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Everything posted by Gordio

  1. I have no idea what your history is with SDS. I do think calling the OP a (*^*&%^$^#is a bit harsh. I don't think he deserved that.
  2. No not really, guy made a simple suggestion & was called a dipshit. It is all good.
  3. It is easy to understand. You dared questioned SDS. You don't ever do that around these parts. Believe me I know first hand.
  4. I could not agree with this more. Well said. Because Watson could not throw the ball 80 yards threw a tire people were down on him. Kid is a gamer & knows how to play the position. Big game tested, which means a ton in my eyes. Paragraphs or no paragraphs the guy makes an excellent point.
  5. See I would think you would of became a Mets fan. Didn't the old Dodger fans hate the Yankees so much that most of them either stayed with the Dodgers or became Mets fans? Hell if you go to Citifield now when you first come in their is a tribute to the old Dodger teams which I find kind of odd. Relocation would do it for me. I am not even that crazy about the NFL anyways anymore. I rarely watch a game that the Bills are not playing in. Back when I was younger I would watch football on Sundays all day & never missed a Monday night game. I can't remember the last time I watched a Monday night game from start to finish, had to be the Bills/Seattle last year. The league is just not that interesting to me anymore & it is clear that the league has a bunch of hidden agendas with the way certain games are officiated. (NE last week)
  6. They had a mini 30 for 30 on that for ESPN. The Redskin scabs did go 3-0 & I believe they needed all three games to win the division. None of those guys that played in the scab games got rings except the ones they kept & they spent the better part of an hour for the episode bitching about it. I kind of do see their point.
  7. I grew up in Cheektowaga. It was on Tv because I remember watching it. Believe it or not I think the game technically did sellout before the season started & that is why it was televised. Not sure though. it was definitely on TV locally. I don't get down to Weichecs much but their food is awesome.
  8. I will actually say if they are a true playoff contender (which I don't think at this point they are) they need to win 4 out of the next 5 games. Puts them at 7-3 going into KC/NE. I think they will win 2 out of the next 5 t put them at 5-5 & then they will get bombed by KC & NE in typical Bills fashion.
  9. The Packers are done this season brother. Rodgers is the best QB in the league & it is not even close who is second. Packers aren't rebounding from this one. Unless Hundley is Tom Brady part 2 which he certainly didn't look like Sunday. That is not true at all, maybe in Chicago/MInn/Dallas, but I think the Pack are one of the more liked franchises in the league.
  10. Patriots lines have been over spread all year. Betting Public loves the favorites. They were -7 against KC at home, didn't cover, they were -14 against Houston, didn't cover, they were -9 against Carolina, didn't cover & and their game against Tampa went off at -4. It took 3 missed FG's, Winston playing horrible & last minute FG by NE for them to cover winning by 5. Betting Public maybe getting wise to NE. That line started at -6 & kept going down until game time.
  11. It may have been his own store, I don't know I wasn't really paying attention. My boss was at Mandalay Bay a month ago & he told me he was there too so it could of been. Haha, when I used to go there for the Super Bowl I would take a jog every morning on the strip around 6 am or so & a few trimes on my way back there would be police car with the flashing lights pulling over & arresting guys on the strip for soliciting prostitution. You could see the look in their faces thinking to themselves "how am I going to explain this one to the wife back home." This is a perfect summary of Vegas. Starting in 1997, I used to go at least once a year. Used to love playing Beer Pong & $1 roulette at O'shea's. I used to love walking the strip. Your exactly right, there are no site lines anymore, it is pretty much just one big tunnel. Like I said, if we ever go back we will stay at Mandalay Bay & I probably won't leave that resort.
  12. This team is what it is this year. We are 3-2. Games are going to be tough to win since the offense stinks. But they will be in most games since they don't turn the ball over, they have a very good FG kicker & their defense is top 5 imo. Maybe they could sneak into the playoffs with that formula. The AFC stinks this year. Next spring reload on offense. I would use everyone of those 6 picks we have in the first three rounds on offense. Tweak the defense thru free agency. This year was a throw away year anyways, I expected us to be out of the playoff picture by Columbus day. We are tied for first right now. It is not entertaining football too watch but I think this team is heading in the right direction if & it is a big if they could hit on their draft picks next year.
  13. I kind of knew going in it was going to be too much but we took a break this year from our annual Florida trip with the kids & my wife wanted to stay close to a week. I knew going into this there was a decent chance I was coming home in a body bag with the amount I sometimes drink & the gambling I would be doing. My wife, she had her 1 or 2 glasses of wine everyday but that was it. Me, ahhhh, I think I took 10 years off my life with the amount I drank on this trip. Monday after a solid 4 day bender I opened up a beer at 10am & my wife looked at me & said "how the f*ck can you keep drinking." I said "it is simple honey I am a professional." She didn't think it was funny & didn't talk to me for half the day. It was a nice break for the both of us. That is a great story about Rose, that is one shady mofo.
  14. One other good thing that happened. We were walking thru Mandalay Bay by the shop area Sunday & Pete Rose was at an autograph signing. The employee at the door was practically begging people to come in. Noone was in the place. So I told my wife I am going to go in. Shook his hand. Seemed like an okay guy. He wanted $75 to take a picture with him & $200 for a signed baseball. Also $100 for anything autographed. When the guy asked me if I am going to buy anything or wanted anything autographed I just told him "yeah I am Mets fan, if you had Ray Knight here I would buy something ." & I walked out.
  15. Oh yeah, made me sick also. The strip was clean/not bad on the Ceasars/Venetian side, some trees, water falls & such. I thought it was very filthy on the Harrah's side. It actually makes me sick thinking about it. I do agree with Chef also, a lot of famous restaurants but they are just a runoff & using the names of the famous chef's. We went to the Madalay Steak House Sunday night. It was okay, I am not going to say it was bad. But it was very pricey. I got the ribeye, my wife got filet. It was decent. I would rather go to Kennedy's Cove on Main Street in Clarence. Better food & about half the price.
  16. Yep that is my take on it also. One other funny story first thing when we get to the Excalibur, a person sends us over to the side desk to hve someone tell us about all the shows & such. I wasn't really paying attention & the girl says to me "where are ou from honey?" & I said Buffalo & she says "omg I am from Rochester, give me a hug & she runs around the desk & gives me a big hug & I look up at her & it is a transvestite. Either that or it was the ugliest broad I have ever seen. I was mortified, my wife & the couple we were with could not stop laughing. Good way to start off the trip. lol
  17. I believe it. The scary thing for me is that the couple we went with our both school teachers so they wanted to go Columbus day weekend. We were originally going to go the week before. My wife is a big country music fan. I am not saying we would of been at that concert but we would of definitely brought out a few drinks found a place to sit & listened to the music on the outskirts that night. Very scary stuff.
  18. I got back from Vegas yesterday morning. Couple things. I have not been there in six years. I used to go there with my friends for the Super Bowl every year. When I used to go there I would fly in Friday night & catch the first plane out of there Monday morning. I know someone said this but forgot who but 2 - 3 days in Vegas is plenty. This time I went with my wife & we stayed 6 days. Good time but man I was glad to get on that plane Tuesday with my wallet still basically intact. Betting at least a grand a day at the sports book, drinking nonstop & staying up to all hours of the night with very little sleep I feel like I have been hit with a sledgehammer & is a bit much for this 44 year old. Okay so the good, the weather was beautiful. We were supposed to stay at Mandalay Bay but we changed to Excalibur. They gave us a real good deal, just charging us for the weekday rate even for the weekend so it was really cheap. With that being said, Excalibur is what it is. The pool area & the gym is very nice. Restaurant options are minimal there. The hotel is outdated. The sports book was fine. They were a bit stingy with the drink tickets but I bet so much that it wasn't a problem & I didn't pay for a drink all week but it wasn't like when I stayed at Harrah's in the past where I had 10-15 drink tickets left over every night. The betting was good, I got hit pretty god Saturday in college football, mainly out of my own stupidity. I accidently put Utah State bet in at +6 $100 4 times during the course of the day when I only meant to put it in once(I must of forgot to put it in each time; yes I was highly intoxicated). & of course it doesn't come in. It meant me losing about $380 to breaking out even for the day. The rest of the days were good. Sunday won $80 in the NFL & the baseball playoffs were very good(went 10-2). Also did well betting overs in the NHL. So over the course of 5 days at the sports book I probably won about a grand overall which I was happy with. We went over to Mandalay to watch the Bills game & man am I bummed we cancelled our reservation there. First time I was ever there & it is a beautiful casino/hotel. There was no one there either. I didn't see no signs of the "scene" there either except for the 2 broken windows up top. My wife who was more hesitant than me said we should of stayed there also. We walked the strip down to Harrah's on Friday night & I got to say that middle part(which used to be my favorite part has changed & not for the better. It is very seedy there now. Seems a lot younger, the smell of pot was every where. People getting right in your face trying to peddle anything & everything got annoying. I don't know, maybe I am just getting older but it got annoying. I can not believe how expensive the food is there now. Paying $18 dollars for a burger, $4 for a coke. Buffets(we only at one) are 40-50. Times have changed, you don't see many of the 60 & older crowd on the strip anymore & I think it has a lot to do with the days of $9.99 buffets & Vegas giving away free stuff is long gone. Much younger crowd imo which I thought was interesting. I also thought that it was a totally different scene on the other side of the street(Mirage/Ceasars side). Much less seedy & normal imo. Against my better judgement we went downtown to the old Vegas Saturday night. Freak show city & I couldn't wait to get out of there. my wife went zip lining while I watched the Dodgers/Arizona game. She enjoyed it. The mood at the strip was festive even under the circumstances. The Uber driver that took us from the airport to the hotel told us she heard that there were 1 or 2 more shooters involved but they didn't want the press to release that information right now. Not sure how she knew that or if it is even tru but thought it was interesting. I didn't sense anymore security than normal & a couple times I got an uneasy feeling walking the strip. I did not feel completely safe. I thought a couple times walking the strip this place is a sitting target for anybody that wanted to make a statements. It is just so crowded 24/7 365 days a year & there is nowhere to hide/run to if trouble erupted. That is just my opinion. We went to visit my friend that lives there on Thursday night. He has nice house, makes a very nice wage there. As we were driving there the mountains are nice scenery, but there is no greenery, it is not a real pretty place. He had a inground pool which was half the size of my inground pool. I thought to myself with the weather being what it was that was kind of weird. I rarely play slots & my wife doesn't really like to gamble but they were a lot tighter than what I remember. I honestly didn't see anybody win on the slots. I thought that was interesting & my theory is my parents generation would go to Vegas, eat for free, & spend every waking minute at the slot machines. My generation & the younger generations don't do that. They are more into going to the clubs/bars, hanging out at the pool & I tink the Casinos have taken a hit over this. In closing all in all it was a good time. I missed the kids(first time we took a vacation without them). Although it was fun, it wasn't as enjoyable as I remember it. If we do ever go back my wife & I said we will stay at Mandalay Bay & just stick pretty much to that hotel. I don't need to see the rest of the attractions on the strip as I have been here so many times & have seen everything. I thought a couple times about the people that live there & how would I like livi ng there. I think the heat would get to me. It was still close to 90 everyday & is the middle o October. Living in a glorified desert would get to me also. This may sound funny to say but driving back from the airport on my way home Buffalo/WNY is a lot pretty than a place like Vegas. It may not have the neon lights & such but there are trees everywhere, leaves are changing the housing seems nicer. I don't know, Buffalo gets a bad rap but the atmosphere, scenery here is beautiful imo. Good trip but glad to be home.
  19. One of my good friends knows a guy that knows MD & he told him that MD is so miserable in Buffalo & wants out so bad. Says he hates it here. Hates living here & hates playi9ng for the Bills. Take it for what it is worth but I tend to believe it.
  20. Everyone of my friends that live in WNY have a well paying 6 figure salary. Now some might scoff at a a 6 figure salary around the country but here it gives you a pretty good life. It gets you a nice lifestyle in WNY.
  21. All my friends that have moved over the years moved because they wanted a warmer climate. All of them had good jobs here. That is one of the biggest myth's that there are no jobs here & from a standpoint that a lot of IT companies & larger companies now want their employees working remote, you could literally have a job anywhere in this country & still live in WNY.
  22. Way too crowded & over built. was there in the middle of July 3 years ago, weather was absolutely unbearable, traffic was horrible. I don't think it is a very nice place to live or visit. The thing that always bothers me about this board is some of the out of town bills fans that have moved away from Buffalo think it is okay to take cheap shots at WNY, but when you say something about their neck of the woods they get all bent out of shape & they always come back with a weather joke, or an economy joke about Buffalo. You moved away, that is great, people that live in WNY for the most part are very happy they chose to stay from my experience.
  23. Because this is a Buffalo Bills Message Board & it is not true. If you want to take cheap shots at WNY you shouldn't be able to post here imo. I have been to Atlanta a few times on business. That city sucks.
  24. Ah, the shot against WNY, even though that is not even the subject of this post, you knew that was coming. There is plenty too do here. A statement that says "all Buffalo has is the Bills" is a stupid statement on your part & should get you banned from this board imo.
  25. Got to agree with this. Mcd has won me over too in this early season. It is a different feel, there is no more blown assignments or the defense looking confused, or the stupid penalties that we had last year. I am not saying they don't have their shortcomings, but the defense is going to keep us in most games this year. Hauschka has obviously been a major upgrade from Carp & that is huge too especially since the league has so much parody. They are gong to have a tough choice concerning Taylor at the end of the year, his play the last 2 weeks has been terrific imo.
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