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Everything posted by Gordio

  1. Nevertheless, it still was a dumb statement & you probably would of been better served to keep your mouth shut you ignorant f*ck.
  2. No you didnt. You would have to predict the next 20 superbowls correctly to make up for that dumb of a statement.
  3. Not a losman hater at all, I wish him luck wherever he may end up. I even have his jersey & wore it to some of the games last year. I just dont want him behind center for the bills anymore. BTW, I am pretty sure people stopped taking you seriously the day you suggested that you would not trade Fred Jackson for Larry Fitzgerald.
  4. I think the owners only choice is to opt out of this contract in November, play out 2009 & then force a work stoppage in 2010. I think it is pretty obvious that 85% of the teams in the league are going to have a real tough go of it under the current conditions. When you have a guy like Pat Bowlen argueing against this deal, you know that most of the teams in the league have got to be feeling the same way. Force a work stoppage & hopefully the union cracks & gives a little back.
  5. Look, Im going to try to lay this out to you as simply as I can one more time. It is not that people are enamored or sold on Edwards. People like what they saw of him last year as a Rookie & think if he progresses he could turn out to be a decent qb. These same people are tired of Losman's act. That act includes bouncing passes, coming up small in big games time & time again, not being able to read a defense even though he has been in the league for four years & basically doing the same boneheaded mistakes over & over again. After awhile, it gets old. Noone is angry & your little tirade above shows that you feel the need to take shots at Edwards everytime you are defending Losman. I will go on record as saying Edwards is a better all around qb right now, just starting his 2nd year then Losman will ever be.
  6. Surprisingly not. Go figure, GMS are more interested in how a guy plays on the field then if he takes to cleaning up the streets that they live in.
  7. I agree partly with this because anybody that has watched the games this year it is pretty obvious that they are letting alot of the clutching & grabbing go again. However, with that being said, the lack of forsight with the Sabres with respect to their free agents or free agents to be is mind boggling. Common sense would dictate the closer players get to free agency, the higher the price is going to go up. Reports state they could of had drury locked up for a little over 22 mill over 5yrs & could of had briere locked up for 5yrs & around $25 mill 2 summers ago & thru that following fall. This past offseason could not of went any worse for the Sabres & if you dont believe that you simply have the rose colored glasses on. Not only did we lose briere & drury but the Sabres were backed in the corner & pretty much were forced to pay Vanek that ridiculous contract. How much better would people be feeling right now about this team if we would of locked up briere & drury & received the 3 or 4 1st round draft picks that Edmonton would have to fork over for Vanek. The Vanek contract is going to dictate for the next few years what the sabres can and can not do. You pay a contract like that for a top 5-10 player. Vanek is good, but he is not in that caliber of player. There are some troubling things that the Sabres have done in the last year or so that should have the fans very concerned. Cutting the scouting department in half, splitting a farm team with Florida. These are not good signs my friends.
  8. Talking about this past year Einstein. Why dont you pull out some MIami tapes & see how Beck did? Oh yeah, he was a 2nd round pick too. Your screen name says it all. Your no Bills fan.
  9. Yep. It is time for everybody to stop thinking of this fantasy that we could actually get good compensation for Losman. KC is not going to drop down 6 spots with just getting Losman in return. Unlike bills fans, GM'S in the league actually watch the games without rose colored glasses on & my guess is that what they see is a guy that has too many deficiencies in his game to be a consistent starter in this league. The bills are just better off keeping him this year. Why create yet another need on this team(backup qb) if your only going to get a 5th round draft pick out of it?
  10. Like I said I did not really remember specifics & when I said he had no talent around him I was talking about his last year. I remember that his starting receivers were walk ons. I guess I was wrong when he first came on to stanford. I thought I read somewhere that the athletic department or the football department was going thru an overhaul & that they lost alot of recruits because of it.
  11. I made a fortune betting against Stanford that year. Vegas could not set the lines high enough. It was not Edwards either. I think TE was the #1 or #2 QB coming out of High School. Im not sure of the specifics but Stanford was going thru an overhaul of their football department right when he signed on with the school & as a result alot of their recruits got out of their letters & decided to go somewhere else. He wanted to make good on his obligation. When I say they were bad & he had absolutely no talent around him that is an understatement. Standford was about as bad as a BCS conference team could possibly be.
  12. Why dont we applaud all 52 guys that came in here then? Im not going to bang the drum because losman decided to come to the voluntary workouts. Good for him, that is what he should of done regardless of the situation. His agent probably advised him of the same thing. Contrary to some of the people's beliefs on this board, he is not in a great bargaining position right now. Add to the fact that if GMs think he could be a cancer, his stock will be lowered when he is a free agent next year. He does not have the resume to offset being labelled a bad teammate. Guys like C Johnson & Randy Moss could get away with it, Losman can not. We should make an individual thread for each of the other 52 guys that came in also. Im not surprised at all that Losman is at these workouts. He has always been a class act & a good teammate. I dont know why people are surprised that he showed up given his past track record.
  13. Kinda sounds like your describing the play of Losman the last 3 yrs.
  14. Who cares if the guy tried to buy his way into the fans hearts or that he was good for the city of buffalo. The bottom line is he did not produce. He was given chance after chance & for whatever reason could not get the job done. Hell, before the Jacksonville game he even said this was a make or break game for him & his future with the bills probably depends on him pulling out a win. I think anybody that watched this game without the rose colored glasses on would say he failed miserablly in that game. I mean to fumble on a goddam qb sneak, how much more of a boneheaded play can you get? If the bills do end up keeping him, there is no doubt in my mind he will get another chance this season, as qbs rarely play all 16 games, my confidence is not high based on past results that he could get the job done though. Tipster, I think your a little off base with your analysis of Bledsoe. When Bledsoe was cut by Dallas, I think his attitude was if I cant be a starter for an NFL team I would rather be at my ranch in Montana & spend all the time with my family. I dont think there is anything wrong with that attitude. He didnt need the money, he got his super bowl ring & he probably is a borderline hall of fame canidate. Why would he want to waste another year being a backup qb?
  15. I appreciate where you are coming from but I think some of the sentiment on this board is that if you dont want Losman as the starter or you dont think JP is good or will ever be good is construed as hating the guy. I really dont see the pure hatred that you & many others point out towards losman. Sure you get the wise ass cleaning up the street comments, like the one I made in the other thread, but I think that is pretty harmless. Some of us are just tired of seeing his act. The guy has too many deficiencies to be a successfull NFL QB IMHO, that is why I think it is time to turn the page. I could less if he has taken to Buffalo, or has made blo his home, who cares, I want him to win some football games, which face it, he has not done since he has been here.
  16. Ive watched alot of Pac 10 games this year(they always have a double header on fox sports net on thursday nights) & with that being said it is critical for Wazzou to get an early lead. That will let them "ugly the game up" & play there tempo, possibly forcing UNC into some bad shots. With that being said, I do not see how Wash St is going to keep up with the heels in what should be a home court advantage. They just dont have enough fire power.
  17. What has either guy done that proves to you that they are a good qb? Neither one has accomplished anything in this league yet. Unfortunately, picking up garbage in buffalo does not translate to success on the field. I have high hopes for Edwards, but he has to prove it on the field first, which he did not do last year.
  18. I agree. The horns should be able to set the tempo with their advantage in guard play & my guess if they could knocked down there threes with the crowd behind them, they should win.
  19. Texas has got a tough one coming up against Stanford. I just dont like the matchup. I dont know how they are going to contain the Lopez brothers. I was hoping Marquette was going to beat them saturday night. Should be a good one. Looking forward to it already.
  20. When I first got married back in 2001 my wife & I bought a house for 98,500 in Lancaster. NIce house, just a little small. We sold it 2 years ago(2006) for 135,00. I dont know what neighborhood your parents have a house in, but I dont think that is the norm in the suburbs.
  21. I agree with that somewhat. Thanks for brightening up my morning. This whole subprime mess though I believe has gone down because the average person in big cities like dc/ny/miami etc.. have found it nearly impossible in those markets to buy a nice house or even a 1/2 way decent house. Living in a bigger city is nice if you make a ton of money. If your not making a ton of money, your going to be scraping by.
  22. I never said they spent the money right. What Im trying to say is that I find it funny that it bothers people to spend 5-6K on taxes in WNY on a nice house & the same people that B word about this dont have any problem spending $500K & up on a piece of sh*t house that you can get in buffalo for $75K. My point is that the low housing market in buffalo more then offsets the high taxes.
  23. I think that is an excellent point. There is just something about paying taxes that rub people the wrong way. They justify paying 1 million for a 1100 sq foot ranch in California or Miami & live like a bunch of animals right on top of each other. But hey, at least they are not paying high taxes I guess
  24. I could buy that. I would gather to say that most NFL players are originally from the south, or at least a decent % of them. It must be a culture shock to them when they come here in early march & it is snowing. I remember the day troupe came. I think it was the 1st week of march & it was miserable that day. Didnt snow alot, but it was windy, cold & flurries all day. I remember thinking to myself that day there is noway unless the money is so much more then other teams that he is going to sign here. So there is definately something to it. But as in everything in life, if the money is right, they will sign here, weather be damned.
  25. No, your making way too much sense. Dont you know that everybody that lives in WNY are miserable & that the only reason we stay here is because we have no other options? My opinion on the whole tax thing is they are high here, but the low housing market more then offsets it. I bought my recent house 2yrs ago, 2,500 sq feet, 4 bedrooms, finished basement, inground pool with attached jacuzzi, nice back yard in a semi new developement in lancaster(was built in 1995) for $210K. Are the taxes high? I pay 5K per year with the star, but I will tell you one thing, put my house in NYC/Boston/Virginia/DC area/Miami/Atlanta etc... & my house would probably cost me anywhere from $750K to 1.25 mill depending on what market. I still think buying a house in buffalo is a pretty good bang for your buck even with the high taxes. Oh yeah, one more thing, when alot of the housing markets values around the country are crashing down due to all the subprime stuff that is going on, I actually read that the WNY housing market over the last year has been up as whole 13%.
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