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Everything posted by Gordio

  1. I thought the same thing. First of all the weather was in the 60s, who wants to go to a football game and go in a swimming pool in that kind of weather. And of course they showed all bills fans in there, everybody must be thinking "this must be a real treat for bills fans to be in 60 degree weather that they want to go swimming." I got to say it was kind of embarrassing.
  2. Who did he say the cancer was?
  3. Yesterdays game felt like a chore watching it. MY buddie who I go to the games with called me up in the morning and wanted to see if I wanted to go to Byrnecliff in the afternoon. It was a beautiful day here and I probably would of but I have been fighting a head cold this week and although it was in the mid 50s and sunny here, it was a bit breezy and I didnt want to make it worse. I don't get to upset about the losses anymore. It used to ruin my whole week when I was younger. Yesterday felt like a gut punch though, just a horrible game against a horrible team. If anything though it makes that NE Monday night game a bit more interesting as that could be for first place. Yeah I know Arizona is pretty bad and they had that losing streak but believe me I gamble a lot on college football and there are a few other teams that are worst then them. Ucon & Umass would like to say hello. Anyways, congrats on the big win against Cal and to finally ring that victory bell, keep your chin up kid, college basketball starts this week!
  4. The right side of the line for the jags was moving early on every pass play yet it was never called. It was noticeable on tv, not sure how it looked at the stadium
  5. Just curious why this guy is not in the game plan anymore. I know he has been battling an ankle injury but if he is that injured why even dress him? I saw him on the field a few times yesterday and of course he dropped the one target that was thrown to him. But....this kids confidence has got to be in the toilet right now. When I go to the games I have noticed there are large stretches where he is not even on the field. I thought this kid was valuable asset last year, it seemed like everytime he caught a ball it was a first down. I thought this kid was on his way after last season, pretty disappointing he is not part of the game plan.
  6. We could only hope. I could not believe how bad how line was getting flat out beat yesterday. Very Disturbing. Dawkins was horrible I thought.
  7. I was one that wanted Hollister over Sweeney. Noticeable dropoff. Looks slow
  8. This season is starting to remind me of that 89 season. They were coming off of a 2 seed and conf champ loss, they kind of under performed but snuck into the playoffs, then loss a heart breaker to Cleveland. I think the bills are going to suffer a similar fate this year. I am starting to think with a few key added pieces next year is the year we start our super bowl run.
  9. Yeah I know they played them two years ago. My point is every time a non power 5 team knocks on the door for this playoff everybody brings up their SOS, which I understand Cincy is like 100 right now. But it is impossible for them to improve their SOS. I will also say this, between Cinci/OSU/Alabama Cinci is the only undefeated team and they also have the best win out of the three of them in beating ND who is #10 in south bend. So how are these two teams ranked ahead of them?
  10. No clue about the tailgating. I was there in 01 and the tailgating was weak too. In fact we were the stars of our parking section since we brought two kegs and were doing keg stands. People were acting like they never seen that before but good times. This time the tailgating was unreal I think because it was the georgia/florida game. The smokers were huge, people doing shots all over the place setting up full scale bars in the middle of parking lots. I even seen a whole gator roasted over a fire like you would do with a pig. It was wild. Beautiful girls everywhere too. I told my son who is a senior this year in hs you are nuts not looking at schools down in the south. Anyways fun time
  11. I was down in Orlando for the week and me, my son & his two friends decided to go to the Florida Georgia game in Jacksonville last Saturday. Awesome experience, game sucked but the atmosphere and tailgating were off the hook. Bills game on steroids. Couple observations for those out of towners who are going. - The stadium is way nicer then I remember it. I was there in 2001 and I thought the stadium kind of sucked. But they have two huge Jumbo, one in each endzone, great site lines & the concourses are pretty wide. I mean it is not one of your nicer stadiums in the league but it is way nicer than the ralph imo. - This one is important, I didnt have a pre parking pass which seemed like you needed to park close to the stadium so being out of town and not familiar with the area I found myself parking about a 20 minute walk from the stadium. Off of a street called Phillip Randolph Blvd. yeah big mistake. Never been so scared walking back to my car. It was a scene and not in a good way. We got in our car and got the hell out of there but not the nicest neighborhood. I would highly suggest not parking anywhere close to there and trying to find some other way to drive home. We jumped on the 95 South from there and believe me I never been so happy to be on a thruway. I personally have never seen an area as bad as this and I went to Canisius and have been down the east side of buffalo many of times. I will leave it at that. Anyways safe travels to whover goes to the game, have fun!
  12. Your probably right but quick question, do you think in any universe the committee would ever rank a team even with a better resume that loss to Alabama or Ohio State ahead of them in the polls like some of you are suggesting that is going to happen to Oregon? Noway, this becomes the double standard of the playoff selection committee. If your Alabama/Ohio ST/Clemson/Notre Dame you have the inside track over everybody else no matter how you play on the field. Save the crap about how teams like Cinci have a horrible SOS. Cinci has -0- chance of improving their schedule because no one would play them this year. Why doesnt OSU play them anymore?
  13. Probably right those are the 3 best teams but there is noway you could rank OSU over Oregon until Oregon loses again. This is not even debatable, Oregon beat them in their house. This is why the committe put Oregon in the 4 hole, they knew they could not rank OSU ahead of Oregon or they lose all credibility and they wanted to give OSU the inside poll position to jump into the top 4 which they will do if they beat Sparty.
  14. That drive your talking about when he took the sack on first down, man he had sweeney right open on the right flat, I think he gains at least 10 yards there before even getting touched. Horrible decision by Josh, but it happens. The other play that sticks out to me was early, I think it was their second drive when they were in goal to goal situation and he missed sanders on the back of the endzone and dumped it off to the rb instead. That one hurt as thta would of been an easy td. Can't miss plays like that in a game like this.
  15. No doubt he swept her off her feet with his soothing voice.
  16. The Bills really don't try to run it. Our Rbs our fine. The schedule really opens up now. I said all along I will be happy with 1-1 result on the KC/Tenn game, those are road Monday night games. Even the Bills super bowl teams rarely won those type of games when they were played at night when they rolled into arrowhead or three rivers. We will have our division wrapped up by Thanksgiving. Seeding not sure, the good thing is Baltimore and KC division, those teams should beat each other up. Tenn has got it a bit easier. That division is almost as bad as ours.
  17. Yeah I mean he won a National Championship so you got to give him credit. Burrow kind of fell in his lap though, after he got beaten out for the starting job at Ohio St, so that was kind of luck. Sure you still got to recruit him but.....in most years a talented QB of his talents isn't available as a transfer player.
  18. Yeah a national championship ring doesn't buy you as much time as it used to. Personally, I just think he caught lightning in a bottle that year, lucked out on JB transferring over and had great talent. I think as the last few years have shown it is pretty obvious that year in and year out LSU was going to have a tough time keeping up with the heavyweights of the SEC under Coach O's leadership.
  19. Yeah you might have better luck downtown, I am not a big downtown guy, about 8 years my wife & I were in Vegas and she begged me to take her downtown as she was never there. We were walking on the sidewalk and I was looking up at this sign not paying attention and I ran right into about a 300 pound girl who looked like mortisha and had only a bikini bottom on and two pasties to cover her nipples and leather black boots that went up to her knee. I had nightmares for weeks and vowed never to go to the downtown part ever again.
  20. I havent been to Vegas since two super bowls ago, pre Covid, but small tables are hard to find on the strip, especially on the weekends. You will get a few $10 or $15 minimum tables but a lot of them are $25 minimum. They took Osheas out a few years ago which always had small limit tables. Your best bet for finding small limit tables is probably going off the strip, maybe to the downtown section, not sure though.
  21. Gilmore is going to the highest bidder, I am pretty sure he is not interested in ring chasing. He will sign with some team that is pretty good but I am pretty sure it won't be buffalo.
  22. Yeah it would be great if it happened but it is not going to so why even bring it up?
  23. Why in the world would he do a sign & trade, that makes absolutely no sense on his part. He is a free agent, if Beane wants to retain his rights he is going to have to franchise him which is obviously is not going to happen.
  24. It wouldn't work. UB did play a game at the stadium Thanksgiving weekend a few years ago, I think it was well attended but it was a novelty. I do think if UB started playing in OP you would get more fans there from the community but students right now arent crazy about taking a 5 minute walk to the stadium, my guess is they it would be a tough sell to treck all the way across to the southtowns. It is disappointing, with the size of UB(I think they have 20K + underrgrad students they should have one of the best home court/home field advantages in the MAC but it is just not the case although Alumni Arena can produce a good atmosphere when the team is going good.
  25. Yeah, UB football attendance is bad enough for the student section, put the games in Orchard Park and the student section would be non existent. UB does need a new football stadium, but it needs to go on campus and it needs to suit UB football, which means a nice 30K + stadium, with the student section right on top of the field and closed in atmosphere. Ask Miami what happens when you pout the stadium 40 minutes away from campus, they had one of the best home field advantages at the orange bowl, since that has been knocked down their program and the support of their program has suffered, I don't think it is a coincidence.
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