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Posts posted by Gordio

  1. i basically posted the same response to where will willis get traded to and why...but here goes.the giants will give up a first day pick to the bills for willis.if the giants back out the bills will cry foul and file tampering charges against the giants.the bills would not be rewarded any extra picks if they win the case,but the giants will have a pick taken away from them.it seems to make sense for the giants to just give the bills what they want to avoid this.i can easily see the bills and giants coming to a #2 pick agreement.the bills have a very strong case against the giants as reese went public about the giants interest in willis.the bills could then use their#1 on adrian peterson and a #2 on a linebacker,or trade ours and the giants pick to move up...go bills and go marv in"07


    I nominate this for the dumbest post of the day.

  2. Yeah that year it really stung when Indy picked Harrison, but you knew there was no way he was gonna make it to us.



    Didnt we pick Moulds that year? Turned out alright for us. You put Moulds with Manning all those years instead of all dipshits he had to play with & he probably has simlar #s to Harrison's.


    I really want us to draft the DT out of Louisville. Or maybe Branch will fall to us.

  3. NO!!!!!!!


    I'm sorry but this is a move that he Bills should not make. I respect London for his heart and steady play making abilities, but you need to go into a new direction at MLB. If the Bills re-sign Fletcher it will just go to show you that they are not capable of making those tough but right decisions.


    Fletcher probably skimmed the market and found out that he's not as valued as he thinks he is. I'd put money on it.



    Well stated.


    The only thing I will say about this is that this is a different era of free agency. With the increased tv revenue & cap, you are not going to see that many big name players hit the open market anymore like we have seen in year's past. I would like to improve on fletcher's position, with that being said, I think we could do alot worse then have LF as our middle linebacker.

  4. Dont get me wrong, when I was a kid I used to love Henry Jones.


    However, I liked Kurt a bit more. Kurt could make the picks and make the big hits.


    If you look back at their career numbers, I believe you'll find that Schultz had more consistently good seasons than Jones, but Jones had that spectacular 2nd year that everyone remembers.








    Now what do you think?



    Kurt Schultz couldnt sniff Henry Jones' jock strap on his best day. Give me a break.

  5. Well, you see the problem is NEXT year our best WR and QB are BOTH free agents so we have to use that guaranteed successful #1 pick on one of those THIS year so we can replace the other one NEXT year. Personally, I think we need more pitching.



    Neither one of them is a free agent next year. Why dont you get your facts straight before you start shooting your mouth of about this doom & gloom crap because we are not willing to give a guy a 20 mill signing bonus to a CB who was pretty much horrible in 05 & played decent for 1/2 a season this past year.

  6. Yes the extension was an error. I can't imagine having so much success and not being able to stomach each other enough to talk to even speak to one another...Poorly handled on all sides...



    I think when the Chargers made the playoffs the 1st year(when they lost to the jets) smith already made up his mind to fire Marty after the season ended(remember before the start of the season the Chargers were supposed to be horrible). His thought process was we will end up 3-13 & Marty will be the scape goat. Well Brees lit it up that year & everything came together. I think Smith was forced into giving him that extension by the Chargers making the playoffs.


    Smith to me comes off like Donahoe. It is either his way or noway. I dont care what organization it is, you need checks & balances & you need different opinions once in awhile. Plus I agree with Ganesh, he couldnt get out of town fast enough with his boy Butler, & had to bad mouth the bills organization every chance he got. I hope he gets the axe.

  7. Exactly....And if those 19 days were critical, I am sure a playoff bound team would have waited before jumping the gun....AJ Smith gets way too much credit for what has been built in SD.....As I posted in another thread, he is no different than Donahoe....The Chargers finished at the bottom twice in his tenure and had good draft picks to chose from, helped by both the Falcons and Giants during those two years.....However, he failed to find the right head coach that could co-exist with him and take the team to the superbowl. He will eventually pay for that.



    From some of the reports out there, he maybe paying for that fairly soon.

  8. The Saints had more time to check his recovery out. He didn't sign with them until 19 days after the deadline to franchise a player, that could make a difference for a guy just coming off surgery. The Chargers, with another high paid QB already on the roster had to make a decision by February 23rd. They decided that Brees would not have trade value due to the injury. It's one thing for a team to risk $ on a guy who they get with no compensation, something entirely different when a team has the #2 pick in the draft & would be unwilling to trade it for a guy coming off an injury. Would SD have taken NO's 2nd round pick? The fact that Miami dropped out of the bidding, traded a #2 (a lot lower than NO's #2) to Minnesota & redid Culpepper's contract because they knew Daunte would recover shows that different docs have different opinions. The Saints docs thought (not knew because the Dolphins rolled the dice & lost on Culpepper) Brees had a good chance of recovering and they were right. But who would have dfealt for Brees & given him the big bucks?



    The thing with the Franchise tag is you could place it on a player & remove it anytime during the offseason. SD had nothing to lose by franchising Brees.

  9. Take a look at three of the past four expansion teams. Do any of them strike you as having met immediate success? Carolina's early wins were the combination of great performances from value FAs and an at-his-peak Super Bowl GM in Polian. The Jaguars' slow move toward respectability and Cleveland and Houston's struggles are more indicative of an expansion team's issues. And if I were ever to helm an expansion franchise I would never, never, never select a number one QB first. Too much pressure to succeed immediately, and it's one more pick -- the most important one -- sacrificed for a skill position player instead of in the important trench positions that allow a young team to succeed. Look at Jax and Carolina -- they did not succeed with first round QBs. They won with FAs at the quarterback position. Couch and Carr flopped and there's not much more they could have done given their situations.


    Carr could still be decent. Depends on whether he's too shell-shocked or damaged to make it. But he can obviously be accurate and run the short game given the time to throw, as he showed against us.



    Actually, Carolina made it to the NFC championship game in their 3rd year with Kerry Collins as the QB, who I believe was the 1st pick overall in the draft.

  10. Is it just me, or does AJ Smith come off as someone pretty cocky who has never won anything. In his tenure in SD, he has come into some pretty amazing circumstances. Not only did they pick #1 2 times, but both years that they picked #1 a media darling & supposed franchise player was in that draft that other teams would be willing to throw huge compensation for (Manning & Vick). Everybody credits them for signing Gates off the streets, but it has been well documented that SD was just the first of many stops for Gates in trying to land a job.


    & it is funny how noone is critizing Smith for letting Brees walk. Say what you want about Rivers, he made the probowl, had a decent year etc... Im talking this past year, if Smith would of kept Breez on this team, there is noway SD would not of won the Super Bowl. Im pretty confident in that.

  11. Ok, please go ahead and argue some more after misconstruing what I said. When I said get the f over it, it was in regards to him having a problem with MY 7th round pick, NOT HOUSTON'S 6th round pick. Never in the history of draft discussions has there ever been such piss and vinegar over someone's mock 7th round draft pick. If this is the way it's going to be over here then then we're in trouble. I'll tell you one thing, you're not going to bully me buddy.



    Jeff Samardjia sucks & so does your mock draft.

  12. It is why I listen to music now on the way home from work. Those two guys make every excuse in the book not to talk about sports. At least when they had dickerson(not that I was a fan of his), they talked about the upcoming game, the matchups, it would get you geared up for the game all week. Simon & white are not bad, I listen to them once in awhile. It seems like schope hates sports, especially football. Not sure why he would go into this profession. It is even more amazing that he had a couple stints with ESPN. I think those have ended.


    This one aspect speaks volumes for the way WGR has been headed. They did not send one person down to represent the station for the super bowl this year. Pretty pathetic.

  13. This is a no brainer. Why would we sign Steinbach if we had the money to pay for Clements? Defense wins.



    Because we have won so much with Clements over the last 6 years. The bills record with him on the roster is 38-58. Time to try something new.

  14. That's the thing that pisses me off - that after losing the first SB, or even after losing the first 2, that they did not pull their heads out of their asses and realize that they should save the partying for SUNDAY night, not the friggin' night before the big game.



    Look, the first super bowl they probably did party way too much. Noway they should of lost to the giants. The next 3 super bowls they simply lost to a better team. That Redskins team for that year was unreal; I think they only let Rypien get sacked 9 times the whole year, & the cowboys team are being talked in NFL circles as one of the most talented teams in NFL history.

  15. How is the weather today in WNY?... There was a weak "Clipper" coming through... Not that cold though, about 12.0 degrees F now (it was 5 on Sunday morning)... The alee side of Lake Michigan from Porter/LaPorte counties in Indiana up to Michigan are/were/did supposed to get pounded... Cars on the road coming from that area looked like a "snow cube"...


    The low came through pretty fast though and is in the Mid-Atlantic states now...


    No snow in the city but really south of the city(Boston, Angola etc..) I think are getting hit pretty hard right now. Very cold, 15 degrees, this time of year I always question myself why I stick around here. It hurts even to go outside.


    I read an interesting article that you maybe interested in Sunday considering you live in Illinois. Some scientist believe due to Global Warming that by the year 2030 the state of Illinois will have very similar weather to places like Arkansas & Alabama. Pretty interesting stuff.

  16. I would love to have Steinbach from a fan's and coach's perspective, no questions asked.


    I also think improving our play at guard is probably the single most important part of our off season, but still one of many.


    But, much like Nate, I don't think that Steinbach will make financial sense and be a good choice from a GM's perspective. What we would have to pay him to come is more than his value over the next best choice is. And that would limit us in improving this off season.


    I point to baseball and the Oakland A's again. Clements is Barry Zito...a talented guy, but one who wants to be paid like a #1 without really being a #1. The A's let him go without really considering it an option (but certainly making their best offer early to be laughed at by the player). Steinbach is Alfonso Soriano...a very talented player who would clearly be much better than the guy the A's had playing the position, but just costs too much, and signing him would force the team to field a WORSE team by not having the resources to upgrade elsewhere.


    That's the same reason you won't see Steinbach in New England either. What is important for any team to realize, and especially a small market team, is that if another team is willing to overpay a player and make a BAD decision, you need to accept it and move on and find value elsewhere. I think that at least one team will overpay Clements and at least one team will overpay Steinback. If that is the case, go elsewhere and look for the best value we can find.


    You will never get anywhere with this kind of attitude. Football is not baseball, sometimes in Football it makes sense to overpay for a guy. You put Steinbach on our line & I think we have a top 10 line. I think that is worth it too overpay if you have to. Keeping to your baseball analogy, yes the A's as well as the twins are usually competitve every year, however, my bet is neither one of them will get over the hump & actually win a world series anytime soon. So what, you overpay Steinbach, right now the one thing I like about this team is that alot of players for their performance on the bills are good value players. So you have to overpay for one guy, we are still getting good value at numerous other positions including Left Tackle.

  17. Wait what? My only complaints about Buffalo are the high taxes, inept politicians and lack of jobs. I'm well aware that there is plenty to do in WNY, however without a job, I can't afford to do stevestojan. If you know of some magical company that will offer me a Chemical Engineering Ph.D. position/salary, I'll be back in a flash.


    If you want to talk about WNY skiing...it's really quite poor if you compare it to pretty much any place in NE. The elevation just isn't there. Would that bother me however if I could find work in the area? Not at all.

    BTW, you want to know why wings suck everywhere else in the country? Because morons follow recipes like this




    322 Five Star reviews


    if you don't want to click on the link, here's an ingredient in the recipe that should turn you off right away

    1/2 cup all-purpose flour


    Here's one gem of a review

    This recipe is awesome! Tastes like Hooter's wings. :thumbsup:



    The taxes are high, no doubt about that, but with that being said, it kinda evens itself out inaway because the houses are affordable. I just bought a house last spring, real nice house, decent size(2,500 sq ft) nice inground pool, nice landscaping, spacious yard for a little under $200K in a nice developement in Lancaster. It is not a mansion or anything, but I would bet you would probably be pushing around $300K for a similar house in Atlanta, or Charlotte & would probably be pushing well over $500K in places like Boston & the Virginia/Mar/DC area. So I guess the high taxes even out a little bit due to the extremely affordable housing in WNY.


    Your absolutely right, holiday valley & kissing bridge cant touch places like Killington & other such places in Vermont/NH. I was never trying to say they could. Just that we do have the option of sking if you so choose.

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