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Everything posted by Gordio

  1. Whatever happened to the good old fashion way of meeting a girl at a bar, getting her liqoured up & then taking her home. These sites you never know who your dealing with. I mean you go out with a girl from one of these sites, you wine her, you dine her, you take her back to your apartment & feel her up & the next thing you know is your holding a tree trunk. No thanks.
  2. Look man, Im a sabres fan to but any reasonable person can not compare the signifigance of the NFL to the NHL. It is in 2 different leagues. I will go as far as saying I think it would mean more on a national lever for the city if the bills just made the playoffs then the sabres winning the stanley cup.
  3. I had it with schope. It is so obvious he does not like the nfl. He said that the pass to evans for the td wasnt even a particular good pass, that he just threw it up there. I thought it was a perfect throw, hitting him right in stride. He even lambasted a caller because the caller had the nerve to say that the nfl is better now because you never know who is going to win unlike the late 80s/90s where you knew it was going to be pretty much the cowboy/49ers in the nfc & the bills in the afc.
  4. There is a big difference between that team & this team though. That team was built around aging over the hill players with their best years behind them(adams, bledsoe, milloy, moulds etc...). The core group on this team is young players that should only get better next year. We are watching this team grow up right before our eyes
  5. I think the writing is on the wall thta next year will be Willis' last in a bills uniform. Why would the bills after next year give willis a big contract when he has a blown out knee infury & has had 4yrs of wear & tear on him when they could draft a someone for alot cheaper & without the wear & tear.
  6. You should just get the ticket, then you could see any team you want.
  7. Why dont next year you just buy tickets before the flex schedule kicks in? Think people, think.
  8. I know it is hard but this team is heading in the right direction. I wouldnt be surprised if they beat the jets next week. Anybody at the last 2 games could attest that there is a totally different atmosphere at the ralph this year then compared to the Donahoe years. With another good solid draft & some key free agent signings, I think this team is well on their way. For the first time in a long time, this team finally has a good solid foundation of young players to build around(Losman, Evans, Peters, Simpson, Whitner, Triplett etc....) You may have noticed I did not include Willis. Im sorry, but this guy has got to be the most overrated player by the fans in bills history. He is not a top 5 back, he is not a top 10 back, he is not even a top 20 back. Next year, when he goes down to the U to train, the bills should tell him to dont bother coming back up. I really think next year, you trade him for the highest draft pick you could get, hopefully a 2nd rounder, but my guess is a 3rd or early 4th rounder. Worst comes to worse, you go into the season with a-train as your #1 back. They are more efficient offense with him in there anyways
  9. By a ticket you deadass!!!!
  10. I agree, shcoop has said on numerous times that he really isnt even a sports fan & that he really despises the NFL. Why does he have a job on sports radio, I have no idea. I used to listed to WGR all the time, now I maybe listen to them 1hr every couple weeks.
  11. If the bills were 10-1(which is equivalent in football terms what the sabres start has been) nobody would be talking about the sabres right now. They keep drilling home the blackout & trying to figure out why there is not a sellout. Simple, 6 dreadful years of football has made the fan base skeptical. Here is the deal, in this area you have imo about 60,000 fans that are die hards & will go to the staduim no matter what. The rest are wait & see type. I guaranty if they end up 8-8 or 9-7 which should make them one of the favorites next year, the season will be pretty much sold out before the year even begins.
  12. I totally agree with this point. WNY isnt the back woods of Alabama. People do make money here. If you dont agree with me, go to any of the three casinos in this area. People are spending their kids college fund on a nightly basis there.
  13. 63608 was the actual attendance. Paid attendance was closer to 67,000
  14. There are no PSL on bills season tickets & $440 is nearly a 1/4 year of your rent. Where the hell do you live in a cardboard box in the fruit belt???
  15. It iis 50 & sunny here in buffalo. Supposed to be like this all week too.
  16. It was a total cheap shot. It was away from the play & he went for his knees. I know the way Donovan plays he probably has alot of enemies, but man that was about as dirty of hit as I seen in a long time.
  17. I never understood the facination with Eli Manning. I watched him in college alot, & he was just okay. I know it is easy for me to say now but I liked both Rivers & Rothlesburger better then manning coming out of college.
  18. Your right, my fault. I knew accorsi was the gm that was involved in the trade though. Thanks for the correction.
  19. BTW, I would be thrilled with a 250 yard game. That would be a major improvement. I dont think this team is capable of racking up more then 200 yards in a 4 quarter football game.
  20. Yeah if I see Losman throw for another 80 yards I think Im done watching them for the rest of the season & I have season tickets. I will probably still go to the games but I will just stay in the parking lot & drink during the game. 3 of the 6 guys I go with already do that anyway & actually make fun of the 3 of us that still go into the games. Man it is depressing to be a bills fan right now.
  21. That is a horrible arguement against my point. If the bills & the giants played 10 times that year the bills would of won 9 of them with their franchise qb. You cant be serious bringing David Brown into the discusion. If he entered the regular draft, he would of been a 3rd round pick at best. Yeah, G Young & Ernie Accorsi know a little bit about passing on a franchise Qb. They had a chance to get a guy named John Elway. Dont think they didnt regret that.
  22. Lets put your theory to the test. These are the teams that if the season ended now would make the playoffs: AFC New England (Brady - 6th round) Denver (Plummer - I think 3rd round) San Diego (Rivers - high 1st) Indy (Manning - 1st overall) Baltimore (Mcnair - high 1st) Jacksonville (Leftwitch - high 1st) I know gerrard is starting now but still NFC New Orleans (Brees - 1st in 2nd round) Chicago (Grossman - low 1st) NYG(Manning - 1st overall) Seatle ( Hasselback - I think 5th or 6th) Atlanta (Vick - 1st overall) Phily (Mcnabb - high 1st) out of the 12 teams that are going to make the playoffs 9 have qbs selected in the fisrt round. Even more shocking, 7 out of 12 were top 10 picks. I think it is pretty obvious, if you get the franchise qb, alot of the other stuff usually falls in place. Got to draft quinn if he is on the board.
  23. It seemed to workout alright for San Diego.
  24. You dont understand, Quinn is a blue chip legitamate franchise qb, if he is there when the bills pick levy goddam better have the stones to pull the trigger. The late George Young once said "if you EVER have a chance to draft a franchise qb & dont you will spend the next 10 years regretting it".
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