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Everything posted by Gordio

  1. Atlanta as a professional sports town sucks & always has sucked. They couldn't even sell out the Braves playoff games towards the end of their run. Stop making excuses. Yesterday was a flat out embarrassment for Blank. 50% of the seats were empty in a Brand New Stadium, the nicest stadium in the league representing a team that is favored to go to the Super Bowl. Maybe Blank should start charging a bit more for PSLs. That should bring the crowds in, either that or just have Alabama play their every weekend. It was more like 40% falcons fans, 20% bills fans, 40% fans imitating empty seats.
  2. Simon is the same way. He said they had no chance to win against Denver & last week said they had no chance to win against Atlanta. He gives the Sabres a ton of compliments though for you know, not being the worse team in the league anymore.
  3. Yeah because that is what every fan does at the Bills game, get a clue pal.
  4. Agreed, I think Brady misses Edleman a ton but come on, they are averaging like 35 points a game. Nothing wrong with the offense. It is the defense that is concerning & I just don't think this time it is early season kinks. They are just not very good. Their front 7 stink & their much hyped secondary is not playing very well. They will win 12 games because teams in this league just can't score no matter how many holes the defense has. This story has been written before & it always has the same ending, with the Patriots coming out on top,
  5. Or how many girls he has bagged over the years. I am kind of getting tired of hearing about that too.
  6. Man you are making friends all over the board. Keep the hot takes coming, your idiotic analysis & mindless insults when someone doesn't agree with you. it is good entertainment.
  7. Brilliant take dipshit. You should stick to analyzing college QB's, you got a knack for that.
  8. Rosen & Darnold are going to be gone before we pick. They are top 5 picks if they decide to go out. We need Rudolph to fall to us. I am not crazy about Mayfield, I don't like his delivery. Allen, I don't know, every time he has played a big 5 conference team has not looked good.
  9. No I haven't but I am working on it. I am going to go back all the way to his grammar school when he was a tennis player. I am sure he bad mouth a teammate back then.
  10. Hey you better be careful what you say about Rosen. I mentioned the same thing on the college football forum & MAJBOBBY takes that kind of talk very personal. I think he is Rosen's long loss cousin.
  11. I am not making it up. He put a hot tub in his room as a freshman & was ordered to remove it by the school. He has had to apologize several times to his school for his outspoken tweets & instagrams, even deleting several of them. He got in trouble rearranging lawn ornaments in a sexual nature with some of his friend his first month on campus. Mora said last year he needs to be a better teammate & grow into a leader. By all accounts this year he has. These are still red flags, red flags I may add that Mason Rudolph currently does not have.
  12. The great mystery Sherlock is that the line should be much higher as in 5-7 points. What this tells me is the current line looks like a suckers bet. I have handicapped games for a long time & when a line looks to good to be true(as this line does) it usually is. Bills win a tight game.
  13. I am not going to look it up for you, there are all kinds of stories. Mora last August says the kid has a long way o go before he is a leader on this team & he needs to grow up. My guess is they are both declaring even though it would probably serve them better to both stay one more year in school. I love Rudolph. At the end of this year he will have 40 games as a starter under his belt. I would be thrilled if the Bills could grab him.
  14. There has been plenty to back it up though & that is what is concerning. From putting a hot tub into his room, too several sources within the program saying he is not the best teammate, to his own coach criticizing him last summer saying he needs to grow up. I am not saying I don't think he will be a good NFL QB, but I am not sold on him yet either.
  15. I watched the whole game brother as I had some money on UCLA. Yes they put up points & yes the defense was missing some key players but he made 2 horrible throws/decisions late in the game to cost the Bruins the win. As far as the teammate comment, you are probably right but there have been some signs. The one guy on Fox Sports pregame called Rosen Ryan Leaf part 2. That scares the hell out of me if the Bills did select him.
  16. I have been keeping my eye on Rudolph this year. I think he is one of those guys that are going to shoot up the draft chart as the season goes on. He looked very good against Pitt also. Washington is a flat out stud. I wouldn't mind using our 2 picks in the first round on those two guys. I am starting to cool on Rosen a bit. He makes real dumb decisions & he actually cost UCLA the game against Memphis with some ill advised throws late in the game. I think he I a bit of a head case. I am not so certain he really gets along with his teammates either. I don't know something is off about him. He is a talent though. What about the kid from Penn State. Mcsorley.
  17. The trees are pretty much still green, we haven't had a frost yet. Be careful in Zoar Valley. I think there has been a couple accidents there this year.
  18. This is an excellent point. The Broncos should be favored by at least 6 points. This line tells me the Bills are going to give the Donkeys everything they could handle Sunday. Expect a close game with the Bills coming out on top. When in doubt remember Vegas is usually right.
  19. They do that for a lot of cities. How many times when it is in Philly do they show a worker flipping cheesesteaks on a big grill. But yes the steel bowl wing tossing does get old at times.
  20. Oh knock it off will you, it will get cold soon enough. This weather has been awesome. The kids & I have been swimming in the pool the last 5 days. Watched college football/bill game outside last weekend, not sure if I am going golfing Sunday afternoon or give these jokers one more Sunday of my time.
  21. I am thinking the same thing. Maybe we could get a second & a third for those two guys. That would give us 8 picks in the top 3 rounds next year & they could get the players they want. Although I don't think he is good enough, what Mcbeane did to Taylor this year was totally unfair, talking about setting a guy up to fail.
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