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Everything posted by Gordio

  1. Yeah that Northwestern one hurt. I had them straight up for $50 & I also had them on a 2 game Parlay with Florida Atlantic +28.
  2. Went against your sons school huh??? I took JM too, my guy gave it to me at +10 so it was good. Loss a couple tough ones Saturday. Took Northwestern getting 6.5, not sure if you saw how that one ended. NW down by 3 at their 20 with 20 seconds left. The idiot QB rolls out to the 10 yard line, two Stanford guys crush him, fumbles the ball, the bigger idiot lineman for NW could of just fell on the dam thing but decided to pick it up & of course Stanford recovers for a TD. Also had Oregon, +3.5, in control all game. Of course Nix couldn't just settle for a FG. Ah well, it is good to have college football back!
  3. I was thinking the same thing, what world does he live in.
  4. Yeah but it is a West Coast School which the poster I quoted stated.
  5. It is funny because 6 months ago my wife & I got in a fight & for some reason(don't ask me why she still kept this) she saved the old pregnancy test from my daughter who just turned 10(I also have a son that is 15). She ended showing me the pregnancy test & said I am pregnant. I would be lying if I said there wasn't a few tears shed by me & believe me they weren't tears of joy. Even though there was no baby she was actually astounded by my response & got even more mad at the way I reacted. My wife & I don't use any preventive measures either but we rarely even sleep in the same room so I think we are okay?. Just last week I called my wife up on the phone from work & said "honey I am thinking about the last time we had sex & I am starting to get excited." She said "Who is this?"
  6. I got to agree with this assessment. The first year the NCAA came to buffalo in 2000 me & few of my friends had courtside seats right at the baseline. All I could say is this. The Seton Hall cheerleaders came out, UGLY, the Temple cheerleaders came out, man I wouldn't wish those girls on my worst enemy, the Hofstra cheerleaders came out, I mean where did they find these broads, in an alley the night before down on chipewwa, the Indiana cheerleaders came out, they made Bob Knight look good. Then the Oklahoma State cheerleaders came out, they were definitely a major upgrade & then my god the Oregon Cheerleaders came out. They were right in front of us. I fell in love with everyone of them. It was like I was watching a SI Swim shoot session. Every single one of them was drop dead beautiful. & I may add this was back when I was in my 20s, when I actually had some kind of standards.
  7. Holy sh*t, I honestly think I would jump over Niagara Falls if that happened to me.
  8. The last time I was at the fair was about 10 years ago. My friend asked me to go, so it was me, my son(who was 5 at the time, my friend, his son & his girlfriend & daughter. It was getting late & he was trying to impress his girlfriend so he played that milk jug game where if you knock 3 down with a softball you win. He was a good ball player back in the day so I had no doubt he would win this game. He ended up knocking the jugs down & his girlfriend went to get her daughter some French fries so he told the worker "I will be right back, I just want to see what stuffed animal my girlfriend's daughter wants." The worker said no problem. So we went to look for the girlfriend & when we got back the game was boarded up & closed for the night. I thought it was funny but my friend was furious. He went behind the back where there was a lock on the door. He told me, his son & my son to stand lookout & he took a boulder & busted the lock open. He went inside & grabbed the stuffed animal & got out of there. When he was coming out of there he looked at his son(who was 7 at the time & looked absolutely petrified) & said "That will be the day when a Carne outsmarts your old man." I couldn't stop laughing the whole night over that.
  9. I have owned a dog my entire adult life. First one was a Pom/American Eskimo mix. Good dog. Second was a pure pom. Both were awesome dogs, when it came time for our third dog, we went to the breeder & he had two sisters left. Somehow my daughter talked me into buying both of them. So for the past 4 years we have had two female Poms & it has worked out great. They keep each other company during the day when no one is home, play with each other & even sleep in the same bed. I have read where your not supposed to bring dogs home from the same liter, but I haven't had a problem. I will always envision myself having two dogs, although I am dreading the day one of them passes, the other one will be lost without their sister. Or he could just accidently forget to shut the front door in the hopes they run out onto the street and get hit by a car. Either suggestion I think would work.
  10. Well they finally have a QB & word is they are actually going to run a real passing offense this year instead of doing 80% bubble screens. But to your original questions, yes you are crazy. With a schedule that includes road trips to MS St, Texas & Bama & home games against Florida, A&M & Auburn that is a pretty daunting schedule. I will go: Georgia - they knock off Bama in the SEC championship Clemson - should run thru the ACC as long as they could get by Cuse in the dome in the early season Michigan- Mr. Khakis finally breaks thru & beats Ohio St. Army JK about Army although they are going to be pretty good this year. My last pick I am going to go with Oklahoma. I am not a believer yet in Texas. Every year we hear how the horns are back & every year they disappoint.
  11. yeah Newport Beach I believe was the next beach right next to HB. I could tell you this, HB was awesome. It must be amazing to live there if your in your 20s & single. Or even if you are older & have money. Bars all over the place, great vibe.
  12. I went to visit my friend who moved out to Orange County last year back in early March. we went to Santa Monica Pier & Hunting Beach. I have been to numerous beaches on the east coast(Hilton head, myrtle beach, Daytona, Bethany, Jersey Shore etc....) but never was on a beach in the pacific side. We walked the pier as it was only in the low 60s those days. That ocean(pacific) I could tell you looks a lot meaner than the Atlantic side. The waves looked angry, the water looked colder & darker. I am not sure if I would let my kids going swimming in that.
  13. I saw on shark fest there actually is a breeding ground for Great Whites right off of Long Island & another breading ground for sand tiger sharks at Montauk Bay(sp), so they said you will see a lot of juvenile white sharks around those parts. Wow interesting, I always thought Atlanta was 50-60s in the winter, Sunny with a few cold days sprinkled in.
  14. Just took my 10 year old daughter & her friend to the maid of the mist last week. It is simply breathtaking the views. I haven't done that since I was a kid. Funny but the falls is almost an after thought to people that live around here but it is truly one of the wonders of this country.
  15. My son for the past two years played in a baseball tournament in Rehoboth. We always stayed in Bethany about a mile from the beach in a nice Condo community. Bethany is a nice little beach town. My wife & my daughter really like the beach. I am not crazy about it. I prefer the pool. On a side note last summer the one life guard I was talking to told me that they actually tagged a great white around those parts. The guy told me he usually stays out about a mile or more from shore but when he gets any closer than that they clear the beach. Not sure if it is true or not. I did find it kind of interesting though. Don't you live in Atlanta? How bad can the winters be there? Winters, especially the one we had last year is downright depressing in WNY. I am waiting for my youngest to graduate high school & I already told the wife, I am leaving for warmer weather. I told her she could come with me or not, I really don't care either way.
  16. I have never heard anybody ever say this. I am not a Flutie fanatic or anything, but that first year he played the offense was very good, second year teams started catching on but they were still effective. If Flutie starts that Titans game there is no way the Bills lose. Looking at it that way yes he did get a raw deal in Buffalo. It was an unprecedented move triggered by Ralph Wilson. What team benches their QB 3 days before the playoff game when he started 15 out of 16 games that season.
  17. Agreed, I am surprised he got out of the rink alive.
  18. He scored 30 goals in one game? Yeah I would probably look to get him out of that league.
  19. Wow those are tough rules to follow for any travel team. I commend your parents & your coaching staff for making sure they stick. I have coached my sons travel baseball team since 8U(he is in 15U now). I took a break from the coaching at 11 & 12U. I didn't want to be on that 12U coaching staff since they were going to Cooperstown that year & I didn't want to be in the dorms stuck with 12 smelly 12 year old boys while while the rest of the parents are offsite having a grand old time. Plus I didn't get along with the head coach who took over the team at 11U so it wouldn't of worked out with me being on the coaching staff. Anyhow, some of the best memories I have had from my sons travel ball was that 11U & 12U season, sitting out in Center Field with the other dads, having a few cold ones, grilling out while we watch our boys play the game they love & second guessing the coaching staff on every decision they made. It was actually a ton of fun.
  20. Haha, I remember that day. I was in the bathroom at the Ralph when the news broke out about Brady. The whole bathroom erupted like we won the super bowl. As I recall, I was one of the guys leading the cheers.
  21. That was one of the best games I have ever watched. Winslow was unreal that night. I was only 9 years old at the time but remember that game like it was yesterday.
  22. That is interesting, thanks for the clarification, I appreciate it.
  23. Huh, I follow baseball a ton & never really realized that. Interesting. I know in playoff series sometimes they will send the starting pitcher home if he is not scheduled to start, but never realized they did that in the regular season.
  24. My guess is it won't be your traditional revved up white out mid season form Happy Valley Scene at night because the opponent is UB. I 100% agree with this, Happy valley at night is one 0of the most intimidating places to play in the entire country. Only a few venues rival it & they are located in the SEC.
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