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Everything posted by Gordio

  1. Do you have some kind of special interest in UB football or something? I dont think a preseason bills game will take away all that much from attendance at the UB game. Instead of b*tching about it on this board, you should get all the dickheads from NYC that go to UB but could care less about any of the athletics of their own school to actually show up for one of the school's sporting events.
  2. Does it really matter guys? Seriously, does it really fuggin matter?
  3. That is an awesome avatar & quote underneath.
  4. See that is your opinion. Not everybody that lives here thinks it is a sh*thole. Some people think it is a nice place. Dont take this the wrong way, but I had some friends that moved away right after college(probably around your age, 22-23) & I had some friends that stayed. I had a few friends that made it really big in NYC, wall street investors & such, but I also had 5 friends that moved down to the hot spots down south, you know Atlanta/Charlotte/other parts of Carolina. Now me & my friends are all in 30's now & have families & 4 of them have within the last 4yrs have moved back up here, & the other one is desparately trying to move back here. If you have a decent job here, the quality of life here excluding the weather is as good as it gets. Take it for what it is worth & Im certainly only one example but dont ever say WNY is not a nice area to raise a family.
  5. I lived in Syracuse for 4yrs of college.
  6. He has called me a tard before, believe me Im used to it.
  7. You might be right. It was one of them. I remember the bell pass too now. That was a great game.
  8. Of course the area has it's problems but it is still a great place to live imo. & look the sun is even out today & Terry Hills Golf Course just sent me an email that they are now open for business!!
  9. I remember Chris Burkett took a crossing pattern to the house around the 50yrd line. I think Metzalars caught a pass also but that was in the 2nd half.
  10. Ah, if he likes it then tell him to keep at it. As far as your M-I-L staying the week, good luck with that. Consider yourself lucky, my M-I-L lives 10 minutes away from me & pretty much drops over anytime she dam well pleases. Between that & the 30 phone calls she gives us a day it is hard to take. My wife pretty much cant even stand her anymore & my 3yr old son yesterday said to me "I dont want to talk to grandma, she really annoys me". I took him to Dairy Queen right after he said that.
  11. Yeah, it is just the ignorant comments that get me jacked. People that are out of town dont realize all the beautiful condos going up on the harbor. I work right around there & they are actually building 1 more big unit as we speak. These condos as the senator said go for $500K & up. Someone must be buying them if they keep building them. I talk to the one contractor on my way to work this morning & he said they are building 2 more of these within the next 3yrs. My guess is there are about 15-20 units per building. The inner harbor is shaping up where you could actually walk around it & once the Casino is put up which they already started plowing the foundation & the bass pro goes up it will be a totally different looking city.
  12. Man you guys are great. Most of you out of towners state that you are diehard bills fans but every chance you guys get you got to throw your cheap shots in about the city or the region. & it is not the minority of the people that are on this board that live outside of WNY that do this, it is the majority. I got a simple question for you out of towners. Why would you root for a football team aka the Buffalo Bills who represent a city & a region that you have so little respect for & dont particularly like? Would it not make more sense to just root for the team in the region you live in, Ramius, you could root for the Tampa Bay, Chef you could root for San Diego or Oakland, DC Tom you could root of course for the Redskins. Teams that represents an area where you obviously respect & like? Why root for a team that represents an area that is a standup punchline to alot of your jokes?
  13. This post had me laughing for a good five minutes especially the part where the mother needs to teach the daughter how to screw right. I needed that, thanks. As far as your problem goes, it just sounds like your boy is not an athlete. It is okay, believe me there are alot of worse things in life. At 14 baseball should not be work, it should come natural. It sounds to me like he is not much of an athlete. I would just sign him up for somethingn else, that he maybe good at. & as far as your M-I-L goes, just tell her to go fug herself. I have an annoying M-I-L too, & that seems to do the trick everytime.
  14. I think the closer we get to the draft, people are going to start realizing that the best value for the 11th pick is going to be a CB. Cromarite would be my pick also.
  15. I do see your point. You do have to start somewhere & this offense is sorely missing some parts. I would not be surprised at all if they actually took a CB with the 11 pick.
  16. Those defenses you refer to were an aging & highly overrated & did not create a whole lot of turnovers. You got to remember, if we plug Harvey in the mix, we are also adding Stroud, Mitchell & for all intents & purposes adding Poz & Simpson into the mix. It is like we are getting 5 new starters on defense. So no this defense is not one DE away from being top 10, but how about a DE, 2DTs, 2 lbs & a FS, which is essentially what they are going to be adding this year if they draft Harvey. I think they have a chance to be pretty good. I got news for you, drafting Malcolm Kelly with the 11th pick isnt going to solve all the offensive problems either. IMHO, the quickest way this team is going to be able to compete with the elite teams of the league is build a powerhouse defense & sprinkle in some offense if they find the right players.
  17. I disagree. As the giants showed, the best way to beat the patriots is to get after him with your front four. We do not have guys that can do that right now. My reasoning on taking Harvey is the apparent dropoff in talent at the de position this year. I still think if we take Harvey with our first, we will be able to grab a guy like Sweed, Hardy or Doucete with our 2nd. I dont think the difference between those receivers & Malcolm Kelly are that different. I do think there is a big dropoff between a guy like Harvey & a guy like Grooves(sp) for Auburn which we maybe able to grab in the 2nd. I think Harvey is the pick, then you go receiver/te with your 2nd & 3rd.
  18. The fastest way we are going to beat the patriots as long a Tom Brady is heading the ship over there is to get after him with your front four & hit him. If Harvey is there at 11, I hope the bills pounce on him. We could worry about receiver in round 2.
  19. I remember the ESPN guys saying the same thing when Dwight Freeney was drafted by the colts, how he disappeared against Mckinnee & was a total non factor in that game his last year at Syracuse in the Orange Bowl against Miami. He turned out alright. Dont read too much into one game. That whole Florida defense took the day off against Michigan Jan 1st.
  20. Sorry about that. I thought it would be a nice change from the 15 million post about Losman & Edwards. That was the first opening day I ever went to. I was 12 years old. My dad took me. I remember the stadium was off the hook that day. I remember when they were introducing the players, when they got to Kelly all you could hear the PA announcer say was from the university of miami & the crowd was so loud you could not hear anything else. That was the start of the golden era for bills footbal even though they only wnet 4-12 that year. Man I miss watching #12.
  21. SI Vault, Sep. 15, 1986: A New Namath, But With Knees
  22. I was just kidding around. I dont think Im a tough guy.
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