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Everything posted by Gordio

  1. Funny you mentioned that because my dad & his friend had the numbers for a $10,000 if/when Norwood missed the FG. He was hosting the superbowl party that day & while the rest of the family/friends were crying around the TV when he missed the FG, my dad & his friend went outside hugging each other & dancing in the driveway. I looked out the window & just shook my head.
  2. Yeah sure, my guess is neither of them will see the 4th year.
  3. Exactly, this is an absolute joke. Let the guy have this season to get up to speed & see what you have in him next year. To give him away after we traded up for him less than 2 years ago it just makes the Bills look dumb.
  4. There is noway in hell Marino is overrated. He is at the top of the list of most passing categories. Tough to say Kelly was overrated too. He was a top 5 QB in his era. If you would like to talk about overrated QB lets start with Joe Namath & Terry Bradshaw.
  5. I agree with this, Marino was a better passer. Also Marino was a gamer, he just didn't have the talent the Bills had. Kelly was perfect fit for what the Bills were doing here though.
  6. Okay let me first say the last 2 years I have been shutout. I see all these great deals I got nothing. I had a nice run going before that of getting ST for free like 5 or 6 years in a row. I wasn't even going to call but I thought what the hell. I actually went without ST last year because I didn't want to pay the full price like the year before. Not worth the money imo. So as soon as I got the prompts I said cancellation. I said to the lady how much longer do I have on my contract. She said 11 more months. I said the bills is too high. She says " I could take $20 off the bill for 12 months & give you ST for free. I said sure. Easiest call I have ever had with DTV. I didn't even have to extend my contract. It literally took 2 minutes. Glad I called, thanks everybody for their insight/experiences.
  7. My guess is Rodgers would rip us a new one every time he played us kind of like Brady does now & we would be counting the days Rodgers retires just like we do Brady now. That December game a few years ago was a fluke. Everything that could go wrong did go wrong for the Pack & they still almost pulled out a win.
  8. Tell me what part of his assessment is wrong? Watching the game or on vacation he is spot on with this absolute joke of an organization. well at least we don't have to worry about Boldin looking old anymore.
  9. They should put Taylor/Shady on the trading block. If that is what they want to do & tank, don't half ass it, go all in like the Jets are.
  10. If he had a huge season, which if he stayed healthy he would of, at WORST you franchise & then trade him for a first round pick if you didn't want to pay him. The only way it makes sense to trade him now is if the Bills figured he was not healthy.
  11. Okay fair enough, you want to rebuild, rebuild, by why get rid of your good young talent to do that. Now your looking to the draft to replace them. Makes no sense. They will be lucky to find a receiver half as good as Watkins in the next draft & if they do chances are they will have to blow one of their first round picks on him, These guys are in over their head, MCD, Beane, Pegs, they have no idea what they are doing. So glad I cancelled my season tickets after 19 years, f this clown organization.
  12. You don't improve your team by getting rid of high quality young ball players. We got rid of 2 of them today. FU MCD you piece of sh*t.
  13. You know what is eye opening to me. When a reporter or media asks a NFL player if they love the game or do they watch a lot of football in their spare time the answer is usually no or they will say "it wasn't my favorite sport but it was the one I excelled at. Just earlier this week I believe GR had Lo Alexander on & he said he loved playing baseball but he was a bigger kid that could hit so he played football. Contrast that to MLB/NBA/NHL, you never hear a player say they don't love the game. Football has one thing going for it right now. It is the most popular sport to gamble on. I remember hearing about that study also.
  14. My friend who has club seats told me his rep told him a few weeks ago they haven't sold out one game this year yet. Usually by now they have 4 or 5 games sold out. Not sure if this is true, it seems odd. Tickets maybe cheap to be had this year.
  15. Thanks Astro, your notes are the best & I would take them over any beat writer/sports reporter in this area. Enjoy the time off & your grandkids, you deserve it. Have a great rest of the summer.
  16. I told my wife a long time ago that. When the Mets played the Braves in the playoffs in 99' I once left a wedding reception that my wife(she was my girlfriend at the time) was the made of honor right in the middle of dinner to go watch game 4. Her mother told me(I was sitting at the table with her parents & her grandparents at the time) said "you can't leave now." I looked at my future MIL & said "watch me." & I got up & left. My wife didn't talk to me for 3 weeks after that. I didn't care though. I got to see the Mets comeback against John Rocker that night. It was all worth it & that night set a precedent that when there is something I care that is on pertaining to sports, don't bother me.
  17. I hear what you are saying but in typical Bills fashion they pick the exact wrong time to do this. They knew the place was going to be packed, why not pick a Tuesday night to pull this crap, when the joint is a quarter full. One thing does worry me about Mcd, from all accounts he has been given total control. Considering he never was even a head coach before, Pegs showed a great leap of faith in doing this. Hope it doesn't backfire on him. He better win, or crap like he pulled Sunday will come back to bite him. Show the fans a little bit more respect, we have been here & endured this joke of a franchise a lot longer than you have.
  18. Usually shorts & a tee shirt. When I want to get frisky with the old lady I usually just go to bed with my boxers on. Sometimes I try the subtle approach & ask if she wants to snuggle. Other times I try the more aggressive approach & just out of nowhere start dry humping her leg. Both tactics are usually met with the same response from her. "Why don't you sleep on the couch tonight."
  19. Well done. Once again you nailed it. Just like the post you had a last week about the hulk. You sir are slowly becoming my favorite poster.
  20. Really???? I have been married for 16 years so I have been out of the dating scene for awhile but it would seem that there are a ton of women that age that would be looking to hookup with a guy with money. Now obviously this particular case where she is a Dr. would not apply but imo women are always money hungry no matter what age they are. I totally agree with this opinion..
  21. My wife & I talk about that all the time, what are we going to do when the kids are done playing sports. Perfect example is today, my son plays tonight to kickoff the tournament he is in under the lights. We will bring a cooler & have a few beverages & enjoy the evening. I have been looking forward to it all day. Friday he has the early game @ 3. We are bringing the grill out for afterwards & make a night of it. All the parents are bringing something.
  22. Perhaps it is because people outside of WNY actually care about their cholesterol.
  23. When I was growing up my favorite sandwich was a wish sandwich. That is you take 2 pieces of bread, put the condiment of your choice on, slap it together & wish you had some meat.
  24. Very true, the stands were packed towards the end of the game, more so than the beginning which tells me people without tickets started hopping the fence too. I was in the last row of the upperdeck with my one friend on the Bills side, There were these 2 girls next to us & all they did was complain. They were even complaining about the marching band at halftime. Towards the end of the game we were high fiving them & hugging them. We ended up going back to their apartment off of southwestern after the game. Lets just say that memory of that night still has a close place in my heart. Good day followed by an even better night.
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