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Everything posted by Gordio

  1. Since 1988 I have been to probably 160 home games. The loudest in my humble opinion were the 1992 AFC championship game as mentioned by the op, there was a game either 1997-1998 against Miami where it was unbelievably loud. Miami got out to a lead, Moulds went off, Flutie had a great day. Jimmy Johnson complained about the crowd noise after the game saying it was the loudest he has ever heard a stadium. I believe it was Flute's first year here & then of course the Monday night Dallas game was off the hook, perfect storm, Columbus day weekend, first Monday night game at home in year, Cowboys in town, temps that day were in the low 80s, everything came together that night except of course a win. I agree with this, I was at the comeback, & it was crazy but noway it was the loudest.
  2. You should of stopped with the Hulk story. That was pure gold.
  3. From now on can you tell your stories in laymen terms so everybody can understand them. Not this high level boating language that no one understands.
  4. Okay take it easy, it just sounds a bit made up. I have known people that have worked various companies where one of their employees have gotten fired for drinking too much at the office Christmas party so when you say you inches away from snapping a guy's arm off at a Company event I would think that would be grounds for termination. But what the hell do I know. I guess every company is different.
  5. That is actually pretty funny & I got to agree with Jauranimo, this didn't happen or it has been greatly embellished by you. I am not sure what company you work for but if this happened at a company held event my guess is you would have been fired before you would have had a chance to get back in the dugout & take your spikes off. Well played sir, well played.
  6. You obviously have never been to an early season game when the mercury is over 80. If you sit on the sun side it is absolutely roasting time for a 1pm game. Very hot & no way in hell it is 10 degrees cooler for those early September games when the temp is over 80 & the sun is out. Now Nov/Dec are totally different stories when the win picks up.
  7. Yeah last year when I put $500 on the money line on them to beat the Falcons.
  8. I think that is a horrible route. Trust me mine is much quicker.
  9. No offense but if you park in lot 5 & have been stuck in traffic for an hour and half you don't know the secrets. Like the previous poster says, leave right after the game, hustle to your car & park as close to you can to the guardrail in the middle. You will be out of the lot in 5 minutes. I do it every home game.
  10. Yep we have been doing that for years. Key is you got to get as close to the guard rail as you can. If you get buried in the back, you will be waiting a long time. Long as you get there early it is not a problem.
  11. It is not impossible. Park in lot 5. Get to your car as fast as you can right after the game. Once you get past California your in the clear. You could take transit road all the way to the airport. I live in south Lancaster & it only takes me about 25 minutes to get home after a game. I mean he is going to have to hustle but it is definitely doable.
  12. I find it really hard to believe that a Red Sox fan in Boston doesn't know who Jim Rice is. At least the ones over 40 years old.
  13. Ah they were my roommates so it would of been kind of awkward if I had them arrested. It is all good, we still laugh about it twenty years later whenever we get together. I quit that job 2 days later, figuring my life is worth much more than the $4 an hour they were paying me at the time.
  14. When I was in college I was working at convenience store & one Saturday night a guy came in pulled a gun on me & held me up. I just gave him the cash & he left. After I got done getting interviewed by the cops I met my friends at the bar & told them about it. Of course the wise asses that they were the next day when they knew I was working they came in with panty hoses over their heads with plastic guns & acted like they were holding up the store. Scared the crap out of me. They pulled off the panty hose & starting laughing their asses off.
  15. Or maybe they just came to their senses & didn't feel like dropping a million dollars on an average house, with no backyard & a nice view of a couple bridges.
  16. His son was on my sons travel soccer team a few years back. He seemed like a pretty good guy. Why do you say he was a Douche? Just curious.
  17. I totally agree with this. Your tax dollars are going to be wasted someway in NYS, which is so corrupt, imo they might as well be wasted on a football stadium, which I actually can enjoy a few times a year.
  18. You are correct sir. I remember that Giants game vividly. It was a beautiful December day by WNY standards. 50 degrees/partly sunny/no wind. I took my dad to the game for his birthday. He was the biggest Flutie fan there was. Flutie was awful that day & he was awful for most of the season. Even my dad came away from that game saying "I think Flutie's time might be done here." With that being he was still a better option than Rojo, who never seem to sense where the pressure was coming from.
  19. Hey I like a nice view just as much as the next guy but I am not sure it is worth paying $1 million plus for.
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