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Everything posted by Gordio

  1. He was horrible in the Army too. Jackson is a perfect example of an athlete playing QB. As far as skill set, Jackson isn't close to having what Allen brings to the table. It is laughable that he decided to go into the draft. Poor decision.
  2. I am a guy that prides myself on watching a lot of college football. I was against the Allen pick. I would of took Rosen. With that being said, after watching Allen play this year, I will admit I was wrong. Allen's physical attributes are off the chart. There is no other way to explain it. He needs to clean up his short game a bit. But that will come. Just watching Boomer & Gio & they both said this guy's attitude is ridiculous. 3rd & 22, he is going to throw a missle 40 yards down the field. Sims was on there & he said that he reviewed all of Allen's senior year. He threw 12 screen passes all year. Mayfield he said threw 88. We got our guy, get him some weapons build up the defense a bit & we should be in for a fun ride next year.
  3. WNY area as a whole is a maddening college basketball region. I don't understand why people don't get into college basketball more around here. It is the best sport going imo. But they were rather talk on sports radio about the 12th place Sabres(not this year but in recent years) that have no chance to make the playoffs when the calendar flips to March than the upcoming basketball tournament. Once the mid major conference tournaments tip off, there is no better 4-5 week stretch on the sports calendar imo. My MIL came over one night a few years ago & I had college hoops on. She is like "why aren't you watching the Sabres it is so much more exciting." So I flipped to the Sabres game, they were playing in NJ, you could hear a mouse fart it was so quiet. Than I flipped on ESPN to the KU/Missouri game at the Fog, Musberger was calling the game & he starts saying "folks I have been doing this for 40 years, & I haven't heard a crowd this revved up before tipoff in a long time." The place was off the hook. Of course my MIL was too stupid to get the point but you see where I am getting at. College Basketball around here is way down the totum pole. I don't understand it. The NCAA tournament is the best sporting even of the year & the first 2 days of the tournament(that Thurs & Fri) are my 2 favorite sports days of the year. it never disappoints. I went to Canisius for my grad school, but I am thrilled UB is having success. It is good vibe for the area.
  4. The rule is they can't be the host team(either Canisius or Niagara would have to be the host team) & as long as they don't play at least half their games on that floor, they could play their. Yeah they will be on the bubble but nothing will be a lock & it will be nervous come selection Sunday. There were year I thought SU was out & they made it(final 4 year when they played UNC a few years ago) & years when I thought they were in and they missed. Sure they got more leeway than a school like UB, they play a much tougher schedule.
  5. It is all about matchups with Syracuse, always has been. UB is a good shooting team & when the threes started falling I knew Cuse was in trouble. This SU team is going to have an uphill battle making the tournament. Too many bad losses already. OD loss was horrible, Oregon, I don't know. The ACC looks top heavy again this year with FSU/UNC/Duke/Virginia all looking strong. I am impressed with UB this year. They are going to be a tough out in March. Beat Marquette Friday & I am not sure when their next loss will be. Getting ahead of myself but UB could end up with a top 4 seed. Too bad Buffalo isn't hosting the first weekend this year. That would be awesome if they got podded at the Arena for the first two rounds.
  6. About 20 years ago my friend & I met up for lunch at Dagwoods, which I don't even know if they are still around. He order a ham sub & when the kid asked him "do you want oil, mayo, or miracle whip on it?" my friend replied "give me all three". The kid gave him a weird look & said "dam, never heard of that one before." My friend replied, "why don't you just make my sub wise guy." MY friend swore that miracle whip gave it a nice kick to it.
  7. I don't like the idea of giving up NS. Ramos will be fine, it is a good pickup. Our bullpen is bolstered, the young guns remain intact, we will see how this plays out in April but life is good if your a Mets fan right now. Best offseason in years.
  8. When I was a kid I used to eat a wish sandwich all the time. That is when you take to pieces bread, slap some mayo on it & wish you had some meat. We were poor when I was a kid.
  9. This is where I am. My wife calls me a binge alcoholic. I rarely drink during the week which is to say I rarely drink Monday - Friday. Most weeks I go without a drink during this time frame. Saturdays most of the time I hit it hard. There will be Saturdays during Football/basketball season I will go in my basement all day & drink & bet on sports games. It is my idea of fun I guess. I never understood the guy that has to have a few drinks at night when they get home from work. Of course those guys probably don't understand a guy like me that drinks 20 beers on a Saturday so to each their own I guess. I never miss work(as I don't drink during the week), never miss my kids events, my wife of course is not crazy about my Saturdays but she knows I work hard all week etc... I never get hung over as I usually stick to beer. In fact on Sundays I usually get up at 630 & go to the gym & grocery shopping. My wife has 3 drinks & she is in bed for two days. That is why she rarely drinks.
  10. Yeah it was a free for all on the bus when I was a kid. Survival of the fittest I guess. One time me & my friends stashed a couple cartons of eggs in these bushes where the bus let us off the night before. That next day when we got off the bus we ran to the bushes, grabbed the eggs & drilled the bus as it drove away. The next day the bus driver told us "thanks a lot guys, I had to take an hour after my shift to clean off the eggs you threw at the bus." WE laughed about that for hours, looking back now in my mid 40's, my friends & I were a bunch of aholes that really could of used someone kicking the sh&t out of us. But it sure was funny back then.
  11. I always thought we were a bit too eagerly forgiving for the Norwood miss against the Giants. Perhaps it was the fact that everybody knew that team was so good that the fan base knew we would have other chances in the near future to win a championship, but to give him the ovation he got at the pep rally I thought was a bit ridiculous. Hell if Norwood played in NYC Market or the Boston market or Philadelphia, his house would of been burnt to the ground before the plane even landed in Buffalo from Tampa. Yeah I was happy as hell Christie signed with the Bills. It was nice watching our FG kicker not struggle with any kick over 35 yards. Your memory is going, it was a Thurman that said it when asked what would he have done if Norwood missed the game winning FG. Thomas said something to the effect of "I think we would drop him off the plane somewhere over North Dakota. "
  12. I believe they have dug out of that. I also have read that their financial loss on the Madoff thing was overblown & that they have used that as an excuse. They pick their spots when to spend money & have landed big free agents over the years. With that being said, at times they have been cheap & it has cost the team.
  13. man I don't know, it is never good to bully people to get your way. He bullied reporters, some student reports that were just trying to do their jobs, he bullied his players, he bullied IU employees right down to the poor receptionist that was just giving him a message & he bullied the university of Indiana. Maybe his intentions were good, who knows, but there is a better way to go about it.
  14. Yeah I know, but he is 36 & he is still owed $120 mill I believe. I know Seattle threw in some money but that is a big contract for an organization that is notoriously cheap at times. I know, that is where I struggle with Noah but...man if they deal him & he goes on to have a great career, I don't know tough call. If they do deal him, I really hope they don't deal him to the Yankees, anybody but them.
  15. I never seen Joe Willy play as I was born in 1973. So that may have something to with why I don't think he was very good. I will say Namath is most certainly in the conversation of the most overrated players in NFL History. The stats are the stats & the stats suggest, he was a sh*tty QB playing on a .500 team with a few good years sprinkled into the mix. No need to throw out insults just because we have a different opinion tough guy, being as it is the Christmas season & all. PS: I also think Lynn Swan & Terry Bradshaw are overrated.
  16. I am not crazy with taking on Cano's contract which is a bad one but.... I love the fact that they also acquired Diaz. He will help shore up that bullpen. This would be a typical mets trade. Give up one of the best power pitchers in the game, to their crosstown rival in which they have him under control for three more years. I know they need a catcher but I don't think weakening your starting pitching is the answer.
  17. Agreed, & the defense had way more to do with that Super Bowl win than Namath. His stats were a very ordinary 17/26, 206 yards, 0 TDs, 0 Ints. He rushed for -0- yards that day.
  18. yeah I get it. With that said, his stats suck in any era.
  19. All valid points but.....he was not a good QB & his stats back that up. 50% completion %, 173 TDS to 220 INTs, only averaged a shade over 2,000 yards passing per season. I get it, different time, but those are eye popping bad stats for someone in the HOF.
  20. Yeah you are getting away ahead of yourself right now Promo. There is a handful of teams that could win the national title this year, UB is not one of them. I will say this, get past these next three games & it maybe a while before UB loses a game. Stay undefeated going into Feb & UB will be on the National Radar.
  21. You would have by far the best secondary in the league. I am with Alpha, the draft is top heavy with Defensive guys, I hope they don't try to force an offensive guy in where they are picking. Build on your strength.
  22. I know I will get flamed for this one but I would love to see them draft Greedy Williams from LSU to pair up with White. I think we maybe picking too high though.
  23. I coached my sons little league team one year. His house team, not the travel team he played on. They were 11 years old. I told everybody at the first practice everybody will get a chance to pitch as long they could show me in practice that they could throw strikes on a semi consistent basis. This one kid, who was by far the worst player on the team(he had a decent arm) but couldn't hit the broad side of a barn, his mom kept bugging me every game for him to pitch even though I knew if I put him in there it would be a disaster. I told her bring him 45 minutes before each game & I will work with him pitching & if he shows improvement I will throw him in there. Sure enough he would get there 2 minutes before every game. Finally I had enough of her bitching & moaning & the last game of the season I started him just to shut her up. His first pitch he hit a kid, his second pitch he hit another kid & they kicked him out of the game. I walked over to the mother & said "see I told you, he is not ready." She told me to go f*ck myself in front of all the other parents & pulled her kid from the dugout & took off. Me & my two assistant coaches couldn't stop laughing the entire game.
  24. UNC played at Wofford earlier this season. Boeheim is the ultimate wimp when it comes to scheduling true non conference road games. The A-10 is an upper mid major league. Rhode Island, Dayton/VCU are all upper mid major programs. Since Bona plays in the same league they do, I would consider them an upper mid major team.
  25. Villanova loss to Furman last week. Like I said, good defense or not, Wright's team is not nearly as stacked as it has been the past 4-5 years. A biiger test for UM will be when the heels come rolling into town.
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