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Everything posted by Gordio

  1. I dont think this is true. I think lenny P is on sick leave @ ESPN. I thought I read that some where.
  2. I dont think this is true. I think lenny P is on sick leave @ ESPN. I thought I read that some where.
  3. Sloopy is dead. Unfortunately for the Buckeye faithfull it is going to be another blood bath like it was in the desert a few months ago. The only way they pull the upset is if Connley & lewis have the game of their lives & Oden stays out of fall trouble. Cant see Oden being on the court too much tonight with those 2 big suckers(Noah & Hofford) coming at him everytime down the court. With that being said, I hope the buckeyes pull it off.
  4. The problem is when he does state anything in depth he makes himself look like an idiot. Kinda like the time when we were talking about drafting Mechem & LSI stated if we did draft him he would only be a special teams player. The less LSI says the better imo.
  5. I heard it on WGR 55 this morning also. They were talking about the trade being a 3rd this year & a 1st next year. If that is the case(not sure if this is true or not) I think that is a little too steep for Turner.
  6. I totally agree. Jump on one side of the fence or the other Pyrite Gal. & spare us your 25 paragraph posts that basically does not tell us a dam thing. There is no doubt they are giving JP the keys to the car. Make no mistake about it. This is his team now.
  7. Im not arguing if he is going to be good or not. What Im saying is the market over the last 3-4 yrs has been set on rbs & it is not a 1st round pick, & quite frankly it is not even a 2nd round pick in alot of cases. A 3rd this year & a mid round next year is all I would be willing to give sd.
  8. Coles & Cotchery could sniff evans jock on their best day.
  9. That is because we didnt have noone to step in or was even close to being ready to step in. Anybody that says the combo of Whitner/Simpson was not a huge upgrade(even being rookies) over to old f*cks(Milloy/Vincent) that couldnt cover my grandmother is sadly mistaken. Milloy was overrated for most of his tenure in the buff.
  10. & by the way, spikes highest sack total was 6 in his career & he has averaged over his career only 2.5 sacks per year. I took out his injury year of 05. His game has always been dropping back into coverage & pursuiting the run from the weka side. Not getting after the qb.
  11. No he wasnt, watch the games. He dropped back in coverage more times then he blitzed. In 2003 & 2004 playing under Jerry Gray Blitz schem he had a grand total of 2 sacks & 3 sacks respectively. Someone as good as spikes that is blitzing that much would have more sacks then that.
  12. Your saying Priest Holmes was on the way down when KC aquired him. That is the only point im trying to make. You mentioned Holmes as not accomplishing nothing in Baltimore. That is a fine assumption. All Im saying is Turner has accomplished even less then holmes did in Baltimore
  13. Spikes' game is not blitzing. In Buffalo, he certainly was not asked to blitz alot. Look at his sack totals throughout his career. He never had a high sack total. His game was always stopping the run on the weak side pursuit & dropping back into coverage. With this injury he no longer posses the speed in trying to stay with faster TEs & Rbs anymore. I suppose that is one of the main reasons the bills viewed him as dispensable.
  14. There is noway Takeo comes back to play like he did pre injury. The guy is 30 yrs old, has taken a pounding in the league for 9yrs. I think your going to see in the fall, Spikes is going to have these little nagging injuries that are really going to prevent him from being effected. In one of the articles in the Philly paper, a writer made a very interesting observation. It was tough to find, because all the articles in the Philly paper were prety much a love fest with Spikes. But there was one blurb that said, that said "Spikes claims he is 100%, but if you looked carefully you could tell when he went to the podium he had slight limp" Writer didnt make a big deal about it nor should he at this point just stated it. It will be interesting to see how this plays out.
  15. I thought Milloy was horrible the last year he played with the bills.
  16. Only if we could get him on the cheap. & by cheap I mean a bag of footballs. Maybe Marv should call Harry Carson too. I heard he is available.
  17. The one thing I think noone has really taken into account is that the young guys are going to improve from last year. It will be tough to replace all that experience that walked out the door I suppose, but really what did they really have experience to teach the younger guys? How to fold on the road, how to loose a must win game at home when the playoffs are on the line. People talk about us losing these guys as if we made the playoffs for the last 5 yrs. Seriously , the only guy I wouldve liked to kept was Clements. As far as Spikes goes, I will be honest with everybody, I never viewed him as a leader. I always viewed him as a guy that you want on your team if your winning, but once things get tough he always started shooting his mouth off. Last year at this time everybody was in an uproar becasue we traded Moulds. This is the same scenerio. Both guys are hasbeen over the hills players that were me guys & the team is better off without them. Spikes is the Arod of football. I wouldnt doubt if Philly doesnt make the playoffs this year.
  18. It would of been really interesting last year if the raiders did what they should of done & picked Leinart. The bills all along have said they had Whinter rated higher then Huff, but from what I remember every draft source had Huff as the highest rated safety. Guess we will never know if the bills really did like Whitner over Huff.
  19. What exactly has Turner done? As far as not wanting to pay guys like Alexander & James, Turner is not going to be cheap either. That logic makes no sense.
  20. I think kids dont get enough hugs these days.
  21. Over the last few years, the market has been set on Running Backs. Alexander couldnt get Seatle a #1, James couldnt get Indy a #1, Priest Holmes could not get Baltimore a #1 & Mcdipshit couldnt get us a #1. Noway does Marv send over the 12th pick in the draft for Turner. A # 3 with a conditional pick in 08 is more like it. If AJ Smith doesnt like that Marv should tell him to go !@#$ himself & that piece of sh*t organization he runs.
  22. Let me guess your a lawyer. We may need lawyer's but not as many as there are in this country. I read somewhere, & my numbers maybe a little off that I think it said their is a lawyer in this country for every 1,000 people that live in this country. The next closest country to this ratio is like 12,000:1. That is a pretty amazing stat. Lastly, let me say as far as the teacher is concerned, she took the job, she knew what she was getting into, I say let her use her sick days.
  23. I was thinking the same thing when I read it. Anyways, I wouldnt worry to much what holcolmb says, my guess is if Mcnabb comes back healthy & feely in the fold the phily brass is going to have hard time justifying keeping a 1.3 mill 3rd string qb that cant throw the ball more the 20yrs on the team.
  24. I second that notion. Reading some of LSI's posts makes me wonder if he even watches football.
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