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Everything posted by Gordio

  1. Could not agree more. The only reasons the colleges do it is because they want their schools to get exposure over there but I doubt the kids get much out of it. Shoplifting in China, not good, isn't that usually grounds for death by fire squad over there?
  2. Haha, yeah we should wait till week 14 when we are out of the picture but we are listed "still in the hunt" along with every other AFC team besides Cleveland.
  3. Kelly threw 2 picks that day not 4, I remember I was at that game. Jesus can you imagine if some player did that now to Brady, he would be banned from the league for life.
  4. If Auburn wins out which would mean beating Georgia twice & Alabama once I got to imagine the Tigers are in with two losses, would be very difficult to keep them out under that scenario.
  5. Totally agree, I don't care if NO is a non conference game this is a must win for the team psyche. We need to have these next 2 to have a chance.
  6. It is going to be in the high 40's Sunday with a possible stray shower in the afternoon, weather is not going to be much help.
  7. I wouldn't count on it. The weather will be fine Sunday, upper 40's for highs, 10-15 mph winds, sun & clouds, maybe a stray shower in the afternoon. Brees will be tough to stop.
  8. That should be a real good game. Loser is out. Should be a great atmosphere. How is the new refurbished stadium. I have been there numerous times for Bills games under the old model. I never was impressed with that stadium. It did look pretty cool on TV on the Sunday night game last weekend.
  9. I understand that point but TCU played that last weekend also & beat Iowa State 55-3. The week before they beat Texas at Texas 48-10. Also the only game they loss was to Baylor at Baylor by 3. They were also 4th going into the final weekend. There is no way Ohio St should of leaped frogged them in that final weekend based on the results. What did they want TCU to do beat Iowa St. 100-3???? Oh yeah they also beat a very good Ole Miss team in the Peach Bowl that year 42-3. I still TCU say TCU was the best team in the country that year.
  10. I am kind of sick of Ohio State & Urban Meyer. I had a feeling if they won out the committee was going to screw another team & put Ohio State in the playoff. I had a feeling that team would of been Oklahoma this year even though they beat the Buckeyes. & before you say I am crazy, remember a few years ago when the Buckeyes won the NC they totally screwed TCU by bumping Ohio State over them at the last minute. That was complete crap. So I am glad they got their second loss. I am also glad PSU got their second loss. Looks like the Big 10 will be shutout this year.
  11. I had season tickets since 1998 & I dropped them this year. I had two in section 108. They were great seats. I bought tickets for the opener & going to the Saints game. My dad also bought my son & me tickets for the NE game. I could honestly say I really don't regret it. I should add our tailgate usually consists of Me, my son & my two friends & their sons. But this time of year their sons both play hockey & they miss some games. Back in the day we used to have 20 guys in on season tickets. Slowly but surely they all either moved away or dropped out. I do miss the tailgates sometimes or waking up Sunday knowing their is a game 15 minutes away from my house & me staying at home but it is what it is. The last few years I had tickets I was only going to 3 or games a year anyways & selling the rest. Tough decision.
  12. That is stupid, I plan on getting f*cked up tonight.
  13. Nice plan, I like it. I haven't done anything at work yet today except read Bills stuff. I do got a meting at 11:30 today, probably going to shoot out of here after that, go to the gym & then go home & get ready for the game. Wanted to watch it outside tonight but doesn't look like the weather will cooperate(rainy & about 50 right now). Got my BIL & a few of my friends coming over tonight, we are going to do some deep frying. I can't wait. I work remote on Fridays so it is all good. I don't want to call it a must win tonight but....this is one of those games if we lose at the end of the season if we are on the outside looking in to the playoff picture it is a game we will surely regret dropping.
  14. I used to have that line of thinking, back somewhere around 2008/2009. Over the years after endless beat down I have come to accept that BB & TB are superior to anything the Bills do & the Bills will never beat the Pats on a regular basis until they retire. I am with JR, they won, we loss, just want them to go away.
  15. Yeah I have coached my sons baseball travel teams since he was 8 years old. One of the things I have tried to instill in the kids is that in baseball you should never be standing around. There is always something you could be doing, backing the throw up, taking the cutoff, directing where the cutoff goes. Baseball is certainly not for every kid. My son also plays basketball & football. He loves basketball, like football but his first passion is baseball. He is 14 now & I am dreading the time when his playing days are over. I love watching him play. Nothing more I would rather do.
  16. SF gave up a second rounder, not exactly the #7 pick overall the Bills gave up to draft RoJo. Now the contract is another story but I think this was fair compensation.
  17. I didn't say the game wasn't going to be close. They were a better team then the Giants though, something the Bills could not boast about in the other three super bowls. They beat them in the regular season with Frank Reich playing QB for most of the game. The "throughout the week" stuff maybe is overblown, then again maybe it isn't. Watch that 30 for 30 about the Bills and watch Tom Jackson & Berman talk about it on their onsite sportcenter & then listen to what beebe had to say about it & I tend to believe the Bills did not prepare as well as they should have throughout the week. If that SF/Giants game was the real super bowl why were the Bills 7 point favorite. You make no sense.
  18. Win the next three & I honestly don't think even the Bills could screw up not grabbing one of those wild card spots. The next three games are winnable, we need to win all three.
  19. They blew the first Super Bowl, No way in hell they should of loss that game. From coaching all the way down to how they conducted themselves throughout the week. The other three Super Bowls the better team won.
  20. First game was against the Broncos. if memory recalls first or second defensive series they lined Bennett & Smith up on the same side, Elway saw that & called a timeout. I still love that Monday night game against the Broncos the year later when Smith & Bennett crushed Elway & Dierdorf who was announcing the game said "Smith & Bennett are playing a little game of meet me at the Quarterback." Bills lost that game but it was still a classic line.
  21. If Alabama loses to Georgia in the SEC championship &it is a close game I guaranty they will put the Tide in the final 4. What happens if Oklahoma runs the table also. How could they possibly put Ohio State in after the beat down the Sooners gave them in their own Barn? I could see that happening but it is not right. I love Virginia Tech in this spot. I think they will beat Miami by double digits.
  22. The Astros better get them tonight with Verlander on the hill, if it goes 7 I don't think Houston wins.
  23. This is exactly right. You need to beat the Pats so bad that the officiating doesn't come into play. Unfortunately the way the NFL is setup, usually 2 or 3 critical plays/calls by the officials usually decides the game. It is pretty obvious to anybody that has been paying attention the last 17 years starting with the tuck fumble in the afc championship game the Pats played against the Raiders nearly 20 years ago that the league has some kind of sick deranged deal with the Patriots that they will favor them in the form of one sided officiating in most games & certainly close games. The way the officials let Gronk push off every time is amazing. He pushes off every time & it is rarely called.
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