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Everything posted by Gordio

  1. I agree with the OP that he is just about shot. I also agree he has very little trade value.
  2. It was awesome, my wife got the filet, I got the bone in ribeye. One of the best steaks I have ever had. The Ribeye was huge, I think it was 24 oz, I couldn't finish it. Highly recommended but like I said, bring your checkbook, definitely more expensive than EB Greens used to be.
  3. Agreed, tough to beat the class of 83. You had 3 first ballot HOFers & you also had Ken Obrien, who had a pretty dam good career but doesn't get the credit since he is always compared to the other 3. Blackledge & Eason sucked imo.
  4. I will second this. Took the wife over the summer for our anniversary. I had $200 gift card & still ended up throwing in $120 of my own money in with the tip. It was pretty dam good though, I was a big fan of EB Greens, I always took my dad there for his birthday but I thought this place was better.
  5. Thanks, I would hate to think I looked even more stupid than I already look.
  6. I wore Kachis & a nice button down long sleeve polo shirt. I didn't feel out of place. Next time I go there I will throw the suit jacket on too. Don't want to get the old man angry.
  7. I was there a couple of Friday's ago with my wife & a few friends & I didn't wear a jacket or a tie.
  8. How about fear, fear that my wife would catch me, divorce me, take my children from me & all my hard earn money that I have worked over 20 years for & I would end up living in the basement of my parents house. Yeah fear is the main reason I stay monogamous.
  9. Exactly, I give the Patriots no credit for picking Brady in the 6th. They totally lucked into that one as any other team would of if they picked him in the later rounds. In one story I read they were very close to picking Stergeon Wynne with that pick instead of Brady.
  10. This isn't even a holdout, he is not under contract, much different then what Mack was doing. Franchise Tag maybe unfair but the union agreed to it. Bell will report before week 10 & hold an auction next spring for his services.
  11. That place is going to be off the hook crazy the moment the sun rises Saturday morning. College Game day is going to be there & this is the biggest game of the early season. If he was into college football I am with Pooj & say take the drive up there & no matter how much of a hassle it is just embrace the atmosphere but......if he is not into college football I would find somewhere else to go.
  12. I made a few points in the spring before the draft about Rosen, how he is not a good teammate, how is own coach said he wouldn't take him first overall. I also mentioned last year their opening game against A&M when they made that unreal comeback that not one other player looked like they were celebrating with Rosen, he was kind of by himself, I thought that was very odd & tells me that he was not really liked by his teammates. Could be me reading way too much into it but I don't think so. As far as tangible ability, he looks small out there, he has a history filled with injuries, I don't think he will hold up against NFL hits. His arm looks average, I am glad we took Allen over him.
  13. They said on Monday Night Countdown last night that he only completed one pass this year that has traveled over 20 yards in the air.
  14. Well one of these years the decline has to start but yes... we have all seen this movie before, rough September highlighted by a surprising loss usually on Prime Time & they are a well oiled machine by the time Halloween rolls around. This year does seem different with all the media leaks & arguing & Brady does look like he has loss some zip on the fastball but.....I have been fooled too many times before, until I see it got to give these cheaters the benefit of the doubt.
  15. Agreed, overstatement by the OP but....I heard yesterday that Luck has only one completion this year where the ball has traveled over 20 yards. I think the Colts should be very concerned about his arm & your going to see more teams sitting on his coverage until he could prove that he could beat the defense deep.
  16. Agreed, we haven't had a QB with the skill set of Allen ever in Buffalo. You could mention Kelly but he never had the hose like Allen or the mobility. Kelly did other things better like being more accurate & such, but this could be a fun ride watching Allen develop.
  17. The is absolutely ridiculous. Sometimes the courts make no sense. You probably had a broad for a judge is my guess.
  18. Here is a sobering statistic. Guess what QB has the most wins in Buffalo & the most TD passes in Buffalo since 2001? Tom Brady. Please keep in mind this includes QBs that have played for the bills. Simply mind numbing.
  19. The thing that scares me is this regime has demonstrated no ability to bring in guys that could actually play. It seems like they are more interested in bringing in guys they are familiar with(Benjamin/Star). What they have given Allen to work with on offense is an absolute disgrace. You just don't put a young QB or any QB for that matter in this kind of situation. Our offensive line is the worst in the league & our receiving core is the worst receiving core I have ever seen on an NFL roster. I am not confident that these two clowns could nail the drafts the next two years which is what it is going to take in order for this franchise to be competitive. There is rebuilding, but what these guys are doing is asinine. They got rid of some good young players & this cap hell that I keep hearing about is mostly from their own doing.
  20. Yeah I guess whatever makes you feel better. I personally think this franchise has been a joke for the past 20 years & will continue to be a joke under these two clowns. I went to the game Sunday, and I vowed I will not spend another dime on these guys this year. Mcdipsh*t wants to tank & get rid of all of our young talent that is fine, that is certainly their prerogative. It is mine not to bother with them the rest of the season. They will get smoked against Minn this week. I am taking a hike with the wife & daughter up to letchworth Park Sunday afternoon. F*ck these guys.
  21. I bet his stats wouldn't be as good if Peterman was his QB so the fan does have a point.
  22. Yep, response from the board is typical. Preston is not saying anything that other people aren't thinking. This organization is the joke of the league.
  23. I got to tell you I used to have season tickets for 18 year & I gave them up two years ago. I am 45 now, when I was younger I never missed a game. Keep in mind most of the seasons there were usually at least 2 or 3 meaningless late games. Then the last couple years I had tickets I would skip the cold games, then I found myself skipping games where the weather was actually nice. My last two years I had tickets I think I went to three games each year. I still take my son to a few games a year(we went yesterday) but I just don't have as much fun going to the games anymore. It was so hot out there yesterday, when I got into the game all I could think about is leaving and jumping in my pool. I talked my son to leaving at half time. There were a ton of people that were leaving. So weaving my way around the fans this one kid comes up & punches the back of my car. So I got out & when I confronted it gets in my face & yells "brady sucks!" I am not even sure where that came from. I saw there was no damage so I started laughing but still this kind of stuff is not that amusing to me anymore. The tailgates are fun but they are not as fun as they used to be when we used to have 15-20 guys there. The product on the field sucks & it has become a big hassle just getting into the stadium. My son is getting to an age where he will probably start going with his buddies to the games (he is 15 now). In 3-4 years when that happens I will be gladly done going to the games. They are just not any fun anymore imo. I also bought one beer in the stadium & it was $13 dollars. I got home around 3, watch the rest of the games out on the patio by the pool & it was so much more enjoyable.
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