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Everything posted by Gordio

  1. I don't think we will make the playoffs either. But the odds aren't ridiculous. My guess is enough things will go right for the Bills to get in & in typical Bills fashion they will lay an egg down in South Florida the last week of the season.
  2. I actually went to Syracuse for undergrad so I follow that team very closely. This isn't one of Jimmy's better teams, trust me.
  3. Look at the rest of the league, the after market for most tickets are horrible it is not just Buffalo. In fact some weeks the after market tickets for Bills home games are the most expensive in the league. I also agree with this. The aftermarket this year for Bills tickets have been the lowest in years
  4. Niagara is not good this year, they are by far the worst out of the 4 local teams & should finish in the bottom half of the division this year. Yes I know but come on they should of still handled them rather easily. Come March their RPI should be in the 30's/low 40s. An early loss to a horrible Niagara team knocks you down a few pegs. They have a better team than Syracuse this year.
  5. Bonnies have got a very good team this year. They have a real chance to go dancing come March & should be a fringe top 25 team all year. That loss to Niagara is unexplainable, chalk it up to opening season jitters & a good night for the Eagles.
  6. Yep, we have tried the trade down, ignore the QB position, build the roster up approach. Do whatever it takes to get the QB you want. If that means giving up 3 number one picks(the two this year & another one next year) so be it. I am not even sure if that will be enough but until you have a QB nothing else matters.
  7. get the hell out of here, the game was over at that point, someone needed to dive at Gronk's knees immediately but the Bills did nothing. MCD likes to paint that brotherhhood bullsh*t pretty thick, but he is all talk. His post game press conference about the subject was an absolute disgrace saying how he was proud of the composure his team showed.
  8. Appreciate the in depth analysis. You saved me a bunch of time this Spring reading a bunch of draft magazines to get a feel for the players with your well thought out post.
  9. Cinci has been relevant in the league as to say they have made the playoffs a few times in the past 20 years. We suck & everybody knows it + we are in a small market. Why would they put us on MNF?
  10. Couldn't agree more. Especially considering the game was out of hand by then. Someone should went for Brady's knees but this team has no heart.
  11. With the talent he has it is nothing short of a miracle that he has won 6 games. You got to give him 4 years, turning over coaches every 2 years has not worked out great for us in the past.
  12. My bosses son actually goes to Wyoming. My boss was telling me that he was home for Thanksgiving and he was telling my boss the same thing, saying he has absolutely nothing to work with(horrible line, horrible receivers, some which are actually walk ons.) Said Wyoming would not of won a game all year if it was not for Allen.
  13. I watched that whole Pitt/Jag game when I was in Vegas(they had it on the screen right next to the bills/cincy game at madalay Bay. Big Ben was the worst I have ever seen him that day. In fact I think he threw 2 picks 6's. But he was really bad.
  14. Relax, it is an unbelievable stat & it just goes to show how dominant the cheaters have been against us in the past 20 years. It also goes to show we haven't had a qb worth a dam in the past 20 years. Very sad
  15. I never said it was their fault, just said I am sick of watching it. I think a lot of other fans are too. Totally agree with Polish Dave, I was numb to last years super bowl, wasn't mad, wasn't shocked just numb.
  16. I could only speak for myself but I have loss interest in the NFL partly due to every year New England seems all but unbeatable. I am tired of seeing Tom Brady, tired of seeing Belicheat. Just tired of it. Their dynasty has crossed the line a long time ago of being ridiculous. No QB that was drafted as a 6th round pick in 1999 should be still dominating the league. It borderlines on insanity if you think about it & questions come into my mind whether the games are actually fixed(or at least the NE games.) This isn't college basketball in the 1970's when UCLA was dominating, no team with the way the NFL is setup should have a run of dominance going on three decades.
  17. The weather forecast isn't going to change everyday until Sunday. This type of over exaggeration aggravates me. We don't live in Siberia, we don't live in the artic circle. Unless it is a lake effect event; which are highly unpredictable I think according to the forecasts the weather should be fine Sunday. I just got done playing a round of golf this morning It was beautiful out there.
  18. It is going to be 46 & sunny Sunday with 0% chance of precipitation. I went golfing twice last week & I am going out tomorrow. The weather has been beautiful here the past 3 months. Stop with the BS that the weather is always bad around Buffalo after Columbus Day.
  19. I laugh at statements like this. read TBD the last 17 years, I guaranty if management had listen to the fans our playoff drought wouldn't be 17 years. it is sad, but with this particular franchise the knowledgeable diehard Bills fan certainly does know more than management. As for me I am not done, but I have loss interest. There was a time when I never missed a home game, the thought of me missing a home game was inconceivable. I had season tickets up to last year(had them for 19 years) & the last few years I would only get to 2-4 games per year. Oh yeah I live 15 minutes from the stadium. It is heartbreaking what Bills nation has gone thru for the past 2 decades & it is not right & it is not fair. I don't think I have ever been this down on the franchise before. I doubt I will watch Sunday's game, or maybe I will just have it on the radio in the background while I put up the Christmas light. The Bills & being in the division with the Patriots where there is no end in sight to their dominance has made me feel indifferent about the NFL, I would never of thought that was possible even 5 years ago.
  20. My boss & I were talking this morning about the same thing. They don't have a clue how to run a franchise & are in way over their heads. What scares me is they did not learn from their mistakes with the Sabres when they failed to clean house when thye took over & let Regier/Ruff hang around. They did the same thing with the bills when they refused to clean house with RB & his cronies when they should of been shown the door. My friend told me once that when Pegs took over the Bills he was ready to clean house & his first order of business was to show old Rusty the door but somehow got talked out of it by that used car salesman. He couldn't of botched the Rex hire up anymore, & then he doubles down & empowers a first time head coach. MCD shouldn't have this kind of power. Quite frankly he has not accomplished a dam thing in this league. & why hire the coach before you have a GM in place. The whole scenario is bizarre & backwards & will set this organization back another 3 years.
  21. Thanks for the link. Just played around with it. One thing is pretty clear, the Chiefs game is a must win if the Bills want to get in. (I would be shocked if they win Sunday).
  22. There are a few teams that the committee favors & Ohio State along with Notre Dame/Alabama are one of them. Meyer is no fool. Expect him to run up the score against Big Blue this week & in the championship against Whisky if he has that opportunity.
  23. I kind of hope that they announce that they have cut him today.
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