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Posts posted by Gordio

  1. I really do think NE's time is just about out. Their LBS are slow. The gap in talent wise between NE & the rest of the division is closing. I really think the bills have the foundation in place to make a run at them next year. Unfortunately with Brady as qb & Billy boy as the HC, they will always be in contention year in & year out. I think bak to the yankees & their runs in the late 90's, I thought noone would ever beat them. Then they lost some key players & now they are fighting to regain that chemistry. Remember, once you loose the chemistry & magic, it is very difficult to get it back. Noone fears playing the bombers in the playoffs anymore.


    Amazing stat, Caldwell caught 11 passes ALL YEAR, in 2 playoff games he has caught 21!! Kinda reminds me like Brosious hitting 218 the year before coming to the yanks & then batting like 300.

  2. I should just let this comment die on the vine without a response, but you have to be kidding. LT is the class of this league as well as its best player. He was not sour grapes because of the loss at all, but sticking up for his team and his team's house after a classless celebration by the Patsies. Act like you've been there before New England (wait you have, so you don't even have to act). Like Emmett Smith running TO off of the Dallas star, I think LT getting worked up and standing up instead of sulking off the field with his MVP trophy speaks well of him, not poorly. You can win and you can lose, but you do it with respect for your opponent.


    You know it is funny, as the game went on I started to actually root for the patriots. There is something you have to respect about Brady, he just kept getting up & fighting. I still hate NE but Im actually glad they won.


    The Chargers act got old on me this year. They have acted all season like they are the next dynasty, but they have not won a dam thing yet. I said all along that Marty Ball is going to cost them in the end. They were cocky when they came here, had nothing nice to say about the bills, who actually should of beat them if it wasnt for the refs. If Merriroid wants to show up his opponent every time he gets a sack, expect a little of it back when you loose & basically are a non factor the whole game. I dont like Merrimen, I dont like AJ Smith, I dont like that idiot Shittenheimer & I dont like Rivers. Win something first, then you could start acting cocky. LT is a class act, just frustrated. He is still the best player in the league hands down.

  3. You have to manage your cap $ with the knowledge of knowing you will have to lock these guys up with big contracts. This year is the year to do it with JP, next year with Lee.



    I would think after next year would be the year to do it with JP. Evans I wouldnt mind extending right now, the guy is a superstar.

  4. i'm not "flat out wrong." for evidence, look at what wilson paid donohoe (1 million/year) and what he's paying marv (surely no more than $1 million/year). you seem to be suggesting that the leopard was going to change its spots when it came to butler.


    i'm not going to defend the johnson trade, but to point to one bad draft after so many good ones seems ridiculous. name me one gm who served a substantial length of time who hasn't had an out-and-out bust draft. i'll bet you dollars to doughnuts that you can't.


    p.s. the number that did come up re butler (as I recall) was 1.3 million. Butler left for a $3 million plus salary. Wouldn't you do the same? I would have.



    Of course, anyone would of. But at least be honest with Wilson & not go about in deceitfull manner like he did.

  5. i'm not "flat out wrong." for evidence, look at what wilson paid donohoe (1 million/year) and what he's paying marv (surely no more than $1 million/year). you seem to be suggesting that the leopard was going to change its spots when it came to butler.


    i'm not going to defend the johnson trade, but to point to one bad draft after so many good ones seems ridiculous. name me one gm who served a substantial length of time who hasn't had an out-and-out bust draft. i'll bet you dollars to doughnuts that you can't.


    Whatever, all I know is that Butler left the bills in alot worse shape then when he took over as GM. Everybody seems to give the guy a pass on this because he is no longer alive.

  6. You make the exact point I was looking for. Ralph better pony up the money if he expect fans to show up every Sunday. I think the fans are tired of losing class A free agents and acquiring useless class B FAs. If you really, really want to win and stop the BS rhetoric, he BETTER spend the money and use up his cap space (including resigning Lee and JP). Signing Nate will go a long way to insure us of some happy future. Forget finding DTs in Free agency. There are none to sign. You have to draft one inside the first two rounds. If you lose Nate, now you will have to draft a CB anyway and fill another major vacancy. I will accept overpaying Nate for big $$ and maybe one other player in FA--a linebacker. Forget the guards as well--they never work out in Free agency.


    Why does he have to resign JP & Lee. Losman has 2 yrs left on his contract & Evans has three.

  7. All great points(and accurate) Dave McBride!


    I remember sitting on my couch during that draft(self confessed draft-knick) and following every detail as usual.


    The lesson learned by that draft was -


    don't reach for a position of need- the board did not fall the Bills way that draft-


    and they reached a number of times and got burned! :pirate:


    A lot of these points are flat out wrong. Wilson was even on record saying money never came up because John refused to sit down & talk to him. It was reported that Wilson was going to be willing to nearly double his salary. He never got the chance. Butler had his mind made up a long time ago. He left the team in cap hell & was JUST AS MUCH RESPONSIBLE for this decade of bad football as Donahoe was IMO. In fact the decline of the bills could be first attributed to 2 things. The Rob Johnson trade(in which we could of drafted Fred Taylor) & Butlers last draft. Just because the guy has died doesnt mean we have to enshrine him into the Pro Football Hall of Fame for GMS. Polian built the Super Bowl Teams. In the world of football, Butler was a decent scout, nothing more, nothing less.

  8. He just might be available if the Chargers lose this weekend. There is a rumor (on PFT) that he and/or Schottenheimer are on thin ice if the Chargers do not advance in the playoffs. Reportedly, AJ also has a bit prickly personality which has not endeared him to some -- including Schottenheimer although they supposedly kissed and made up.


    Who knows whether any of this is true. Nevertheless, the guy knows football -- just as Polian and Butler know/knew the game and were able to evaluate talent. To this day, I wish that Polian never was forced to leave the Bills.


    Oh it is true, Smith is a bulldog. Anything short of a super bowl appearance this year & one of them is out. My guess it is Schotzy.


    Not to stomp on a man's grave or anything, but Ive always had a bad taste in my mouth about butler & how he deceived the bills. This is just my theory, but I think he knew he was leaving for SD a year before he left. His last draft will go down as one of the worst in team history, he kept putting wilson off about a contract extension & I know AJ has been on record saying a few unflaterring comments about Wilson. I got a little advice for AJ Smith & actually the whole Charger organization, you have not won a god dam thing yet. Keep your mouth shut until you do. It rubbed me the wrong way when the bolts came here in december. How Rivers said we should of beat them by 30 points. If you go onto the chargers message board they are talking like they are going to kill the pats this week. I know it is sacreligeous to say this, but Im almost pulling for the patriots this week. Im tired of hearing about how good the chargers are.

  9. That is stupid to say with our cap situation there is no excuse not to sign him. If he doesnt want to play for us that is that. & if you think Wilson has the pockets to outspend Danny Boy in DC your nuts. The time to get Clements done was before the season started. Unfortunately, he had such a crappy 2005, I dont blame Levy for not throwing $14 mill bonus at him over the summer. It is going to take at least 18 mill in upfront money now. Im sorry, but I have a tough time giving the playmaker that kind of loot. BTW, if you do give Clements that kind of money, you realize that is it for FA for the bills this offseason. Wilson wont have anymore money no matter what the bills cap situation is.

  10. I heard on the GR this morning that it is being reported that Miami will be playing their home game in Europe. What is interesting is it said that the bills & the giants are the 2 finalists for the road game. I cant believe it will be the bills though. To schedule a division game at a neutral site is kinda crazy.

  11. Don't we have enough kick returners? Pass



    Come on, Ginn is much more then a kick returner. I dont know how you would possibly contain him & evans. We would have the best 1/2 combo in the league. With that being said, I think I would rather take Jarret if he is there due to his size.

  12. Tenn was barely at the PSU 20...based on the way PSU's defense was playing, how can you assume that?


    Plus Hunt ran all over that Tenn defense too.


    The fumble occured at the 16 yard line & they drove 75 yards to get there. Im pretty sure they would of at least kicked a fg. I will give you hunt had his way for most of the afternoon, but that one play changed the whole complexion of the ballgame.

  13. Unfortunately the next season the Jets get to play the Titans and Kansas City, while we get to play Jacksonville and Denver. I would take Titans and KC rather than Jax and Denver...



    I would rather play KC then Denver, however I would much rather play Jacksonville then Tenn. I think both Tenn & Denver are going to be teams to be reckoned with next year while I really think KC & Jacksonville are going to take a step back.

  14. My memory must be going along with my youth. I could have sworn I watched a Bills game this year where the Jets had no defense and no running game but somehow still won the game mostly because of Chad Pennington's play. Must have been a flashback to Namath or something....



    Your memory is going, the jets won that game because of the costly turnovers the bills handed them. Pennington had nothing to do with that win.

  15. This is a garbage post. In case you missed it, Penn State defeated Tennessee and Wisconsin defeated Arkansas. So, tell me again how the SEC is clearly superior? LSU could just be yet another team that has ZERO offense in the over-rated SEC.


    I've never seen OSU play that bad. Period. Hats off to Florida, but overall the Big Ten beat the SEC 2-1. And those other two games were New Years day bowls, not some scrub bowls on December 17th.



    Arkansas dominated Wisconsin. I think they rushed for over 300 yard & outgained them I think something like 400 yrds to 154. I have no idea how Wisconsin pulled off the win. If you watched the PSU/Tenn game it was 10-10 & tenn was driving for the go ahead score late in the 4th qrter when the rb for tenn fumbled the ball @ the penn st 10 yrd & they returned it for a td. If that doesnt happen Im pretty sureTenn goes onto winning that game. As for the other bowls, lets see, Texas tech beat Minnesota, Texas beat Iowa, USC beat Michigan, Maryland beat Purdue. The big 10 was very close of being 0-7 in the bowl games.


    You obviously have no clue what you are talking about when it comes to college football. If Florida played Ohio State 10 times, my guess is the only way they would have a chance of losing is if they played in Columbus. Too much team speed.

  16. Tonight, we have a twenty-four hour long pregame show on the local sports talk radio station.


    We have two regional sports TV networks (SportsTime Ohio, which does Indians games, and FSN Ohio) and one statewide TV news network...and they have plenty of coverage.


    Not to mention ESPN...so right now, it's Buckeye Fever out the wazoo in the Buckeye State.


    Our new governor is getting sworn in tomorrow (Ted Strickland), but the formal inauguration and parties are not until Saturday...because of the game.


    All this is nice, but geez, let's play the game already.


    No game is truly worth this much hype...watch it be a Big Buckeye Blowout (although I'm not predicting that).


    When this game is done, if the Buckeyes win the title, I don't think anything would be able to top this year:


    1) Ranked No. 1 all season.

    2) Beat not one, not two, but THREE No. 2 teams along the way.

    3) Beat Michigan at home.

    4) A Buckeye wins the Heisman.

    5) OSU goes undefeated.

    6) OSU wins the national championship.


    I think I covered all the bases for the greatest Buckeyes season ever...if they win tomorrow night.


    LSU would of knocked the tar out of the buckeyes also. I didnt have a rooting interest for either team, but I got sick & tired of hearing how dominant the Buckeyes are. It is quite clear from the bowl results that the big 10 from top to bottom was vastly overrated as usual. Interesting fact, 6 out of the last 7 BCS Championship games, the underdog(as far as vegas lines) has won. Buckeye nation should think about that first before they start shooting their mouths off a month before the game is actually played.

  17. The one thing that does concern me about Mcgargo, is that I have read on this board from a few NC St alums or students & they have all said without exception that Mcgargo is probably not going to be the answer. We will have to see though. It generally takes DTs 2-3 yrs to get acclimated to the nfl.

  18. :pirate::P:P


    Let me get this straight:


    The NFC teams were under 500 overall. You attribute this to the 25% of games they played versus AFC teams??????? What about the 75% of games they played against NFC teams? To me that is the main reason they were under 500 as a whole. This pretty much means the NFC was tougher.


    What you're saying is like running your fingernails over a car and then keying it and then saying your fingernails caused the scratches. :censored::censored::censored:

    I'm calling the key the culprit.



    Your a moron if you dont understand the logic suggesting the afc is better then the nfc. AFC won 72% of their games against the NFC making them the better conference.

  19. our NUMBER ONE need is not a MLB to make tackles at or near the line of scrimmage...It is a DEFENSIVE TACKLE who can make tackles at or behind the line of scrimmage. Hence we go for this year's NGATA or sign us a stud DT in Free agency. The other stuff will fall into place.


    Fletcher has been overrated since he got here. Decent in pass coverage(although taller wideout would take advantage of him) but was a liability against the run. Watch Urhlacher this weekend, that is the type of guy you need. Trouble is there are not many guys like that out there. Im hearing alot of good things about this Thomas from Baltimore, I know he plays outside but one has to assume that is because they have Ray Lewis. I wouldnt be opposed to bringing Fletcher back as a last alternative, problem with that thinking is he will be long off the market by the time the bills are ready to negotiate. A nice stud DT would be an instant upgrade to the run defense. I would rather get that thru FA.

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