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Everything posted by Gordio

  1. Consider that a blessing in disguise. The girls were actually so ugly & out of shape when when we went in Jacksonville that two of the girls came buy to flirt with us(get us to go back & have lap dances) the one sat on my friends lap & we made up a story that we were in a high level business meeting & just wanted to be left alone & to come back later.
  2. We will see. Lot of smoke here. You are right though that none of these sources/leaks have put a name to them. I will counter that point thought that if you worked under the Cheatriots regime you would be out of your mind to identify yourself as the source. That would be a career death sentence in New England.
  3. I will second this. The strip clubs in Jacksonville sucked & the girls were horrid. This was 11 years ago but apparently it still holds true from your comments. I haven't been to a strip club up over the boarder in over 11 years either but the talent there was way better than down in Jacksonville. Not even close.
  4. What do you expect him to say? "Yeah the moment this season is done I am looking for another job." That statement means nothing.
  5. Good post. With that being said though it is all about the QB. We have all seen the aerial shots of receivers running open throughout the year & Taylor flat out missing his read or throwing the ball 10 yards over the receiver's head. Is it Dennison's fault his QB can't complete a pass farther than 10 yards? Give Dennison a good QB & he will be fine.
  6. When you look at it in a box, yes your right, Brady is still one of the top Qbs. But......he was showing signs of decline the last half of the season. My guess is his play will seriously drop off next year & he will be out of the top 5 QBs in the league. He can't play forever, & what he is doing at his age defies all logic & history of the game. I am not sure how much this story is true but I will say this. There are a couple interesting things here that point to the end of the dynamic threesome after this year. It has been reported that BB has schooled Patricia & Mcdaniels on coaching interviews this year. They said he has never done that before. Wasn't BB the one that change locks so Mangini couldn't get in the complex once he found out he interviewed with the Jets? When trading JG, why didn't he hold an auction. He could of certainly got more of a second round pick for him. Instead, BB knew he would flourish in SF & wanted to do the kid right. He only made one call when trading JG & that was to SF. The old BB would of made several calls seeing what he could get for him. He barred Brady's trainer half way thru the season. Even Brady's own dad admitted that he & TB thought there was a 50% chance he was getting dealt at the deadline. There is a lot of smoke here. I think BB feels jaded by Kraft after all he has done for him. I also think he is setting up NE for epic failure after this year. These actions are the actions of a man that doesn't give a sh*t about what happens to the franchise after this season. My guess is NE wins their 6th Super Bowl & BB leaves to coach the Giants.
  7. That sounds absolutely horrible. I hope I never have to go thru something like that with my kids. It is heartbreaking that good people/good parents like yourself & your wife have to go thru something like that. You guys didn't deserve that. My condolences. RIP Michael.
  8. At least in a playoff game. That was one sad display of Quarterbacking on both sides. Every time Bortles made a run & had that stupid smirk on his face like he just lit up the 85 Bears, I kept thinking "try that sh*t next week & the Steeler LBs will pound you about 10 feet into the turf.
  9. I am actually rooting for the cheatriots. I figure if they win enough Lombardi Trophies that Billy Boy & Marsha will finally decide to hang it up. But I could really careless who wins. I do think it would be cool to see Minn play in their home stadium though.
  10. They haven't lead attendance since the early 90's I believe. With the new stadiums we will never lead in attendance again. My guess is there will be 10K in Bills fans there Sunday. It will be noticeable but in no way this will be like a home game for the bills or a pro Bills crowd. Remember this is Jacksonville's first home playoff game in 17 years too. They are probably pretty excited down there & rightfully so.
  11. Show me once in the record books where it was -15 here with -60 wind chill. Exaggerate much?
  12. Try watching one of their games. Jimmy G is the real deal. I have watched two of them now & he looks like a young Joe Montana to me. I think the 49ers hit gold here, they will win their division next year as long as Jimmy G stays healthy. The AFC East dodged a major bullet by NE panicking & unloading the wrong QB.
  13. Human nature brother. It was bond to happen, my surprise is that it took so long.
  14. Well done sir. I may have to make that this weekend.
  15. You got my attention. What are the 12 layers? That sounds amazing.
  16. I tend to agree with you. The market for these tickets is going to crash & when it does it is going to crash hard. I just think the mind set of people coming from out of town want the security of tickets in hand. But I do believe you got the right approach, wait to kickoff & take your chances. Most people don't have the stones to do that though.
  17. Will you be willing to give up both firsts this year, both seconds this year & your first next year to get into the top 5? Because that is what it is going to take. Rosen & Darnold are fine prospects but I don't think they are viewed by scouts as high as when Luck/RG III were coming out. Both of those QBs were viewed as can't miss prospects. I honestly don't think those 2 are viewed like that in NFL Circles.
  18. I don't get the Alex Smith talk. Why would the Bills do this. Alex Smith is going to get $20 million per year from some team. He will cost more than TT & I don't think he is a better option. Why not just keep TT at $18 million if you are going to do that.
  19. Thanks for sharing that with us. No one is anointing this coaching staff as "alltime great" & everybody here I am pretty sure knows this teams shortcomings. Noone is predicting them to go to the super bowl. Could we just have a week to enjoy ourselves & enjoy wildcard weekend, with the Bills in it without a pompous know it all like yourself telling us Bills nation should not get excited. It must be miserable looking at the glass half empty all the time.
  20. Yeah just went out grocery shopping at Wegmans this morning, it hurt to go out, car temp said 4 degrees. I think I will skip this one. Every year I have less & less tolerance for the winter. My guess is with temps in the teens all through next week, the lake has got to be close to freezing which will turn off the snow machine although in Lancaster we have missed the last few bouts of Lake Effect. It seems like it is staying down in ski country.
  21. You have got to be out of your mind to go to that game. I just went outside it is bitter cold. You got to be even more nuts to tailgate. Every year I think a home Bills playoff game would be awesome, then a cold front hits in late December/January & I think to myself maybe the drought isn't so bad.
  22. Yeah it was a good night. He kept ordering shots of Southern Comfort for the table. Not my cup a tea but when the boss wants to do a shot you better dam well do it.
  23. Agreed. I get my bonus first week of February. It is usually between 10 & 20% of my salary. They tax the sh*t out of it. As far as Christmas Bonus, never got one. My boss does take the boys out for a work happy hour every year & takes care of the tab. This year we went to jack Astors & between the five guys & one lady on our team who doesn't drink we ran up a $480 bill on him.
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