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Everything posted by Gordio

  1. Yeah when I first started getting seasons tickets we used to have 14 guys. Over the years guys have moved away and bailed out. It is just me & this other friend now & we bring out 2 sons. Guys that used to have seasons with us pop in from time to time, usualy for the opener or if we have a night game. There were times in my late 20s when we get up to the stadium at 6am & we would get a keg, cook breakfast, make lunch before the game & then go back to my friends house that lived down the street from me & watch the 4pm/night games. We usually ordered a sheet & bucket of wings when we got back to his house. Had to be a 10,000 calorie day for everybody. Now if I did that I think I would have a heart attack right on the spot. My wife when I would get home would say, what do you possibly do all day at that place???? Those were good times. I miss those days.
  2. I used to be young like you too. The idea of missing a home game was crazy. Never got up to 100 but I did hit 84 at one point. Then I got into my late 30's/early 40's & decided this franchise kind of sucks. I still have my season tickets but I usually only get up to the stadium 3 or 4 games a year. I really have no excuse either because I live 15 minutes away from the stadium in south Lancaster. Last year I got up to 3 games & I went in my friends RV to the 4th game slept over night, tailgated in the morning & my wife pick me up at 12:45. Watched the game at home. Some of the tickets are pretty easy to sell on ticket exchange so I do get some of my money back. May go out to LA for the Chargers game. Just not sure how tough tickets will be in that 30K stadium. Have a friend out there that lives in Long Beach that I have been meaning to visit. I kind of blew him off last year for the Rams game.
  3. Okay sorry the better part of half a century. I have told you I have a very good friend that has had in the past dealings with the Sabres/Bills(more so the Sabres). He has even flown a couple times on Pegulas private jet with the Pegulas. He says Rusty has more to do with this sh*t show than anybody wants to admit. No offense to you or Kirby but I tend to believe my friend(he has no reason to lie)
  4. Yeah because the idiot fan could do so much worse then what the Bills ownership has thrown out for the past 17 years. I think the idiot fans know a hell of a lot more about how to run a successful organization than Bills ownership the past 2 decades.
  5. They already have Czar for both franchises; a man that goes by the name of Rusty.
  6. I seen on the ticker the A's had their home game rained out yesterday. 1st time they had a home rain out in three years. That is pretty remarkable.
  7. Go into the article from Gaughn in the Buffalo News today. It sure didn't sound like Modrak had the final call on those famous Bills busts.
  8. I still blame the whole thing on Rusty.
  9. I still blame the whole thing on Rusty.
  10. Hockey is such a regional sport meaning once your team is done the casual fan could care less. The weather is getting nice, there are other things to do & they go head to head with the NBA playoffs which there is noway the NHL is winning that battle. With that being said I will flick on the playoffs on a Saturday if I put some money on the games, but other than that I could careless. It is really unfortunate that Buffalo sports takes the fun out of such things as the playoffs by having 2 pathetically runned franchises. My one question about the Sabres is(& I am a casual hockey fan at best) is I hear our coach is on the firing block, when is it Murray's turn to get called out & be held accountable or does he get a free pass like Whaley does every year?
  11. Kizer has got too many things wrong with him. They were saying his footwork on his drop backs were not even right at the combine. A team will take him high due to his strong arm & athletic ability but.... they will be sorry. Mitch, or Mitchell as he likes to be called I don't know. I wouldn't take him. I really don't like that he only started one year. Mahomes, I would be really weary about the offense he is in. The only QB I would take at 10 is Watson. I also think he won't be there. I think the jets are grabbing him. I admire your tenacity & never say die attitude. Let me guess you are a former Marine right?
  12. I disagree with that too. To me Modrak was at the end of a long successful career when he came here. He openly admitted that he did not want to put the time in to be a fulltime GM at this stage of his career. I don't even believe he lived here. I agree with Rico, a lot of successful men have walked thru One Bills Drive over the last 2 decades, & have left with there reputations in ruins & never experienced the success they had elsewhere here. I come up with one conclusion from that. Ralph & Rusty were/are the real problem. RIP Tom.
  13. Bledsoe went 18-36 for 179 yards & 2 ints. He absolutely sucked that day.
  14. I remember when Lonnie Johnson run the punt block back, started taunting the Packer defenders that were in his rear view mirror but forgot the punt returner was stillbetween him & the goalline & the PR absolutely lit him up. That was pure comedy gold. I think that was also Tasker's last game, he got thrown on the first play. That was also funny. I remember Tasker talking about that saying "I was so fumed & embarrassed I got tossed & I walked under the tunnel & the ground crew guys from Lambeau mobbed me & said that was awesome." He said he watched the rest of the game in the ground crew locker room drinking beer with those guys & he said they were grilling brats & such. He said it was pretty fun.
  15. Interesting, Friday night myself & the wife went to the casino too. Went to Chefs too eat first, I had 4 beers there(wife doesn't drink) then we went to the Casino Downtown. it is kind of a sh*thole, nothing compared to the one in Canada. But my wife convinced me to play the slots with her(I hate the slots) lost $60 in the Video Blackjack. Looked at her , said "enough of this" & told her I am going to the Black Jack table. Sat down at a $15 dollar table & won $200 in about 10 minutes & got the hell out of there. So it was a profitable night all & all & no I wasn't drunk after 4 beers. Or even the least bit buzzed & no I didn't get any that night either.
  16. This tournament was a bit weird. It lacked the great drama & theater in the first round with no epic buzzer beaters or crazy cinderella stories that the first weekend is so known for. But once the UNC/Kentucky game tipped off(which was the best game of the tournament) it was a terrific ride. That game & the whole final four was very entertaining.
  17. Last year it was in the fieldhouse & the beer & food were free. I am a season ticket holder but my friend has club seats & he took me & my son. It was alright.
  18. That is a great point. In the age of one & doners it doesn't seem old Roy has totally bought into that concept. His kids for the most part stick around, or at least the last few year. I thought the officiating was brutal. It was a physical game but let them play. The officials made it about themselves. Getting Collins knocked out was the key as the other big sucker was ridiculous how many chip shots he was missing. It seemed his whol offensive strategy was to bull rush UNC to the basket. I mean you are a senior, you should have somewhat of a mid range game by now. But playing in the WCC, he probably never needed to develope that part of his game. He will be a horrible pro though imo.
  19. Plus who has struggled in the post season. I like the mets chances if they could stay healthy. Not off to a great start. The NL is so stacked this year. 6 or 7 teams have a realistic shot of taking the pennant in the NL.
  20. Haha, yes I wish I would of called you. At least I got the push & it wasn't at 153.5. This has been the worst gambling season(I count the gambling season from opening college football labor day weekend until end of the Tournament. I dabble in baseball but on occassion but not much) I have had in years. Just couldn't get anything going this year. The only other worse gambling season I could remember was back in 2006. In 2006 That first friday of the tournament my dad & I both put $300 on each of the 8 evening games. & yes you guess it we went 0-8. To this day my dad & I still refer to that day as Black Friday. That year I couldn't win anything but I did hit a $15 K super bowl square to soften the beating on bank account. This year no such saving grace.
  21. I had $250 on the over Saturday night, 153. Meeks who I believe is a 66% foul shooter miss both free throws, okay so now Berry comes to the line. I believe he is like an 86% foul shooter. Of course he misses both of them too. Honestly, you can't make this sh*t up. My son is a huge UNC fan but that has kind of soured me on the Heels tonight. I kind of hope the Zags win. I also don't think Berry is right. Those ankles are bothering him more than anybody is letting on.
  22. They could kick you out for that? I see people every week at church that I know are having affairs, yet they go to mass every Sunday.
  23. Remember that game like it was yesterday. I was watching it with my dad & when Coats got Bledsoe's pass in the back corner the game winner I punched a hole in my parents wall. My mom was mad, my dad didn't seem to care. I was sick the rest of my season knowing that would be the game that cost us the division & forced us into the wild card game @ Miami. Looking back though it was fun following the Bills back then. The AFC East was pretty good with NE/Jets/Miami/Bills. Indy was starting to come on also. It was fun being relevant & having a real chance to win the division. Every AFC East game was like a war that year.
  24. No sh*t he wants to bring in his own people. Why wouldn't he. the Bills have had the last 3 years the most injuries of any team in the league. Someone has got to take the fall for that.
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