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Everything posted by Gordio

  1. It is also funny how Joe Q Public could see the obvious when the Bills have been constantly oblivious to it. Maybin was such a poor pick & there was so many warning signs. He was like 3rd or 4th string at Penn ST until injuries got him into the lineup. When he got in his last year at State, I believe he put up 10 sacks which is rexpectable, but.. 4 of those sacks came against an awful Temple team. My friend who went to Penn State the instant they picked him said the Bills are going to regret that pick for years to come.
  2. I can't say I really blame DM for quitting. He didn't like how things were shaking out & he had a clause & used it. If anything blame old Rusty for allowing his contract to have that clause. There is a story I read once when Pegs first took over the Bills, Pegs was walking down the hall & Marrone coming the other way. Pegs introduced himself & Marrone didn't break stride & gave him a half hand shake & kept walking. That is one ornery prick right there.
  3. Good win for Michigan last night, Villanova is a bit overrated this year though at least early in the season. Jay Wright doesn't have the back court & experience has had enjoyed the last several years with Brunson & Bridges leaving last year. That is about 40 points of offense from your back court that they are missing this year.
  4. What do you think he is going to play forever? It has got to happen sooner or later. He is still good enough to need to be game planned for but I will say this. I couldn't believe the drop off Manning had the last year he played. It seemed like it happened overnight. He was having a good year then all of a sudden the calender turned to December & he was a shell of his former self. I know we heard this one before so sure I am skeptical as well.
  5. I think it has been proven that local fans really aren't interested in supporting UB football. That could change if they ever get on a big stage like joining the Big 10 or something but I doubt that will ever happen. Even if they upgraded to say the American Conference except for maybe the occasional showdown between S Florida or UCF where it national implications.(winner gets the new years 6 invite)
  6. That is a bad idea. If that happened, there would be even less atmosphere then there is now. Think Temple at the Linc. UB needs a stadium around 30K, and the fans right on top of the field. Think of a high school stadium on steroids.
  7. Just a wild guess but I imagine North Carolina gets a hell of a lot more rain the California does.
  8. Yeah I don't know how they do it. Winning is important but.... you got a ring already, I don't see why some of these guys take less to stay with the evil empire.
  9. People tend to forget Moulds was pretty much a non factor until year three. I think Zay will become a solid receiver. You don't catch that many balls in college by accident.
  10. Georgetown is in a different situation than UB is. Georgetown's conference is not a one bid conference so they could afford to schedule cupcakes to pump up their win total. Sometimes that strategy works, sometimes it doesn't. UB is in a situation where their conference is typically a one bid conference. Getting experience or not getting experience, it was smart scheduling in the fact that they have a good enough team this year that they should be lurking around the top 25 all year & if they get true road wins against WV & possibly Cuse they may get an at large selection. That is the only point I was trying to make. I am a Canisius grad too(Masters degree there). Their fan base has always been a bit funny. Big commuting school, KC is a small glorified High School gym so when they do pack it in, it is a tough place to play. They have a fun team to watch this year & should give UB all they could handle.
  11. It is a no lose situation for UB to schedule early away games against teams like WV. Lose & no big deal, somehow win & that is a great resume builder for march. MAC is traditionally a one bid conference, perhaps with a true road win against WV, UB could break that trend if they falter in their Conference Tournament. Also, December 29, UB takes the short commute to main Street to take on the Griffs. Canisius also should have a memorable season this year as they bring back pretty much everybody from their 21 win team last year. Griff aren't at the level UB is at but should be a fun atmosphere at the Koessler Center that night.
  12. I was really surprised to see Gronk come back this year. He is one guy that should hang it up. Back problems, lower body injuries, he is going to be sorry when he is in his 40's. I am not sure what is left for him to accomplish. I also have read that he has banked all his football earnings & has basically lived off of his endorsements so money is not an issue for him.
  13. Funny you mention this. I was actually quoted on this board as stating I hope the Bills run to the podium if he is there with our pick in the second round. Could not believe he lasted to the fourth round. Looks like I was wrong because no one has given him a chance to start since he came into the league.
  14. I am beaten down by the NFL. I cancelled my season tickets & this is the first time I have not had Sunday Ticket in years. I think mostly of the Bills front office making obvious mistake after mistake & being a non factor in the league. The other thing though is I'm tired of watching Brady/Brees/Big Ben/Rivers dominate the league. Something does not add up here. These guys are all 40 or pushing 40. I was down in Florida for the family vacation the week that the Bills played the pats. I was at the pool that Monday afternoon drinking a few beers, had a bills shirt on. A guy walked by and had a Patriots shirt on & asked me what I think is going to happen in the game that night. He said a few interesting things. He said "you know my kids our 15 & 17 years old, they have never experienced a losing season with the Patriot." I said "that is funny, my son is 15 years old & he never experienced a true winning season for the Bills." We both laughed. I then said "Brady has got to retire soon." He said once Brady retires the Patriots will get knocked down a few pegs. Fans aren't going to like it but it is going to happen soon. He also said which shocked me "it is common knowledge around the Boston area that Brady has been illegal substances for years to keep his body intact. Says he does not know how he hasn't gotten caught. Take it for what it is worth but it makes sense. Guys in their 40s are not supposed to be playing at their prime. I
  15. Your right, in past years the very Billsy thing to do was win this game & lament about it next April when we are one spot out of landing a blue chip prospect but.....fear not, with Darnold sidelined & Mccown starting, a guy that actually knows how to put points up on the board, there is no chance the Bill are winning this game.
  16. Not sure about the Orakpo/Maybin situation but Big Mike was all on Tom Donahue. He blew that pick big time.
  17. The Bills always try to act like they are the smartest guys in the room when they are a joke. I read reports when the Bills selected Maybin & passed over Orakpo their were GMs openly laughing at that selection. When it came down to picking Williams over McKinney, McKinney was the smart play. Here was a guy that never gave up a sack in college, dominated Dwight Freeney at the Orange Bowl the season before. He was the no brainer pick, but TD was going to show how smart he was. He took a guy in Big Mike that never played LT in College, had weight problems & had some health issues. That is just one fine example.
  18. I don't think Mcbeane is going anywhere but I do tend to agree with you. This year has been such a failure on offense, some of the numbers are absolutely mind boggling. I heard on the radio if you take away the Vikings game, thru 8 games we have only scored 16 points in the first half. How is that even possible? We are on pace for 15 offensive TDS this year, we had over 40 the past two years. Neither the 17 or 16 version of the Bills were not an offensive juggernaut. Hopefully Pegs has some guts at the end of the year & tells the boys from Carolina to pack their bags & don't come back but my guess he will give them another to show their incompetence & fire them after the 19 season.
  19. I would of drafted better then them for the past 20 years if I was in charge. Maybe not the rounds after round three, but certainly the top two rounds. A monkey throwing darts at a dart board could of drafted better then them. I would of stayed away from Maybin, would of took McKinney over Williams, would not of taken Losman or Manuel. Would not of passed on R Wilson. Now obviously this just me talking but I was dead set against these moves at the time. I watch a lot of college football. I am not an expert, but I like to think I know what I am talking about.
  20. Ah yes the old, Bills management knows more then the fans argument. That maybe true but...if they would of listened over the past 20 years to this board I guaranty they would have made the playoffs more than once. Just because they are professionals does not mean they know what they are doing.
  21. You give the Regime waaaaaay too much credit. This is amateur hour at one Bills Drive. Both guys are in way over their head. They know it too. If MCdipshit really didn't have an ego he wouldn't of ran every talented young guy off this team that dared to question the process. They are running an offense that has a chance to be the worst offense in the Modern Day History of the NFL. Think about that for a second. In today's game where the rules are so tilted in the O's favor & serviceable journeymen QBs are throwing for 300 yards + on a regular basis that is unfathomable. MCD has been beaten by more then 20 points in 9 out of 25 games now. In an age of parity, simply mind blowing. There is noway Pegs signed off on this. I think you got to give team (*^*&%^$^#next year but I don't know. Might be better to pull the plug after this year. Not sure what the answer is.
  22. KB is a player that has packed it in for the year. Effort is nonexistent. I kind of find this surprising since this is a contract year for him but with that being said he probably figures since his QBS are pick 6 Peterman & Out of Retirement Anderson his stats are going to be garbage no matter how hard he tries so why bother putting yourself in harms way & getting injured. There is -0- chance KB will be back next year.
  23. I was on record as saying I would not pass on Watson or Mahomes if one of them somehow fell in our laps. Take one of them & you don't need all that draft capital. I am also on record as saying I have serious doubts about Allen. I love his athletic ability, I have serious doubts about his accuracy & command at the position. Hopefully it works out. The top end of the draft is loaded with defensive players. If we are picking top 3 & can't get out of that position I think MCD/Beane will have to take one of the top end D line(Bosa/Oliver) which would be fine by me.
  24. Pegs first error was having Whaley run the draft when he was a lame duck GM. Whoever made a choice to pass on Watson or Mahomes, that was error #2. You can't really blame Bean for that since he wasn't there. Error #3 was letting Glenn go. I don't care about the cap ramifications, you don't deal a good young LT in the prime of his career for a 2nd round pick because you didn't like his injury history. Error #4 was trading for KB. I can't stand the sight of this guy anymore, his lack of effort & route running is absolutely disgusting. The thing I don't understand is it is a contract year for KB, you think he would be putting in just a little bit of effort. MCD likes to talk a big game with that One Buffalo stuff & trust the process & culture BS, but if he had any balls he would of cut KB earlier this season. The defense has some good young parts to it now. They have a top 10 corner, another up & coming corner, good safety play on the backend, & Edmunds & Millano look like future stars to anchor the defense. You guys may think I am crazy but if I am MCD & Beane I would be tempted to throw the top of the draft on the defense & make it a truly dominant unit. I would try to fix the offense thru free agency. I am not sure how realistic that is since no receiver in their right mind would ever want to play on this team. I will say this. I have watched the Bills for over 30 years(I started following them in 86) & this is by far the worst offense I have ever seen. They are unwatchable. They need to fix the offense next year or they should both be fired after the 2019 season.
  25. His 9 ints in 79 pass attempts isn't enough to get him cut next year. MCD needs to see more? Only in Buffalo man. That is priceless.
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