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Everything posted by Gordio

  1. I used to have bad flairups in my 20s. Would not happen all the time but it would usually happen a few times a year & man it was debilitating. People that have never had it have no idea of the pain. Interesting enough I rarely got it in my big toe. I have gotten it in my knee a few times. The doctor put me on Allopurinal as a preventive treatment & that seems to be doing the trick. I have been on that for years now & haven't had a flair up since. Be careful with Allopurinol though. When you first take it sometimes it causes an acute attack. The doctor gave me this chi=olocine I believe & I had to take that once a day with the Allo for the first 30 days. That offsets the attack. Also, when I have an attack I have a prescription of Indomethisean which is an anti flammatory. You got to be careful with that because it has serious side effect. Tough on your liver & such. I really have not had an attack in over 7-8 years though so haven't had a need to take it. But my doctor always wants me to have a prescription handy. Never take IBproffin witrh it either. I guess that has bad effects.
  2. Interesting you mentioned that. My son dislocated his knee this summer up in Orchard Park in a baseball tournament. Same thing popped right back in. Excruciating pain. 2 days later his orthopedic doctor told me if it ever happens again & doesn't pop back in never try to pop it back in or let the paramedics pop it back in. Wait to the experts for getting it back in.
  3. The orthopedic actually told me never let the paramedics try to pop it back in on the spot. Have the doctors at the hospital do it.
  4. Oh yeah, took me in the ambulance to Millard Filmore, knocked me out & popped it back in. Took about an hour. My whole arm, down to my elbow was black & blue.
  5. Is it me or do the bills receivers constantly run right into the coverage. The first picture, the WR running on the bottom of the screen at the 40 yrd mark, if he just sits & Allen fires the ball it is an easy 20 yard completion. But he keeps running right into the safety. I don't know, it seems like the Bills Wideouts do this a lot.
  6. I agree with that somewhat, I am just telling you what I see.
  7. In my mid 30s, playing Left Field for softball, dove for a ball, it was bit damp & my shoulder caught the ground & I broke my collar bone & separated my shoulder. Whe I separated it my shoulder pushed up & was pressing on a nerve. If I had a knife I would of slit my throat the pain was unbearable. The medics that came wanted to try to pop it back in at the field, I told them "don't f*cken touch me, get me to a hospital I want to be knocked out for this." Went to the orthopedic a few days later, guy told me "Let me guess, mid 30's separated shoulder, softball injury right." Said he has been doing this for 30 years, told me my separated shoulder was the second worst he has ever seen. 10 years later, it still hurts once in awhile, I still play softball, but have never dove for a ball again while playing outfield.
  8. Well it does seem like the weather is more severe then it used to be. Droughts out west, it seems like there is at least one or two hurricanes every couple years that do major damage, hell here in WNY I still have my pool open, the kids were swimming in all week, temps were in the mid 80s. Going to shut it down tonight as temps are supposed to fall into the low 50s over the weekend.
  9. I am not ready to give up on Jones yet. I know the production has been minimal but this guy was the all time leading rec leader in college. It took Moulds a few years to take off. He is the only WR worth keeping going into next year imo.
  10. It is just amazing the longevity of his career & Brady's & their still able to play at an extremely high level. it defies logic, it really does. I read that Brees is the only player left from his draft that is still in the league. Coupled that with the fact Brady got drafted 2 years before him & it is really mind boggling.
  11. Could not agree with you more. Your story is the exact same as mine. Got seasons in our 20s, 1997 was the first year. Had 20 guys. Over the year throughout the mid 2000s, guys moved away, guys got married, guys had kids. All dropped for different reasons, some of my friends just couldn't take the losing anymore. they dwindled & It was down to me & my friend & we both take our sons our last few years having seasons. He still has seasons with his son(he sits in the clubs now) & I still take my son to 2-4 games a year. At times especially at the opener some of the old gang will show up. The drunken shenanigans for the most part don't bother me & but the party candle that used to be so bright is dimly lit & the football side of this, rebuild no rebuild, the past 20 years has been an absolute disgrace to watch for the most part & anybody that says differently is just lying to themselves.
  12. You & KD are missing the point. They should of spiked the ball with 4 seconds left but they panicked. You could say "oh if the snap is muffed then there is still time to kick another FG" but come on. Common sense tells you to run the clock down. There should of never been a kickoff. Although one may say if they tried to run the clock down Fischer may have used one of his TOs to stop the clock. So worst case scenario you make them burn a Time out which is never a bad thing, maybe Bruce Dehaven could of used that time to remind his players to stay in their dam lanes. & by the way to this day, as a Bills fan of over thirty years that loss to me hurt the most & still hurts. I don't know why but it hurts more than Wide Right to me. I can't explain it; it just does.
  13. Yeah I dropped mine two years ago & I can honestly say I have no regrets. I do think it is a bad sign that the early games are not even a wanted ticket anymore. It used to be I couldn't give the games away in December but before would usually be able to get my money back on the games pre Thanksgiving. Fans have had it & I could honestly say this is the worst Bills team I have ever seen(keep in mind I didn't really start following the Bills until 86 when Kelly arrived so I missed the back to back 2-14 seasons).
  14. Don't forget this WR needs to buy into the culture of One Bills Drive & never questions what comes out of Mcdipshits mouth. These are the most important qualities of any player in the draft.
  15. Because I chose to do something else on my Sundays this season makes me a bandwagon fan. Whatever man.
  16. Fair point but Bills have seen this movie before. Your right they are not responsible for the past 20 years but that doesn't mean we have to give this shitshow the benefit of the doubt. You suckers keep buying up the tickets & wasting your time watching the games every Sunday, I am going golfing like I did last week on Sunday afternoons until the weather turns. Their plan may ultimately work but Bills fans do not want to hear anymore "wait to next year." Kim Pegula preaches patience, we have been patient since the MUsic City Miracle & their is no fan base, especially one as loyal as Bills nation, that deserves to be put thru what we have been put thru the past 20 years. Like I said Mcd & Beane may ultimately be successful, their early moves suggest that they are in way over their head. & Pegula's track record with both the Sabres & Bills as an owner is absolutely disgraceful.
  17. Yeah I haven't really followed the offseason of Bonnie. I just know they loss Adams & Mobley, which combined averaged about 40 points per game. I highly doubt the #1 scorer in WNY is going to make up for that kind of production, at least a s a freshman.
  18. What are you talking about? The Giants have had a great run ever since Boche took over. Please don't insult Bills fans about comparing our suffering to Giant fans.
  19. I agree with most of what you said but my question to you is; What have MCBeane done to show you they have the ability to pick the right guys. Every FA to date they have brought in has pretty much been a bust. Why is next year going to be any different?
  20. Canisius really blew a golden chance last year especially the way the MAAC tournament broke out of going to the dance. They should be ready to make that run this year. UB is loaded, they are a top 25 team imo & if they get the right draw come selection Sunday, could see the second weekend of the tournament. Should be a fun year in WNY for college hoops. Niagara is not going to be bad either. Bonnie, not sure about, haven't read a lot about them. They loss a ton of scoring from last year.
  21. Mahomes is a way more accurate passer than Kap ever was. I agree with everything here, well said.
  22. I agree, we have been drafting corners in the first round for the past 20 years, how has that worked out for us. I will be honest I wanted Watson too, but I would of been happy with either one. We will see how Allen turns out, I think the kid has got a chance to be something special but mahomes definitely looks like the real deal right now.
  23. Here is a sobering stat. In McDermott's tenure as head coach the Bills have loss 7 out of the 21 games by more than 20 points. Tanking/not tanking, in an era when parity reigns that is simply mind blowing.
  24. rest easy this week my friend. Although coming to New ERA for the visitors is never a picnic even when the Bills have a sub par team, this will be the easiest win you guys have all season. Bad matchup here in my opinion for the Bills with your defensive front against our joke of an offensive line.
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