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Everything posted by Gordio

  1. Good call. I rarely bet on Bills games so I stayed away from it but an educated fan could see this disaster coming a mile away. I even had further conviction. One of my best friends is a Pitt grad & he told me Thursday that this a going to be a disaster of epic proportions for Peterman. Told me he is no where near ready to start a NFL game. I wish I would of listened, could of covered my Christmas this year.
  2. There is no way Ohio State should be considered for the playoff but..... I have a feeling if they win out they are in. Urban Meyer knows it too. If you have watched their games they have tried to run up the score the past 2 weeks. The committee loves Ohio State as history has shown.
  3. Mcdipshit & Beane could say what they want but they middle rebuilding this year. They should of shipped Taylor & McCoy out shortly after they dealt Watkins. Now by some miracle this team won five games & we are in no man's land again with drafting a top QB. As the late great Denny Green said "the Bills are who we thought they were." This team is one of if not the least talented team in football. Unfortunately we will not have a top 5 pick that usually goes along with that because somehow this team played way over their heads for the first half of the season. The rest of this year is going to be ugly, horrible football. I doubt they win another game. Mcdipshit & Beane will get another year or two to get this fixed. I doubt they have the capability to get the job. Both idiots are in way over their heads imho.
  4. Mcdipstick couldn't of messed this up anymore, He is in way over his head, so is Beane. He is totally loss the locker room. I will be shocked if they win another game the rest of the year. It was completely arrogant in this past draft to trade down passing on Watson & Mahomes given their current QB situation.
  5. Totally agree, these clowns think they are so smart, they created so many holes on this roster by their own stupidity. I don't care what anybody says, trading Watkins was a mistake, trading Darby was a mistake & the biggest mistake of all might of been trading MD. The defense has been horrible since he has left town. & they virtually gave him away.
  6. I am coming over to your place, wow what a spread! Well done sir.
  7. Yeah so was Vince Young against USC. That didn't translate to the NFL well did it?
  8. This is an excellent point & I haven't heard too many people bring it up. Woods & Ritchie both look like they are shot this year. I don't remember that being the case last year. Haha, I think you nailed it.
  9. Why do I get the feeling a year from now Peterman will be the one we will be trying to run out of town. The endless cycle of a Bills fan.
  10. My friend is a big hunter & he brings over some venison every year. I don't mind it, it is okay. He does these kabobs that are pretty good & the tenderloin in the crock pot turns out pretty good, he also makes jerky that is decent. With that being said I would much rather take the 5 minute drive to Wegmans, buy a nice ribeye & throw that on the grill. That is just me though. I used to eat a ton of Raccoon & Squirrel but I stopped because my doctor told me they were high in cholesterol.
  11. Haha sounds like my wedding. We had a video person filming the wedding reception & at the end when he is interviewing my wife & I she pretty much had to hold me up when I was mumbling & slurring words to thank our parents. I always tell her everybody makes mistakes in life, unfortunately you made a big one when you decided to marry me. Ah after 16 years of wedding bliss, we are as happy as ever.
  12. Agree with everything you have said except San Diego is going on a run. The Chargers needed to win last week & they gave yet another game away. Their margin for error now is -0- & with Rivers hurt I see them going in the tank.
  13. The book is written on Taylor. He can not win playing in the pocket & that is a big problem in the NFL. I am not saying he is horrible, he is the most athletic QB in the league, but he has a couple thing going against him & that is he can't see from the pocket, his decision time stinks & he is not very accurate. Van Miller once told me when I saw him at the gym that you can't teach a QB accuracy, either he has it or he doesn't. He told me that before Losman's second year when I asked him how you think he will do. Told me he will never make it due to not being accurate. Looking back he was dead on in that assessment.
  14. The Buckeyes are going to stink this year in basketball, so is Indiana. Down year for the Big 10 in hoops. Michigan State is really good, Purdue is good, Whisky & Michigan are decent, dark horse Penn St. I also forgot Northwestern, should be in the tournament for the 2nd year in a row.
  15. Well that is what he said. I have also heard from other people that there is less then 16 minutes of total action in a NFL game. Not sure if that is true or not but I have read that.
  16. Couple things. Football has a few things going for it mainly it is by far & away the most popular sport to gamble on. Take away the gambling aspect of the NFL(from fantasy, to betting games to super bowl pools etc....) & my guess it would not be nearly as popular. But...... with that being said the NFL has some serious issues going against it right now. First this CTE thing is not going away. The problem is I really don't know how in the world you fix this. Football is a violent sport, take away the violence & you take away a good part of the game. 2nd, a poster before made a good point. The older generation is holding this sport up. The millennial generation is a different animal. They want excitement, they want to see things & experience different things. Jeremy White said this morning he rewatched the game, fast forwarding all commercials & stoppage in plays & it took him 12 minutes to watch it. People make fun of baseball & even basketball, calling them boring sports but football is mostly standing around, there is very little action in a football game. It is why it will never be popular on an international basis, not enough moving action.(very different to soccer where play is constantly going on. I also think the NFL is going to start seeing cases like Barry Sanders, Calvin Johnson etc...guys that are retiring in their prime because they are tired of getting beat up. What Brady is doing is impressive no doubt, but I think it is also very reckless & arrogant. My guess is he will be paying a dear price for playing so long when he is in his 50's.
  17. Couldn't of said it better myself. It is become an annual tradition around here just like Thanksgiving & Christmas.
  18. I hear ya. I like Christmas Eve because my family comes over & it is fun getting loaded with my dad. Christmas is one of the worst days of the year for me. It is fun watching the kids open up the presents but after that it is living hell. Rush to church, then rush to my inlaws for brunch(I just seen them the night before & I can't stand my mother in law) then go home try to clean the house up & then go over to my wife's aunt's house where all her (dipsh*t cousins are where I see my mother in law once again. My parents for awhile now, Chrismat Eve they come & on Christmas just the two of them go to a nice steakhouse & then go to the Casino. One of these years I am telling my wife I am going to join them. She could go with the kids to her aunt's house & see all her loser idiot liberal cousins.
  19. That is not true, he could of sat out the year & became a free agent after the year as the bills rights to him were going to expire. Most players would of sat out & held an auction the following year. He would of got more money. But Kelly was a football player & to sit out a year in his prime wasn't even an option for him I imagine. It is funny him going to the USFL was probably the best thing for the Bills as they would of never landed Bruce Smith in 85 with Kelly on the roster.
  20. Haha, sounds like my Brother in law. Comes over every Sunday, drinks my beer, eats my food, you would think the cheap prick could spring for a pizza every now & then. Every once in awhile I will complain to my wife & she just says "yeah he never really paid for anything." I am just like "that's great!."
  21. Yeah, we got in the car(my son is 13 & is a huge Mets fan too) & he said "man that dude had some big nostrils" I said "yeah that is what happens when you do blow for a couple decades." & we both started cracking up. He was really cool guy though, talked about the 86 season a ton, he said that was his favorite time ever for playing baseball, said it was so much fun that year. That is still my favorite team of all time.
  22. I remember a game sunday night at San Fran, Theisman started talking about he watched Kelly warm up & said he couldn't make that 15 yard out throw anymore & wondered if something was wrong with his arm. Kelly took a beating much more than Marino/Elway etc...& his arm was shot by the end, he could barely move around.
  23. I met him twice & he was always really nice. I met him the Monday after a game where he did not play well & he loss, it was his second year here. It was at the galleria mall. I ditched school that day & he was walking with 2 pretty hot girls, I was only 13 at the time. The mall was pretty much empty, & they were walking right at me. I said "good game Mr. Kelly, you played well." He seemed surprised because he actually did stink that game. He said come with me, took me into a sporting good store bought me a Kelly Jersey & signed. Still have that jersey today. I realize he had his off field troubles but he was favorite athlete of alltime. Darryl Strawberry was a close second who actually I got to meet this past spring. My friend who manages a card shop had him in for a signing & got me about 10 minutes with him before the signing. Me & my son. 44 years old & I was like a kid in a candy store. Could of talked to him all night. I know how to pick my idols don't I? Haha.
  24. Remember when Bill Polian said to Art Wander "Jim Kelly is our QB, Marv Levy is our coach & if you don't like it you could get out of town." Sport quotes were so much more interesting back then, when guys for the most part said what they felt like & didn't care how politically correct they were.
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