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Everything posted by Gordio

  1. Haha, funny you mention that, I did have a friend that also had a sister that was 2 years older then us, & let's just say my buddies & I all took a turn with her sometime or another, used to drive my friend nuts. & yes keeping your papers in a neat folder was quite common when I went to college, at least for the better students. I usually burnt mine. Those days of turning in actual papers are long gone brother.
  2. Well she is my sister so you never look at your sister that way unless you live in the deep south but with that being said she never had to look hard for a date on a Saturday night.
  3. I don't think so, plagiarism a pretty big no no in College. If he suspected something I think I would of been kicked out.
  4. Haha, agreed. One funny story my older sister(she is 2 years older than me) went to the same College for undergrad as I did. She was a straight A+ student & was one of those kids that kept all their papers. So the one semester I was taking the same class as she did 2 years earlier, same teacher, same assignment for the paper. I went into her old files & pulled the paper out & saw she got an A+. So I copied the paper word for word hoping beyond hope this teacher didn't remember my sister & her papers. Well he didn't remember. He also gave me a C on it. So I went to my dad & told him "Dad I copied this word for word from Christy(my sister) she got an A+ & he gave me a C. My dad was furious. He said, "we are going to march in there tomorrow morning demanding he raise your grade." I said "dad we better leave this one alone, I think I could probably get kicked out for this."
  5. Why would they even consider getting rid of a good young tackle. Glenn should be the anchor of that line for the next 5-7 years. I hope they don't move him.
  6. I failed a bunch of my classes my first semester in College. I think I had under a 1 GPA. My stats teacher gave me back my mid term that first semester & I did so bad on it she stapled a drop slip onto my exam for me to drop the class & told me "college isn't for everybody" when she handed it back. When my dad saw my first semester report during Christmas break he slumped into his recliner, put his hands over his head & said "good god, I never heard of a kid getting this low of a GPA." The dean called me in right before the winter semester was going to start & said " I am not going to sugarcoat his, you need a 3.0 this semester or we are going to kick you out." He looked at my schedule & I thought he was going to give me some profound words of wisdom. He looked at me, put his hand out for me to shake & said "good luck." I got a 3.10 that semester my highest GPA in my 4 years of undergrad. I ended up graduating with a 2.38 GPA, right in that meaty part of the curve, where I am not showing off. My dad was in tears the day I graduated, said he never thought he would see me graduate in his lifetime.
  7. He was definately the most important piece of that line. I don't even think that is up for debate. One could argue he was the MVP of that offense all those years. Pretty bold statement given the players they had but one can argue it.
  8. If he is going to hit a Wegmans the one on Losson & Transit is his best bet. He could go right from the airport to Genessee make a right on transit. Transit will take him right into the stadium & trust me when I say this there will be absolutely no traffic before 8am. & why stop for breakfast??? They will have plenty of good food at the tailgate.
  9. Very true, he never got a real chance to be an everyday player in NY because of Wright. Could you imagine having him at third & resigning Murph. Typical Mets & their bad decisions.
  10. UB has two problems. First they need to get out of the MAC. The MAC has been a one bid league for the NCAA Tournament for many years(in fact I can't remember when they had multiple bids). Two, anytime a coach has success at UB they end up leaving(Hurley, Turner Gill etc....). I am not sure how you correct that.
  11. You have it all figured out don't you? Like Promo said great alum you are. Alums/students like you are the reason UB has less than half filled Stadiums in the fall & Alumni Arena is half filled in the winter even when they have competitive basketball teams. & if your measuring stick is to compete for national championships, UB should do away with all athletic programs, as should 90% of the other D-1 schools in the country. Utterly stupid opinion to have.
  12. I can't believe the player Turner has become. He was a decent utility player for the Mets but nothing special. He goes to LA & he is a superstar. Even though the Mets beat the dodgers 2 years ago in the playoffs, he absolutely killed the Mets that series. He is doing it again this post season.
  13. Agreed, if you even followed college football a little you knew who mack was or you lived under a rock. I wanted the Bills badly to draft him but it didn't work out. I was sold on him when I watched him opening day against Ohio St at the Horseshoe. UB hung tough but loss. Mack was the best player on the field that day.
  14. Agreed, I watched football all day Sunday. I did not go to he game. I have Sunday ticket & have three TVs in my basement so I had a few different games on behind the bar. There is some bad QB play out there. Tyrod is not elite, but he is not far off. IMO, he had one of the better performances for QB's in the league Sunday.
  15. That is on the list for my friends & I. We have been to Notre Dame, Michigan, Michigan St, Penn St, Syracuse, Pitt(my friend went to school there), West Point(which was awesome, Ohio St., Clemson but we have never been to an SEC game/tailgate. We either wanted to do LSU, Ole Miss(I heard the groove is awesome) or Alabama/Auburn after Thanksgiving. We will get down there one of these years. & to the OP, you will have a great time. Go to Hammers, get there early(before 8am) & you will have the time of your life.
  16. A couple things, the Big 12 does have a conference championship game & if Notre Dame wins out they are in. This will not even be up for debate. No way they will keep a 11-1 Notre Dame team out of the playoffs. Not happening. The Pac 12 is cooked. They are not getting anybody in. TCU will have to run the table to get in. Penn State/Wisconsin are going to have to run the table to get in. Whisky has a very favorable schedule. Not sure Penn State gets by Ohio State this weekend. One thing that November has taught us is teams will start losing. Should be a wild finish but... like I said if Notre Dame wins out, that leaves no ACC team undefeated. In this scenario my guess is ACC & Pac 10 are shut out of the playoffs. I personally don't think Notre Dame is going to run the table.
  17. Really wow, my friend who is a buffalo cop does some off duty work doing security & he says he gets paid overtime rates which I got to imagine being at least around $75 an hour.
  18. Yeah when we were younger my one friend used to get silly drunk at these games. He would always leave at halftime. The one game he left at Halftime & when we went to our car after the game he was sitting in the wrong car. The good friends we were we let him sit there & had a few beers at our car, watched him & laughed our asses off. Of course the owner of the other car when he got back wasn't too happy. It was some funny stuff though. Hiring a few off duty police men at $100 an hour would severely cut into Hammer's profit margin. Why in the world would he ever consider doing this?
  19. I had several people on here question me when I told them the Denver line was a suckers bet & the line tells me the bills will come out on top. I am looking at tis line & saying the same thing, suckers bet, should be an even game, Bills come out on top once again 26-20.
  20. That was the game. Year after Homerun Throwback. I couldn't believe the guy did it. My friends & were all in our 20's back then so we were pretty wild at the games & we even said "this guy has got to be out of his mind." We couldn't believe he did that.
  21. I remember the opener against the Titans, that Sunday night game we were tailgating across from lot 5. Some genius(he had to be on acid or something) climbed a telephone pole, almost to the top & jumped off screaming "Bills rule!!". He got up from the fall, took one step & collapsed, broke both his legs. paramedics had to come. My point, this stupid behavior has been going on at Bills games for decades, it is just that no one had I-phones back then taking pictures/videos. & I do think it is kind of funny, sets us apart from the rest of the NFL fan-bases.
  22. Besides a few teams, the whole NFL is like that now. Everybody is playing close to the vest, trying to stay close & get that break at the end. It is the way the NFL is played now, it is not just the Bills.
  23. There is a guy that subs once in awhile on our softball team that actually played in the minor leagues with Paul O'neill & Eric Davis. He has a picture of them three. It is pretty neat stuff. The Yankees especially in the later years (2000's) did try to buy their title but their best teams(mid to late 90's) did have a lot of home grown talent; Jeter, Posada, Riveria, Bernie Williams, Pettite
  24. You never heard of Paul O'Neill until he came to the Yankees? As a baseball fan how is that possible? As for the Yankees, I have always detested them being a Mets fan. Yankee fans reminded me of NE fans. They just thought they were entitled to the World Series every year. Routing for a team that has not won the WS since 1986 you could see where that would get annoying. I probably would like Houston to win this series, but....this Yankees team is lot tougher to hate. Their mostly kids & you could tell they are having the time of their life. The Yankees are playing with house money, they are at least 2 years ahead of schedule & they got nothing to lose. That makes them very dangerous. Winning one in Houston will be tough. Not sure they could do it. You just loss your Mets fan card pal. There were rumblings that if he didn't get by Cleveland he wasn't going to be welcomed back. Funny how a few wins change things.
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