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Everything posted by Gordio

  1. Come on man, that is a total exaggeration. Nothing was worse than the no call in the saints game.
  2. You must be a Kentucky fan.? It is not reviewable & it is a bang bang play. Give the refs a break, call could of went either way. I don't care what has happened the past 5 years under Tony Bennett, the Hoos will be a tough out this March. They are a much more efficient scoring team than they have been in the past & the back court with Guys & Jerome is terrific.
  3. I thought it was close, not a slam dunk call either way. As far as 18 teams have a chance to win it all I couldn't disagree more. This year it is extremely top heavy. You got Duke above everybody & then you have Virginia, Zags, Tenn as the clear favorites, with Kentucky, UNC, slightly behind. I don't think another team has a chance to win it all outside of those 6. Maybe you could throw the Michigans in the mix also but something bothers me about both those teams.
  4. That definitely happens, the committee loves creating storylines. ASU better get going or the only tournament they will be going to is the NIT. PAC 10 is a 1 bid league right now & that bid is going to Udub.
  5. The Hoos are not going to be run out of the gym by anybody this year. Mark my words. They stood toe to toe 2 games in a row with the most talented team in the country & 2 days later beat a ever so slightly less talented team on their own floor. My guess is Coach K doesn't want to run into the Cavs for a third time but if they do my money on Virginia. I read an article Monday that said there was noway Virginia with the game plan they had & the amount of turnovers they created should of loss to Duke Saturday. Duke shot out of their minds. The article Virginia the way they played Saturday would of beat anybody in the country, except of course Duke when they shoot 60% from the 3 land.
  6. Excellent point but I wouldn't count on it.
  7. Well said, I didn't think the video was bad at all. In fact I thought he showed some restraint. I would love the Bills to go after him but my guess is Pegula's better half will put the kabosh if Beane tries to pursue.
  8. I would be careful with that statistic. it is not so much the amount of penalties called, it is when they are called. NE does seem to get aided quite a bit with penalty flag at crucial points of the game.
  9. About a month ago my FIL, my son & me were talking about good places to go for wings. My FIL kept going on & on about how he had these wings last week & they were the best he has ever had. Said they were unbelievable. We were like "where did you get them?" & he said "Little Ceasars." My son & I just started cracking up. The sad thing was he was dead serious.
  10. Couple things here. First, 60, 70s, 80, 90s the NFL does not have the coverage or the popularity it does now. 2nd, what the Patriots have accomplished is far beyond the realm of a dynasty. It is going on 20 years & most fans outside of the 4 or 5 states that call the Patriots the home team are sick of it. What they have accomplished these past 20 years, it is almost beyond ludicrous. I think fans are tired of watching it. Valid point but holding penalties are drive killers since they back you up 10 yards. The refs know this.
  11. I was dumbfounded why Mcvay did not use Gurley more. The Rams best chance of winning was riding Gurley & he is going to split time with Anderson? You got to be kidding me.
  12. Isaac Bruce just got rejected for the third time & his stats are something like over 1,000 receptions & 15K yards. I think Edeleman has 400 + catches & 5K yards. Shefter should put down pipe & stop saying such stupid stuff.
  13. I think the league is going to start realizing that the patriots & their success is actually hurting the popularity of the game. Fans of other teams, rightfully so are tired of seeing these guys. it is not so much the penalties called against NE opponents, it is when they are called. yes the Rams missed numerous opportunities to tilt the game in their favor but......it does always seem like NE is the benefactor of a big call late in the game that appears to be a phantom call. Fans around the league are tired of it & if Goodell was smart going into next year he would send a memo to the head of refs to have his boys knock off the favoritism.
  14. It was 52 degrees that day & partly cloudy. I was at the game also.
  15. Very true but for some reason teams play scared against Brady. or maybe they just don't have the personal to execute the game plan. I couldn't believe the way SD played & the game plan they had for Brady. They might as well just of forfeit the game & save the airfare. Lynne made -0- adjustments either. My friend at works his dad is good friends with Gronk's dad, & he told him last week Gronk is done after this year. Patriots have a bunch of guys up for Free Agency I believe, not sure how hard it will be for them to reload, it hasn't seem to matter the past 10 years or so with Brady being so good. I have felt for the past decade their roster is vulnerable & not that good, but somehow they always end up in the super bowl.
  16. It is funny you mention little, right before the game started Bilas was talking about how the light has finally come on for Little on the defensive side & expect to start getting more minutes over the next few months(I think he is averaging 18 or 19 min per game). White has been playing out of his mind & he is fun to watch. Maye, I think he is really missing Berry setting him up so well to score. There was so many times the past few years Berry would setup Maye in perfect position to score. It seems like he has got to create his own shot a bit more this year. Coupled that with the fact he is trying to learn to play with some of the new guys & it has been an adjustment. He is still important to their success.
  17. My son is a big tar heels fan so I usually watch most of their games with him. Old Roy's team is going to be an interesting study come March. When they are knocking shots I think they could beat anybody ex last night. When they are not knocking down shots they could lose to anybody ex Louisville. It doesn't seem like they have that reliable post player that Carolina teams are noted for. You know the one when things get tight they could throw it down to the post & usually come away with a bucket. With that being said outside of Durham they are as talented a team as anybody in the country. Bold statement I know but that is the way I feel. Virginia Tech is a talented team that I have pegged as getting to the second weekend of the tournament & the heels just ran them right out of the building. UNC will tag on a few more losses because their schedule is so brutal so I don't see them getting anything higher than a 4 seed this year. I could see them making a deep run. I could also see them getting bumped in the first round. It will be interesting to watch.
  18. Haha, very true, I didn't go to Canisius High School, but I did go to college there.
  19. We used to hang out there all the time back in the day when I went to Canisius. I wonder if they have the $10 all you could drink special?
  20. it is not a tough decision at all. If you have a choice of playing in the MLB or playing in the NFL if your smart you chose the MLB every single time. Murray wasn't a 10th round draft pick, he was the 9th pick in the draft. The A's have already given him $5 million dollars. High picks like that unless they are total busts tend to sky rocket thru the minor leagues & into the bigs in no time. From what I heave read of Murray he is a 5 tool guy. He would have a longer career in baseball, he would more than likely make more money & he would have a better chance to live a normal life from a health standpoint than if he played in the NFL. I know the NFL is king around this board but come on, the smart choice is playing with the A's. Especially when he is only 5'10
  21. Good win for the heels, although State is a bit overrated this year. They have a good record & some decent wins but they haven't played nearly as hard of a schedule as UNC has played to date(I actually don't think any team in the country has played a tougher schedule). My son is a big UNC fan, I fell asleep at halftime, he said this morning the Heels hung tough & played well.
  22. Although I am not a UB alum(went to SU for undergrad & Canisius for Grad), I do follow them & hope they do well. I think the committee would have a real tough time keeping out a 3 or 4 loss UB team from an at large. They have been getting quite a bit of pub from the national pundits & I think they are high enough on the food chain right now where they got the cred to absorb some losses. With that being said, I think they should roll thru the MAC. There will be some tricky road games against Toledo/Cent Mich/Akron/Kent but I think they should be okay. I don't see them losing a home. Plus making the tournament the past 2 years & making it the weekend last year will go a long way. UB fans should have a fun time these next 2 months. Get the right draw & I could see them making it to the second weekend of the tournament & once you get there who knows what could happen. But your right, never feel comfortable as a mid major leaving your fate in the hands of the committee.
  23. I don't expect Nevada to lose many more games. They ran into a buzz saw Saturday at the Pit. I think they play at Fresno St tonight but I could be wrong. that will be another tough game. Nevada is not getting anything higher than a 3 seed though, unless they run the table. With that being said, they are a senior laden team that plays good team ball & has a very good coach. They are going to be a tough out come March.
  24. It is different today then we were growing up. Kids get competitive in a hurry because of a little thing called travel sports which didn't exist when we were growing up. You got virtually no chance of playing high school sports(at least hockey/baseball/softball/basketball) if your not on a travel team by the time your in 6th grade unless your some untapped superstar prodigy. My son is a very good athlete. At the time he could crawl he had a ball in his hands. My daughter who is a bit younger loves softball but she is really not travel material. She actually got cut trying out for the 9U town travel team. It makes me sad when to think she is never going to experience being on a high school team. For the most part, I do see the good in travel sports, such as my son living up in WNY gets to practice up at his facility all year round if he wants to, gets to play between 50-60 games a year(between school ball & travel) which was unthinkable in these parts when I was a kid. But make no mistake about it, the root of travel sports is pure greed, & people are getting rich off of it. I am not a big fan of participation trophy's after say the age of 7 or 8. It is not teaching the kids anything.
  25. Haha, yes, agreed, very slow release & very inaccurate at times.
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