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Everything posted by Gordio

  1. Crazy night last night. I think Houston punched their ticket with the big win against Cinci. Ohio State was due for a game like this & PSU is not a bad team, I don't care what their RPI says. Arizona got a nice win at ASU last night. Should be a crazy atmosphere tonight at the RC. Bonnies at large hopes are hinging on this one. They need it. I love betting on desperate teams at home. I think Bonnies win tonight. Line is sitting at Bonnie +1.5 right now. Might throw some money on them. Great weekend of basketball coming up though. Really looking forward to Nova/X tomorrow. Winner has inside track for a 1 seed.
  2. You can't really hold it against him that he had very good talent around him. I will go on record as to say Rudolph has just as much chance of being a franchise QB than Darnold/Mayfield/Rosen. The good thing about MR is we won't have to mortgage the farm to get him either. He should be there when we are picking. I don't know, maybe I am wrong. I was very high on Matt Barkley a few years ago & he never panned out. I wouldn't touch Rosen with a 10ft pole. His injuries & attitude scare the hell out of me. If we trade up I really hope it is for Mayfield or Darnold.
  3. Thank you. How could anybody say this kid has not been productive. Watch the film, the kid has plenty of arm strength. If he is there at #21 I honestly hope the Bills run to the podium with his name on the card.
  4. I am curious as to why you think we don't have the money to sign Cousins. Save the bull **** about how we need to spend it in other areas. All starts with the QB brother.
  5. My first Pom we got when we first got married. She was a pure lap dog. All she wanted to do was sit on some ones lap. We had my son 1 year after we got her. He got really sick one time when he was about 13 months old, had namonia, he was in the hospital for a few days, when we brought him home, the one night I went to check on him in his crib & there was Maisy, laying right next to him. To this day I have no idea how she got in there. We had to put her down a few years ago. I told myself I couldn't put myself threw that again & I was done with dogs. Well 6 months later my kids talked me into it & we brought two pom sisters home. One is very lazy the other one is high energy but they are great dogs & I couldn't imagine our home without them. But all three of them have been fantastic with their temperament. The vet told me on my last visit, our two poms are the nicest 2 poms she has ever dealt with. Maybe I just got lucky, but 3 for 3 so far.
  6. My sister has a golden retriever. It is a great dog, super friendly, I can't get past the shedding though. My sister lives in a beautiful development, has a maid come in twice a week to clean the house & every time I go over there I leave covered in fur. I know this vote won't be a popular but I have always own Pomeranians. They have a reputation as a snippy barky dog but the three I have owned have been great, & they are/were all great around my children. They don't shed either.
  7. I totally blame that on the play calling in the second half. Oklahoma went conservative when it appeared that Mayfield could do whatever he wanted out there. They kind of took the ball out of his hands late in the game. Up until then I thought he was terrific.
  8. Maybe not the greatest ever but pretty dam close. To not even consider him in the top 10 is a pretty crazy statement imo.
  9. I don't agree with this at all. The Bills have been trying to do this for the past 20 years & it has gotten us nowhere. Get the QB, then build the team around him, not the other way around.
  10. I think it is time everybody starts taking Ohio State serious. That was a big time win last night. Purdue has final 4 talent & to go into their place & come out with a win, well it was one of the most impressive resume wins of the season to say the least.
  11. This is a down year for the A-10. Teams that usually are in the mix for at larges like Dayton/VCU/Richmond/GW are all having down years. Assuming Rhode Island wins the tournament, the only chance for an at large is Bonnie. If somehow RI gets dumped in the conference tourney, they will get in as an at large.
  12. Bonnies need to run the table for a chance at an at large. Yes that means beating Rhode Island @ the RC. Anything short of that or winning the conference tournament in March & it is NIT for Bonnie. I would love to see Bonnie get in. I think they could do some damage if they get in & get a good draw & they are one of the most exciting teams in the country imo. Watched the Bonnie/Dukes game Saturday, what a great game that was.
  13. It is certainly his right to bench Butler but it is certainly everybody else's right to question it & question or ask if that benching was the difference between a win or a loss. You & some other posters act like the media can't ever question what BB or Tom Brady does because of their past success. Well it doesn't work that way, any other coach that benched one of his top 3 or 4 defenders in the biggest game of the year when said player played on 97% of the defensive snaps during the course of the season would get absolutely grilled if it backfired(in which this case it did). I don't see why BB should be an exception. Stop being so arrogant & condescending.
  14. This is a Bills board buddy, if you don't like it then route for the Pats. Yes Brady has beaten the snot out of us for the past 2 decades. It doesn't change the fact that he is a cheating sore losing DB. Not congratulating Foles is just yet another example of this.
  15. Good post. I will just add if he was smart he would retire. Listen, love him or hate him Gronk takes a beating out there. Defenders routinely go after his knees because he is so big to take down. His style of play & what the Pats ask him to do is very punishing on his body. He already has had several back surgeries, some knee problems & now you can add a concussion onto the list. If he doesn't want to be one of those guys in 20 years appearing on Outside the Lines of "where are they now" & being in a wheelchair, he should get out now. There is nothing left for him to prove. He will go down as the greatest tight end ever & first ballot HOF.
  16. They used to have Smerlas on the morning show on Fridays during the season. One time Smerlas was acting all smug about New England & Tom Brady & Simon ripped him a new one. They got into it pretty good. It was hilarious. I don't think old Freddie appeared on the show after that. As far as Schopp & BD, these guys are pretty clueless. You get the feeling to that neither one of them ever played a sport in their life, even as kids. BD is terrified of MS & will never disagree with him because he knows if he does it will probably cost him his job. I get the feeling BD washes Schoppe's car & cuts his grass on the weekend for better job security. How could you possibly enjoy their fantasy drafts about sandwiches & debating for 2 hours whether the hot dog should be considered a sandwich?
  17. Exactly, they built a nice foundation their first year, why blow the whole thing up. They are going to keep adding pieces while removing guys that don't fit the plan/process.
  18. I agree with this. He looks like he has the build of a RB. If you watch him play he doesn't look like Lee Evans to me. He is much more physical. I would love to grab him & Rudolph with our first 2 picks.
  19. Richmond was awful in the first half of the year. Speaking in betting terms Richmond was always a team I could count on to play well at home. Very difficult to beat at home but they were getting bombed at home also. I haven't been paying a ton of attention to them as of late but they seem like they have gotten the ship steady. Bonnie, I thought was going to be one of those teams that would be on the bubble come March & sneak in as an at large but they got too many bad losses this year. They will have to win their conference tournament & I am not sure if they could get by Rhode Island who is very good this year. UB is legit. They are top 25 legit. & don't forget about my alma mater Canisius. They currently lead the MAAC although they loss to Niagara Saturday. Speaking of which the purple eagles are 7-3 in the MAAC. I didn't see that coming in the beginning of the year. It should be a real exciting time come conference tournament time come March for the local teams. They all have a shot to go dancing.
  20. Honest question, how does anybody afford to live in that area? I mean everybody can't be making half million dollars a year Like Chef Jim can they? What do garbage men & teachers do for a dwelling? Just find a nice cardboard box under the nearest bridge to call home? What do the people call Oakland? The sh*thole?
  21. I agree with you he did come off as one miserable sob when they had him on GR, but he never made millions playing in the NFL, not even close. I think that is why he was so bitter & miserable, seeing these punk kids making 20 times the salary he made not to mention the game had to have a physical toll on his body & he is probably right, he was never compensated or educated properly about the dangers of playing in the NFL.
  22. It is not supposed cheating. They cheated , they got caught & the league destroyed the evidence. It makes you wonder what they haven't been caught at doing. So knock the crap about this supposed stuff.
  23. When we put our dog down 3 years ago my wife said she couldn't go. I was going to take her by myself but my son(who was 10 at the time) insisted that he wanted to go. My wife didn't want him to but I said if he wants to come he could come. To this day he says he was glad he made that choice. If your loved ones want to come let them come. The more comfort the better at a tough time like this. & I will second AD's suggestion of a sedative. That look of fear on my dog's face when cocktail was given still haunts me to this day.
  24. I finally let my son play last year in 7th grade. He played this year also. I got to tell you I wrestled with this one for a long time but in the end he wanted to play & I didn't want to be the guy depriving him of that. Careless parenting maybe, time will tell. My son is a pretty good athlete, he plays high level travel baseball & is very good at basketball. I love watching him play those two sports. I don't get any enjoyment out of watching him play football. I am always worried about him getting hurt & I just don't find high school football that interesting; at least at the Freshman/JV level where my son plays. He is on th fence about going out for the team next year. I hope he choses to go out for the golf team instead.
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