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Everything posted by Gordio

  1. Add Kaep starting to the fact that Bill Mafia is trying to get the fans to throw dildos on the field when Brady is under center for the first time & this will be must see TV. This maybe the highest rated Monday night game ever.
  2. You do realize if you put Peterman on the practice squad he is fair game for the rest of the league to grab. No way I take that chance with him. I mean what team wouldn't want a QB that tosses a pick every 8 pass attempts.
  3. No, that he lets a guy run a draft that he had every intention of firing shortly after the draft.
  4. To the first question, I will spell it out for you. The Bills needed a QB, they have passed on QBs before in the past. 2 potential franchise QBs were sitting right in their lap at #10 & they decided to do the very Billsy thing of trading down & drafting another CB. Fast forward a year & half later & both QBs look to be keepers not to mention the guy we traded up for this prior draft looks to be very raw & there are a lot of questions about him. 2nd question, I guess he could of left the last sentence out. Nothing really crazy though & certainly not worth a suspension. I have seen much worse go unpunished on this board.
  5. Sadly enough, this really doesn't surprise me. It is par for the course.
  6. How is he spitting on the face of the owner of the board? All he did was disagree with him. That is not allowed?
  7. I just don't understand how Pegs could let Whaley handle the draft & then fire him the next day. Does that make any sense to you?
  8. If that is indeed true McDermott should be relieved of his duties immediately.
  9. Why should we let it go. It was a huge mistake from a franchise that has made huge mistake after huge mistake over the past 20 years. Why because he disagreed with SDS? That was a well thought out post.
  10. The defense looked like it quit on MCD halfway thru the first quarter yesterday. Probably realized we could play 20 quarters of football & this offense isn't going to cross the goal line.
  11. You can not argue with the numbers and this guy is in way over his head as I have stated from the beginning. This whole thing was ass backwards from the beginning. Pegula fires "The Rex Clown show" before the season ends, & then hires Mcdipshit early in the offseason. Pegs then supposedly gives Mcdipshit the keys to the franchise, when this guy has never been nothing more than a slightly above average Defensive Coordinator. I would like to know who hired him. Was it Pegs, Rusty, Whaley? He keeps his lame duck GM Whaley on which he knows he is going to fire to oversee the draft. Immediately after the draft he then fires Whaley & lets Mcdipshit hand pick his BFF from Carolina. Any sane organization would of cleaned house the moment the season ended & started by searching for a GM to run the place. Pegs did this whole thing backwards & we are now seeing the results. I just don't see Beane/Mcdipshit getting fired after this season. But they have created a mess of epic nature here. We have an offense in a league where teams are setting NFL scoring & yard records on a weekly basis that can not even muster together a few first downs. I will say if Mcdipshit was heading the draft & not Whaley, he should be fired immediately for passing on Mahomes & Watson.
  12. I was all in for picking Watson or Mahomes. I have been on record about this. I will admit my first choice was Watson which looks like that would of been a mistake too. I hope Allen works out but I have serious doubts. People that watch College Football & watched Allen saw that he wasn't very good. My first choice was Darnold, followed by Rosen & then Mayfield. I wanted nothing to do with Allen. I think this was a case where a team falls in love with the big arm QB, problem is he has no idea how to play QB & he is not accurate. I hope I am wrong.
  13. It is comical that people are trying to defend this. Small sample size or not, this guy is the MVP of the league for the first half of the season. he was sitting in our laps whoever was calling the shots didn't draft him. It was a huge mistake, one the bills are going to regret for the next decade or so.
  14. It is too bad UB loss to Army. Undefeated no matter what conference you are brings some serious clout rolling into November. If they could of ran the table they would of been ranked & who knows possibly a New years six bowl? People will laugh at that but it happened to W Michigan a few years ago. UB would of had solid wins against Temple/Army.
  15. You obviously did not watch the Army game. He was horrible. Kid couldn't hit the broad side of a barn. If you don't like Allen, he is Allen Light, big arm, athletic, no accuracy. I think he was trying to be funny, at least I hope he was. If he was serious I am going to the mods today to get him banned from the board.
  16. That is good stuff, thanks. I remember that game against Central Michigan, that was probably the best game I watched Allen play in. He looked pretty good that day. I also watched him for most of the game against Iowa/Oregon/Hawaii(yes I am a degenerate gambler) & he looked absolutely awful. I got a lot of questions. His tangible assets are off the charts compared to the other 3 QBS taken in the first round imo but....there are a lot of holes in his game. I just don't think you move up in the top 10 to take a project at QB. especially given the fact that this coaching staff is defensively oriented & there is no one there to develop him.
  17. Yeah just take it when it flair up. Stuff is pretty potent, rough on the stomach.
  18. Talent or no talent, sitting a year or not sitting a year there are throws Mahomes is making that Allen could not make in his dreams. He simply is not capable. I was bitterly disappointed on draft night when we traded down. I could not believe that both Watson & Mahomes were sitting there for us. I personally would of took Watson. I loved the way Mahomes passed the ball but had questions about his footwork. The other thing that bother me was that by KC trading up, the Bills had to know they were going for a QB & if Reid put his stamp on those QBs that would of been good enough to take my chances on one of them. What was your opinion on Allen coming out of college? I watch a lot of college football & my opinion of him was he was not very good. His accuracy was horrible. I hope it works out but I did not like the pick. I would of stood pat & hoped Rosen was still available. Trading up I would of definitely took Rosen. He is light years ahead of JA as a passer right now. The injuries would of concerned me a bit. I just don't get how time & time again NFL personal overlook accuracy as one of the main traits to look for in a QB. The windows are so tight in the NFL, if you are not accurate you have no chance to succeed.
  19. There is no double standard here. Peterman doesn't have the minimum tangible skill set to be a NFL Quarterback so why bother running him out there anymore. Does it finally make sense to you egghead?
  20. Herbert has a ton more accuracy than Allen. I am not sure if he will make a good pro or not but he is light years ahead of Allen is when it comes to accuracy & ball placement.
  21. Agreed. The good news with Allen is he does possess a rocket arm & is athletic. The bad news is he is not accurate. People seem to think you could teach accuracy, I am a firm believer that you can not. Either a guy is accurate or he is not. Van Miller once told me when discussing JP Losman he said "this kid will never make it because he is not accurate." That was right before Losman was going into his first year as a starter(his second year in the league.) The problem is Allen is exactly who I thought he was. Maybe he gets better, my guess is he doesn't. The Bills are married to him now though. There is noway they are drafting a QB high next year. No matter how bad he looks though, I really hope the Bills don't start Anderson. Allen needs to play. Personally I would draft another QB next year in the first round if there is a guy you believe in, but there is no way this regime does that. I think we could all agree that the way the league is a successful NFL QB needs to hit at a minimum 60% completion %. He hit on 55% completion % in college, why in the would anybody think Allen could accomplish this in the NFL when he couldn't even come close to doing this in the MWC?
  22. He is not running for his life though. He has had time, he had time against Tenn, he had time yesterday imo. Now I am not sure if no one is open, but the line has not been as bad as everybody says it is.
  23. I agree with this. I am willing to give Allen a chance, it has been only 5 games, but....the thing that concerns me is that Allen is who I thought he was. He was not very good in college. Look at his stats last year @ Wyoming. The only game he threw for over 300 yards was against Gardner Webb. I believe he threw for like 60 yards against Oregon & 94 yards against Hawaii, who had a horrible defense. His completion % was in the mid 50s his two years a s a starter. The accuracy and ball placement are just not there. Coupled that with the fact that he doesn't really read defenses well & given the fact what the Bills traded up to get him & this is going to set the franchise back for years. I just can't believe time & time again that the pro's that are paid to evaluate overlook production in college & accuracy in college & are mesmorized because the guy could throw it 90 yards in the air. I hope this works out but I have serious doubts it will. Watching Allen play, I don't know how anybody could not.
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