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Everything posted by Gordio

  1. You should move to WNY. It is only 54 degrees here today. The average high is supposed to be in the 70's by now. This weather f*cking blows.
  2. I second this, great idea. I also like the train horn. Don't fix something that is not broken.
  3. No we wouldn't. We maybe losers but we like to lose with class & a little bit of dignity.
  4. Hey I didn't say I did it. I tailgate every year in the preferred lot; lot 5 & our tailgates are pretty tame. So don't lump me in with these clowns. I do think it is funny & the only ones they are really hurting are themselves. If the Bills don't like it maybe they should of put an end to it a few years ago & have security monitor the lots & kick the people out that they spot doing this. I mean it is not hard to spot but instead let's ruin all the fun for everybody, that is an easier way to clean it up I guess.
  5. Who cares what the rest of the league thinks of us? I think it is pretty dam funny that we jump thru & body slam girls on tables & light each other on fire. It is a great tradition if you ask me.
  6. I would of took a flyer on him too in the 6th or 7th. During the fall they were talking about him going in the first. I didn't watch every UB game but I watched a handful of them & the separation thing concerned me. He looked like he was blanketed on a lot of the plays. He did come down with a lot of passes because he was more physical than the db he was going up against, maybe that scared away the scouts though.
  7. I don't think this was hindsight. It was a bad decision. The other thing was he was a graduate transfer eligible. Could of transferred to a bigger program for his last year.
  8. That makes no sense, if your coming out of a school in MAC, keep your mouth shut & just be grateful someone drafted you. Watched several of his games last year, I was shocked to see how little separation he would when you considered he played in the MAC.
  9. that is a good point, it was important to get that monkey off their back, they did on the fly with a bit of luck but impressive nonetheless when considering they were selling some parts that would hurt in the present to get in better position for future drafts/salary cap.
  10. I listened to them briefly this morning & could not agree more with the Big Blitz. Usually listen to Sirius sports talk on one of the sports channels going into work but decided to flip on GR to see what the guys had to say about the draft. Big mistake. They dismissed Sills really quick, saying they had no chance of making the team. Obviously they never seen the kid play. This kid knows how to get open & knows how to find the end zone. I am not going to say he definitely makes the team but to dismiss before even mini camp is moronic. Howard said that the Pats/Cleve/Indy/SD/KC will definitely have a better record than us & Houston probably so there goes the playoffs. Simon has turned into a hack, he treats the Sabres with kid gloves & treats the Bills like sh*t. Anybody that has followed these two teams know the Bills are light years ahead in their development compared to the Sabres who are an absolute joke. I don't know, my fault for listening to them this morning I guess.
  11. Be careful with assuming things. There are some pretty detailed, pretty bad stories about JK in his younger years that I have heard. MY guess is if JK would of been playing today with all the social media etc....he may have some legal problems of his own.
  12. Haha, yeah sorry about that, not sure what happened.
  13. Agreed, we already have at the Cap the closest thing in the NFL to a big time College Football atmosphere, we might as well get the full effect. If Colorado can manage do it, why can't we?
  14. Last night my friend called me up & said he had 2 extra tickets to the draft party so I said what the hell & my son & I took the 15 minute drive down Southwestern to the stadium. I thought it was pretty lame, they went all fancy with the food, not good, but there was free beer so I digress. Anyways, I ran into a friend from high school that works for the Bills. He let me in on a little secret. The Bills plan on running out real Buffalos before the games this fall. Kind of like what University of Colorado does. Not anything earth shattering but I think that is pretty cool. Anyways, carry on with your draft talk.
  15. No problem, just don't let it happen again.
  16. Don't be so trigger happy next time.
  17. We got a winner. Well said sir. Always thought it was ironic the Bills Brass stated they stayed away from Gronk because of injuries to his back & Troupe's career was troubled with back problems. Wilson was staring the Bills right in the face & they refused to pull the trigger. Prior to the draft I stated on this board Wilson's intangibles were off the chart, that his teammates at Wisky loved him & voted him team Captain after just 1 summer of being around this guy. The Bills blew that one big time.
  18. Fear not with the money, we will put our heads together once college football opens & we will make some money betting the games. Those 3 trips will be covered with the money you make if you follow my lead Labor day weekend with CF.
  19. Well this schedule already started a fight with my wife this morning. We always go to her cousins for Thanksgiving. I hate it. I told her this morning this year since the Bills are playing right when we have dinner over her cousins house I am just going to stay at my house for Thanksgiving this year. She said well "me & the kids are going to my cousins." To which my 15 year old son said "mom I am out too, I am staying home with dad." Well that is all she needed to hear. She went off on me & I supposed she won't be talking to me this Easter weekend. As I was driving to work I made plans with a few of my friends to go to South Beach to catch the Bills/Miami game on the 17th. I will wait a few months to I break the news to her about that.
  20. Where do you live off of Como Park. We used to live in the Village Christan court but moved about 12 years ago & now we are in south Lancaster all the way down off of Lake. I usually take Clinton downtown & in the morning I am in the office in less than 20 minutes.
  21. They played Duke, UNC, Wash, & Tenn this year. Not sure how many more games you want Few to schedule against Top teams.
  22. Gonzaga was a cute story actually well over two decades ago. & I get it, you got to start somewhere, but....they are a national power & have been for the past 15 years. I can't ever see UB getting to that point.
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