Over the yearsmy wife has seen the nastiness of her mother which is why we dont fight about her anymore.
  2. You forgot the Green Mile Rae Caruth. I bet he would be good from the cell.
  3. Yep, Xavier's philosophy was lets pack it in tight & take our chances with zags chucking it from the outside. I knew Xavier was cooked in the first 10 minutes of the game when Gonzaga couldn't miss from the arc. All boils down to they caught them on a bad night. There are 2 things that are going to be working against Gonzaga Saturday night. First, the Gamecocks have the length & interior size to bang with the zags so they will be able to play their shooters in their face, something Xavier was unwillingly/incapable of doing. & the other thing is & people never talk about this the difference in depth perception playing in a football stadium. It creates all kind of havoc and poor shooting. I expect South Carolina to turn this game into a slug fest. Low scoring game. I think the Zags do pull it out but it is going to be close. Play the under 139 & take the Gamecocks +7. There is my free advice for everybody Saturday. Gonzaga 56 South Carolina 54 No clue about the the second game. UNC should win but I just have a weird feeling the ducks are going to cover & win the game outright.
  4. I got to agree with this. I really don't see how this doesn't work. Even if you don't get a ton of local support(which I don't think will be the case) this will be the #1 destination for visiting fans in the entire NFL. Coupled that with the fact that they will have no trouble selling those expensive luxury boxes to the corporations(my guess is every Casino on the strip will want a box to give out comps to their high rollers) & I think it will work just fine. I think the Chargers/Rams face an uphill climb making a go of it in LA though.
  5. Which makes complete sense. But I just wonder & correct me if I am wrong but they will be building the Stadium by the strip down by Mandalay Bay correct? I just wonder how many locals after the noveltiy wears off will be wiliing to head down there to support the Raiders.
  6. Makes sense, but to never even go down there???? If I lived in Vegas I would be living on the strip at least on the weekends. I guess that is one of the reasons I don't live in Vegas, haha.
  7. I got to Vegas once a year on business. Usually stay 2 or 3 days & it is torture. I got to sit thru all these boring meetings when I all I want to do is hit the black jack & craps table & drink myself into a coma. We always end up taking some of our colleagues out to dinner after the meetings & to a person, all of the people I work with that live there have told they never ever ever venture down to the strip. All of them say they can't stand it. My boss & I just look at each other like "are these people crazy?" But I do find it interesting how some of the locals feel about the strip & their disgust for it.
  8. From the snide debt & saving your money comment you sound like a real prick. So you went away for a week to Arizona. Big deal, get over yourself, people that have been freezing their asses up north the last month don't want to hear about it. Hell I don't even know you & I don't want to hear about it, I could just imagine how your coworkers feel.
  9. If Oregon was healthy they were one of my favorites to win it all. But they lost their inside presence with that kid that went down last weekend. Butler could be a sleeper, those kids no how to win. This is Few's best team, although I think Arizona will beat them in the great 8, this maybe the year they knock down the door. Duke is Duke, better get them early in this tournament, as usual they get tough longer they stick in the tournament.
  10. It is tough to move Duke past the 2 line since they were 5th in their conference. With that being said they are finally healthy & are going to be a tough out. UNC deserved a 1.
  11. That would be a great matchup for them. Xavier has been in a spiral ever since Sumnter(sp) went down. I believe in their last 9 games the only 2 wins they have are against Depaul. They are going to get drilled tonight against Butler at the Garden.
  12. Not sure what is going to happen Sunday. I think one thing that hurts cuse is the god awful road record. This is a weird year. The Bubble is about as soft as I have ever seen it. I can never remember talking about so mnay 13/14 loss teams on the bubble. There is only one team that made the tournament as an at large with at least 14 losses & that was Georgia when they went 16-14. Their schedule was an anomoly though that year in that I believe 27 out of their 30 opponents were within the top 100 RPI. I don't know, my gut says they are out, but I thought they were out last year too.
  13. See I think your better off being an 10/11/ seed then the 8/9 because your going to have to play the one seed in the second round. The difference between the quality of opponents from /6/7 seed compared to a 9 seed is minimal at best.
  14. Yeah they all decided to stay with Bobbie Williams. Looking back the wrong decision but you got to remember back then Nicj Saban didn't have the National Championships under his belt. They all probably thought he was an intollerable jerk who couldn't win the big one. The assistants now still probably think he is a jerk but he carries a bit more clout with him given the past 10 years or so.
  15. Agree 100%. Look at Bama's recruiting classes, they are always in the top 5. Saban's act would get old quickly in the NFL. There is a story when he accepted the job @ LSU, he sent a plane from Baton Rouge back to E Lansing, telling his assistants they all had jobs and to get on the plane when it touched down. The plane came back empty. Not one assistant wanted to follow the great Nick Saban down to LSU. That speaks volumes about what kind of tyrant Nick Saban is.
  16. I played ice hockey for years up at the Pepsi Center & it was pretty tame. Get a bit chippy but rarely any fights. When I was in my late 20's I played Roller Hockey for 3 years. Fun as hell, but you want to talk about fights. Fight every night. And some of them were full out brawls. My one friend & I were the two oldest guys probably in the league(we were in our late 20's). Most of the kids were 18-21. Some of them could really play. Everytime there was a fight my friend & I would just skate over to the bench & watch the madness from afar. A couple of the kids on our team would always ask why we didn't participate in the fighting. I would always tell them, give it 5 or 6 more year & you will understand. Just not worth it when you have a wife/kids.
  17. Like every other team in the nation they have had a couple of hiccups this year. Had a bad loss to Georgia Tech, blown out in Coral Gables & an early season loss to Indiana. But the rest of their losses are solid(Kentucky/Duke). I agree they should be a bit higher than 8. The Pac 10 is getting a lot of love this year with their trio (UCLA/Arizona/Oregon). My guess when the smoke clears UNC will be inline for a #1 seed, 2 seed at the worst. I got the Zags/Nova/Kansas/UNC as the 1 seeds right now.
  18. When you think of it that way it doesn't give you a great reason to renew season tickets. There really is no incentive. With ticket exchange you could find a ticket anywhere in the stadium, by on an individual game basis, don't have to eat useless December games that you cant even give away the tickets & not have to pay for the meaningless preseason games. Part of the reason I decided to drop this year after 19 years of being a season ticket holder.
  19. I think they are in. Not many teams if any on the bubble have the quality wins cuse has. Thye could afford to lose to louisville, beat tech at home & then don't sh*t the bed in the tournament & get knocked out in the first round & I think they are good. & yes, given the right draw, I think they could be dangerous. I seen one mock yesterday that had Cuse coming to Buffalo for the first weekend. That would be a home game for them if that happens.
  20. I drink every Saturday & it usually revolves around watching college sports(football/basketball) but rarely if ever drink Monday thru Friday. Football season I will drink on Sunday also but not nearly as much as Saturday. I never understood people that have 1 or 2 beer every night after work. Once I start drinking it is hard for me to stop which is why I rarely drink during the week. My wife says there is a clinical name for my drinking habits. Oh yea, binge alchoholic.
  21. Agreed, ESPN does one thing well & that is it gives you a ton of college sports(football/basketball) & some live baseball. Other than that they are useless.
  22. Winston got invited to the combine because he was going to be a top 5 pick. IN this hypocritical world your allowed to get away with doing stupid things when your consdered an elite talent, which Kelly is clearly not.
  23. Yeah pretty shortsighted if you ask me. It is not like UB is competing for National Championships, give the kid a scholarship & reap the rewards of having Mack in your corner.
  24. Thanks that is good information. It will be interesting to see the fan dynamics having it up in Barclays. I expect a lot of Syracuse fans & a lot of Duke but I am just guessing.
  25. I got a quick question. I was thinking of taking my son to the ACC tournament next month for his 13th birthday. Has any of you guys been there before. I am going to buy tickets for both Thursday sessions & then I was going to try to scalp tickets for the friday semifinals. I figure it shouldn't be that tough a ticket since the fans of the losing teams Thursday should be giving their tickets away. They are going on stub hub right not for $140 for the Friday semifinals. I think that is a bit steep. Have any of you guys tried to scalp tickets for the semi finals for the ACC Tournament & if so how hard were they to get. I figure having it up in Brooklyn as opposed to Greensboro, tickets should be easier to come by.
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