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Everything posted by Gordio

  1. Take this for what it is worth, but on gr this morning J White was saying that he hear an unsubstantiated rumor that the bils/browns game will be played on Thanksgiving night at the Ralph. He did not name a source so I dont know. If this rumor is indeed true, the going rate for tickets to this game IMO will be going higher then the cowboys game last year. Christmas will come early for season ticket holders that could get their hands on seats before the general public. My guess is if you buy 6-10 extra seats, the profits will pay for your season tickets kinda like the boys game did last year.
  2. Noway in the real world the giants are giving up Schockey just to move up 12 spots in the draft. You got screwed on that one.
  3. Dont be surprised if Desean Jackson is the first receiver off the board this year.
  4. Well he did pick up garbage in the fruitbelt over the weekends.
  5. I totally agree. This bs that no local talk show guys are good or informative does not hold water. If your a sports talk show person, you should be able to comment at least semi intelligently on the NCAA Tournament & not make it a running punch line for your jokes because you do not like the sport. They did not even talk about the nCAA tourney last year most nights & buffalo hosted the first 2 rounds.
  6. Totally agree. Im not saying the 40yrd dash is the end all be all but when a speed position like receiver is running in the 4.7's there is in all likelyhood going to be a separation problem when that receiver enters the NFL. It happened to Mike Williams & Dwayne Jarrett.
  7. You do make some good points. It is distrubing even up here in buffalo kids are not playing baseball. My son is 4 so he has not really go into any leagues yet but I have a couple friends that have sons that are 7 & 8. They pretty much force them to play bball in the summer. All they want to do is play hockey whether it is ice hockey or inline hockey. My guess is it is more action packed then baseball. I dont know, when I was a kid those options for most kids just were not around. You played baseball & you liked it. As far as the teams, Im not so sure I totally agree witgh you, but like i said, maybe I dont see it because Im a mets fan. I mean 6 different teams have won the world series in the last 7 years. I always thought to myself if I was a gm of mid to low range slaary club my strategy would be to use 90% of the draft to pick nothing but pitchers. I would also based my lineup on pure speed & make sure the ballpark that my team plays in has the biggest dimensions & outfield you have ever seen.
  8. Philly made the playoffs last year. Milwakee was in the playoff hunt until the final weekend.
  9. The one thing I can not stand about Schope & the bulldog are they will mock every other sport except. Bulldog openly bragged that he has not watched an NCAA bball game in about 5yrs & Schope was mocking the tourney saying I never heard of Drake. But then they praise hockey to no end. Hello??? The sport you are bragging about morons is the least popular sport among the big 5 in the country(Im including NASCAR) & you have the nerve to openly mock out the best sporting event of the year(The NCAA Tourney). I very rarely listen to those 2 idiots anymore. I like Simon & I like Dennis Williams at night the few times I have listended to him. Schope must be one of the most miserable bastards alive. He talks down to the callers all the time & dismisses their points as stupid. You get the feeling Bulldog's biggest dream is to make love to schope in the breakroom after everybody has gone home for the night.
  10. What decade was that in?
  11. You pulled your hair back & tucked it under your shirt? That must of impressed them
  12. It is a soft cap now anyways, where teams with alot of cash flow could easily get around spending over the cap by paying out huge bonuses & amortizing them over several years. They way the cap has been increasing every year, they might as well not even have a cap.
  13. Smart move, someday that star will pay for his college.
  14. Good luck with the wisdom teeth. You might as well get it done. The sooner the better. I got mine out in college about 13yrs ago. My jaw felt like it was broken for 2 months.
  15. Your probably right, if the bills were winning more I would probably watch it more because they would most likely be covered more. But I just do not find it that interesting most of the times. The combine is fun & so is the SR Bowl, but the offseason for the most part is a real drag.
  16. I had $100 bucks on Memphis last night minus the 1.5. I thought the game was in the bag with 2 minutes left until they int the inbound & drilled that trey. Tough way to lose. I still say if Memphis played them 10 times they would of beaten them 7 or 8 times, but what are you going to do? I got to blame at least part of the loss on coach cal last night. I mean they come out & instead of doing what was successful all year they kept trying to run Rose of picks. That is not his game. They should of came out from the start, spread everything out & let Rose work in some open space. 2nd half they adjusted & Rose started knocking down some shots. Then, how can you not make sure your players know to fall the guy as soon as he gets to the halfcourt line. Rose was hesistant & even when he psuhed collins down he threw his hands up like to say I did not do anything. Clearly there was some kind of miscommunication there. The other thing I noticed was under the last 5 minutes it seemed like the only one that wanted to take a shot was Roberts & Rose. Where was Dozier or Anderson. Dozier got the ball in the corner with about 15 sec left & couldnt get rid of it fast enough. Clearly he did not want to be on the foul line with the game on the line. Oh well. You guys had a good season & have nothing to be ashamed of.
  17. I have to be honest, I have direct tv & I think the NFL Network is the most overrated channel there is. All they do is show old games & stupid segments like "look who is talking now". I watch the NFL Network once in awhile during the season & very rarely in the offseason. The offseason is brutal. Check out there lineup today. It is pathetic. Cable subscribers, I know it is easy for me to say because I have it, but your really not missing that much. The only thing IMO it is worth having is when they show the late season games on there & they also show a few 3rd tier bowl games for people that are interested in that. The other thing is, if you want the NFL Network so bad, the easy solution is to just switch to Direct TV or Dish.
  18. My friend got 5 tickets in the upper deck from a client of his so we ended up selling our season tickets in the lower bowl(sec 108). I forgot how fun it used to be & how loud it could get by banging the old bleacher seats. I know alot of people may disagree with my but I actually miss the old bleacher seats in the lower bowl. Good times.
  19. Come on, the heffers in buffalo arent so bad. You just put a paper bag over their head, strap a 2x4 around your ass, tell them to bend over & start slappin!!! It is alot of fun.
  20. I would'nt kick her out of bed for eating crackers but in the same respect, I dont know if she is worth losing a friend over either.
  21. I will agree with that. Spring is hit or miss here, where in NYC or Philly temps will be around 50 at least from mid march on. Yesterday was sunny, 62 degrees here, today cloudy & rainy mid 40s. This weekend is supposed to be nice with temps hitting around 60 & sunny. You never know what to expect until mid to late april here. Then your usually out of the woods as far as the real cold temps & the snow.
  22. The weather gets over played here anyways. I do alot of business with people from NYC. Just 5 minutes ago the gentleman I was talking to that was in NYC said "how is the weather, you guys are still buried under 3 fett of snow arent you". I informed him that Im going golfing sunday & he started laughing, saying "I thought it did not stop snowing there until the middle of May". People are just ignorant when it comes to Buffalo's weather. It is not as bad as people make it out to be.
  23. I already said I was wrong alright. It was poor planning by the NFL. I've been a season ticket holder for 12 years now so Im well aware of kids day. The game starts at 7 right? Is it really that big of deal to take your kid to the game. You will still be home by 11:30 I suppose. I still think for the size of UB, they have poor attendance at their sporting events. I know the bball team was not very good this year but they should packed the place every night. What does Alumni Arena hold, 8-9K? They should still get close to a sellout even in down years. Bona packs the Reilly Center even though they suck every year.
  24. I suppose your right, they should of probably considered it. I guess when your trying to break thru as a program(& mkae no mistake about it, this might be a breakthru year for UB) you need every advantage you can get. It would not of killed them to schedule the preseason game on friday.
  25. I think it was pushed back to next week.
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