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Everything posted by Gordio

  1. What is wrong with living in PA? I have a few friends that moved out to SoCal about 7/8 years ago. They live in Long Beach. I have never been out there & I heard it is a very nice place to live but it gets annoying when they come back into town & they constantly find the need to put down other parts of the country(especially WNY). Your happy where you live, great. Why do you constantly feel the need to put down other places of the country? & I am sure you will get it but anybody that pays $1 million for your place or the place you listed is a sucker. There is nothing special about that house you listed & my guess is there is nothing special about your house either.
  2. Okay so why would the Sabres agree to this. If I was Pegula I would tell them we will play the game in Citifield but we are the away team or we will play them at the Ralph. Why do they have to be the Jackasses that play the Rangers in NYC but lose a home game? You honestly think the Blackhawks, or the Bruins or the Red Wings would agree to this?
  3. You could be right, but why in God's earth is this considered a home game for Buffalo??? It is clearly in Ranger territory. Yeah Brandon is a marketing genius. Know what else is good for Marketing. Putting a winning product on the field for once.
  4. I got to second this one. Not to sound sexist but early in my career I worked for a woman & it totally sucked. From what I have seen in 20 years of banking, women in general when they get into a position of power, especially over men they tend to abuse it & really make it a miserable place to work. In my career I worked for 2 women & I have had 3 men as bosses & I got to honestly say the 2 women bosses I had sucked. I have turned down a few promotions in my time solely because I would be working for a woman. My boss now I have worked for him for over 10 years & he is one of my best friends. Just today I went into his office & told him I am taking off Wednesday & going golfing. He told me no problem. If it was a lady I was working under I would probably had to make some lie up like I am getting a kidney transplant or something to just to get the afternoon off.
  5. It would???? I would take that deal in a heartbeat. Watkins is damaged goods, he can't stay on the field & when he is on the field he is rarely 100% or close to it. There was a caller on gr the one time when they were talking about Sammy's health problems & he said he was an orthopedic surgeon & he said the type of break Sammy had in his foot it is a tough injury to overcome & there is almost always lingering side effects. I am not sure if the guy knew what he was talking about but he sure sounded like he did.
  6. Thanks for the information JustWinPlease. Good stuff. Much appreciated. Unfortunately I am in a wait & see mode with the Bills. I have just been burned too many timesby them to fully buy in. I hope Mcd & Beane are the real deal. Everything I hear about them sound very good. We shall see though if it translates into wins & yes Pegs needs to show patience & give them at minimum 3/4 years to get this thing on the right tracks. That is also good to hear. Like I said the bills have fooled too many times before. I am in a wait & see approach. I didn't renew my season tickets for the for the first time in 17 years. What is weird is the Bills only called me once, a few weeks back to see if I was renewing. In the past when/if I did not make my payment in early March they would call me every other week asking me if I am renewing. This year they really didn't seem to care if I renewed. Tells me season ticket sales are going good.
  7. I have given this board my inside sources of my friend who has had very close dealings with Pegs & he tells me Brandon's finger prints are all over the football decisions in the last 10 + years. Now you don't have to believe it or not but my friend really has no reason to lie. He also said Brandon has sold out so many people in both organizations to save his own skin since Pegs has took over that it is actually disgusting. Pegs was actually ready to fire him when he first took over. Brandon allowed good people, loyal people to take the fall in order for his job to be saved. He actually went as far as saying he was the main guy to influence Pegs on getting rid of his longtime friend Ted Black because he didn't like their close relationship & how Black had such close access to Pegs. Yeah old Rusty is a real saint. & I got news for everybody, the NFL sells itself. You don't need Rusty around to head up the marketing team.
  8. Yeah I am waiting to reserve judgment on this one. Pegs track record isn't the best & it is a great leap of faith to Mcd this kind of power when quite frankly he hasn't proven sh*t in this league except for the fact that he really can't be trusted if reports are true that he went to Pegs to get Whaley replaced. We will see if it works out, I doubt it will. My guess is 3 years from now we will be talking about a new regime that is in place.
  9. Their pitching stinks so far this year for the most part. Hopefully once the weather heats up the pitching will settle into form. Hopefully we are not 20 games back from the Nationals by then. Although he got rocked last night, big mistake letting Colon go imo. You could always count on him to eat up innings & settle the rotation down every 5th day when all the young guns are missing every third start because they have a sore vagina.
  10. Good read. I think they hit the nail on the head when it said the Pegulas have no clue how to run a sports franchise. One other thing, how could it be possible that Whaley didn't see it coming. I spoke to my friends FIL at the draft party(he works for the Bills) & he said the whole scouting staff & possibly Whaley is getting canned right after the draft. If my friends FIL knew(he is semi retired & works for the Bills part time so he is not high up on the food chain at 1 bills drive) how couldn't Doug at least have a suspicion. I guess it goes to show you the lack of foresight this guy has. Also if it is true MCD went to Pegs & wanted to bring his guy in behind Whaley's back after throwing public support for Whaley every chance he got that is pretty sleezy if you ask me. I am not sold on Mcd. He seems like a bit of weasel if you ask me.
  11. True but please don't kid yourself. It sure helps for the last 15 years to have the best QB of all time be under center & still playing at an extremely high level for this engine to be running smoothly.
  12. I got to agree. This seems like a giant leap of faith by Pegs giving Mcd this much control. I mean he was just a defensive coordinator a few months ago. I am in a wait & see mode with Mcd. Lets face it Pegs track record isn't the greatest. I actually did not renew my season tickets this year after 20 years. I have had enough. I will get back in on seasons next year if I see the ship is sailing in the right direction. My sales rep called me yesterday & asked me why I am not renewing & I told him "you guys don't know what the hell your doing down there." He laughed & said "yeah I could see why you feel like that." He also reminded me I would be losing my 20 years of seniority. I just said "yeah I am okay with that."
  13. No problem, it is laughable at all the information that is out there & continues to be reported that people still believe that RB has had nothing to do with the football side of things for the past 10 years or so.
  14. What is funny is my friend who has dealings with the Sabres/Bills said when Pegs took over he was all set to fire Rusty but Rusty somehow weaseled his way out of it. Said Rusty sold out a lot of good people from both organizations to Pegs to save his own skin. Even went as far as saying Rusty was the driving force behind Pegs dismissing Ted Black from the Sabres, a longtime friend of Pegs. Now shame on Pegs for taking the advice of this sleezy used car salesman but it paints a pretty good picture how manipulative good old Rusty could be.
  15. Kirby just stop, when you miss on as many picks as the Bills have over the past 2 decades someone is going to pay. It wasn't just the scouts, Whaley loss his job, RR & his coaching staff loss their job. This is a high risk high turnover industry. It is also a result oriented industry. Based on the results of the team over the past 17 years, my only conclusion is these scouts were not very good at their job. I once read, that the scouts our the foundation of the franchise. Meaning there work is very important. If anyone of us performed as poorly at our job as these scouts that were let go have in theirs, we would of been let go 10 years ago. Is it something to celebrate, obviously not. I am never happy to hear that someone loss their job. But it was necessary.
  16. Some of us have had pretty good sources that have told us that RB has had his hand in this debacle for the past 15 years. Now you don't have to believe it, but you don't have to insult us either. I am pretty confident that my source is right & your the one that is in denial & is wrong.
  17. I think 90% of this board is better evaluating QBs than the Bills brass has been for the past 20 years. Kirk Cousins would be a major upgrade at the position.
  18. I am not so sure Gilmore had a real good year last year. He got flat out lit up by the Fitz & the jets in the first matchup, he got embarrassed by Hogan last year in the home game against the Pats. He wasn't really a difference maker out there & for a defense that pretty much flat out sucked last year, Gilmore had to take a least a bit of responsibility for that, no?
  19. Okay I wouldn't set the bench mark for the Bills at out maneuvering the Browns. I didn't like it at first, thought we should took Howard or Hooker at 10 & then I thought we should of took Foster @ 27 but it is what is I guess. White seems like a player so I guess I am okay with it. BTW, I was at the draft party last night & I ran into my friends father in law. He works for the bills. He told me the scouts are getting canned next week. Said he wasn't sure about Whaley though.
  20. ESPN does one thing & one thing well. They carry college sports like no other. Other than that they suck.
  21. My son plays a baseball tournament there weekend of the 4th of July. We rented a condo & our staying the week. How is it there. I have been to Ocean City but never have been there before.
  22. Well done Bandit. If Howard is there my guess is that the Bills will run up to the podium to make that selection. I like Davis & wouldn't mind that pick. Kid is a true football player & he is very polished. I think he is a plug & play #2 receiver for the bills the moment he steps on the field @ fisher for TC. With that being said, I got a feeling if Howard is gone they are going Lattimore or Reddick. I am hearing some rumblings from my inside sources that the Bills brass is very high on Reddick.
  23. Haha nice, circle of life is right. Glad your still carrying the torch. I admire your tenacity.
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